Peavey 5150 sound: Machine Head
That's the most obvious one by far (for me at least).
There also tons of albums where i couldn't guess the amp/setup for shit, especially after listening to the Lasse Lammert clips where he gets very similar tones from one amp to another, and reading studio reports where they say "yeah we blended amp A with amp B with amp C" and it ends up sounding like none of these amps or just like one of those

I think it's more a "signature sound" period than a "signature amp sound" thing, since the any element of the rest of the signal chain (playing style, pick, guitar, pups, clean boost or distortion pedal, cab, speaker, mic positioning, post-processing) can change the tone as much as the amp itself.
Nowadays, in the age of reamping/amp blending, there are less and less "identifiable" tones out there (and more diversity too).
Regardless of what amp was used, it's often this producer A tone (Sneap, Evetts, Sturgis, Richardson, Nordstrom, Madsen...) we recognize, or this player B tone (Nuno Betencourt, Dime, Slash, ...), and of course it's evolving a bit over time (tones from producer A in year X/X+1/X+2 are different than what is pulling in year X+7/X+8/X+9 : for example Colin Richardson had an identifiable tone in the mid 90's, and now when i listen to his latest stuff it's totally different) and adapting to the project.