Recording Vocals Effects/Tricks: For singers with a deep/low voice


Dec 29, 2005
Im going to be laying down some vocal tracks and i naturally have a low/deep voice.

I don't sing in a low/deep tone though, and i dont sound much like me when i sing. (im not trying to sing like someone else, so dont get the wrong idea)

Im just wondering if there are any eq tricks or mics that generall suit radio friendly melodic/med/high range singing? I guess something like Thrice, but a bit more pussified, yeah i sing like a puss but thats what im comfortable with :)

I've heard that deep voice 80's hair metal singers used to use a hint of chorus in their voice to lighten up or something to that effect.

I know at the end of the day being in key is what will matter most.

Any and all advice would be appreciated!
so u sing right ?

cos with some dudes who growl i use a pitchshifter up a key to get them to sound clearer

i would suggest cutting the low ends 120 hz onwards

or maybe use a telephone voice preset

and use a overdrive plugin , and send some of ur vocals there thru the fx send and on the overdrive plugin u filter out anything lower than 250hz and anything above 1000hz

adjust the send according to taste
dandan said:
I know at the end of the day being in key is what will matter most.

More so just having a good voice. It is amazing how many people track vocals for the first time and are like "dude that is not what I sound like something is wrong". :Smug:

There are so many things you can do but the first would be matching a mic up to the voice.