Recording update 22/6

asgeir said:
I see no point in defending our time management.

..and believe me: It's NOT easy decoding the labyrinths of guitars on some of the albums...

- Asgeir

Especially if you want to get everything up to snuff for live playing. If I were the new guitarist for Borknagar, I'd want more than 7 weeks to prepare---there'd be nothing worse than playing a few gigs with people walking away shaking their heads saying how much I suck just because I hadn't had enough prep time.
iAMtheblackwizards said:
Yeah man, if you guys come to the states ill be real happy, hey there is a metal fest in new jersey on november 14th and 15th (hint hint), hahahaha. Out of everything ive seen on that fest though the only confirmed band so far is Nile, the website says list coming soon, and i cant find any other bands that mention it on their shows list. Oh well, ill go see Nile again.
What fest is that? Are they moving the metal meltdown to november (or making it a twice yearly affair ((pray))?
No they arent moving metal meltdown. its the guys who did the new england metal fest, they decided to do one in jersey during november. As of right now the bands i know playing are Nile, Hate Eternal, Deicide, and Cattle decapitation. However, on the second day of it, in philly, Dimmu borgir and Children of bodom are playing, so im thinking they may be playing the first day of the fest, since it would be a logical move, at least i hope :)
i wanted to discuss the lyrical content of the new album, so i figured I'd try to re-rail this thread rather than start a new one...

Very few bands' lyrics interest me the way Bork's do. I'm sure that some will disagree, but to me, Empiricism is the current high water mark for overall lyrical content on any of their albums. Øystein's songs are incredible as usual, but I also love Lars' touch on Black Canvas. Any word on the themes of any of the new material?

And while we're on the subject of lyrics (we are, aren't we?) I've been wanting to ask about some of the vocbulary on Emp...

Some of the words seem almost invented, like in the work of James Joyce, or Anthony Burgess, or even Faulkner. Words like eternising, and erodent... they seem to be either amalgamations or intentional misspellings to imply a deeper layer of meaning...

Also - the final verse of Soul Sphere, which isn't documented in the cd insert or the website.. The use of soul sphere/soul's fear - I love stuff like that...

Anyhoo - thank you guys for being so fluent in English - I would have a hell of a time analyzing this stuff in Norwegian...

Although lyrics can't be more important than music
i am glad that you don't have titles like "Hammer smashed face" ...