Recreate Andy's C4-Setting with Logic Multipressor


Oct 9, 2007
Hey you guys...

I have a (maybe really) dumb question...
Yesterday I finished my DIY Isolation Cab and recorded a short clip with my Engl Savage 60. Then I thought ... "well, I've got Multipressor and I've got Andys C4-Settings ... let's try to recreate them".

I'm ashamed, but I don't have a clue, what that "Range"-slider would be in Multipressor.

And another totally dumb question ...
With Gain on 0.3 my guitar track is (of course) clipping. Do you set up a Limiter right after compression? I don't think I should cut that peaks, should I?
Hey you guys...

I have a (maybe really) dumb question...
Yesterday I finished my DIY Isolation Cab and recorded a short clip with my Engl Savage 60. Then I thought ... "well, I've got Multipressor and I've got Andys C4-Settings ... let's try to recreate them".

I'm ashamed, but I don't have a clue, what that "Range"-slider would be in Multipressor.

And another totally dumb question ...
With Gain on 0.3 my guitar track is (of course) clipping. Do you set up a Limiter right after compression? I don't think I should cut that peaks, should I?

your multipressor probably just doesn't have the range knob...doesn't matter just set your threshold so it doesn't compress too much.
the 0,3 is just makeup-gain, so with that setting it should not be it doesn't really matter that Andy IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE set it to .3 since you'd have to tweak the makeup-gain anyway to "make up" for the gainreduction you have....tweak it to taste
Range sets the maximum gain reduction - it's a parameter that's only used in C4 and LinMB by Waves. With a threshold of -27 dB the range of -8 should be resulting in a ratio of 1.23 : 1 - for normalized material. But it really depends on the volume of your guitar-tracks...

After all, you shouldn't just try to copy Andy's settings. Use the basic idea of compressing the low mids, depending on your material! Try a decent ratio (about 1.5 - 2) and a quite extreme threshold as a starting point... and then: use your ears!

Hope you get a killer-sound! :headbang:

Edit: Makeup - it's just like EQing afterwards. But because the frequencies have been compressed - they shouldn't clip at all! (If you just compress the low-mids and then don't raise them, your guitars may start to sound wimpy.)
D'Oh ... you totally owned me
Thanks for showing me my newbishness :D

I never wanted to copy Andy's Settings. I just wanted to hear, what the Multiband-Compressor does to my sound. And as Andy's Settings may be a good starting point blah blah ... ;)
Yeah, okay ... I totally have to learn how a compressor works :D

Thanks for the suggestions ... gotta try that out this evening.
Oh ... another question:

Do you bus all the guitar-tracks and compress them as a whole, or do you individually work on every single track?
I usually compress a bus. That way I can listen to the effect in the mix directly and I save CPU-power. I also lower the deep-mids with an EQ before sending them to the bus - then I raise them again after submix and compression. This way I believe to achieve a clearer mix of the gits.

Have fun!
dude, not only that you're too lazy to read the FAQ you're even too lazy to scoll up a couple of posts or read the first post in this thread????


ey "dude",what about getting a life and just carry on with your own business.i don´t have the time to hang around in the internet all day,i just posted a question.if you don´t want to awnser it,relax :rolleyes:

i thought the screenshot of the C4 in the first post is a standard screenshot ,and not a certain "andy-sneap-c4-screenshot",sorry

ey "dude",what about getting a life and just carry on with your own business.i don´t have the time to hang around in the internet all day,i just posted a question.if you don´t want to awnser it,relax :rolleyes:

Dude, there's no reason for the attitude, especially on your third post ever. It just gets old when people come along who can't spend five seconds of their own time looking for something that is easily found...there's a reason for the sticky thread called "Useful Links / FAQ". Basically everyone on this forum is knowledgeable and friendly and will help you out with any legitimate question you may have that pertains to recording, but if you aren't willing to put any effort into trying to find information that has already been discussed and re-discussed multiple times, then no one is going to be willing to pick up your slack.
Dude, there's no reason for the attitude, especially on your third post ever. It just gets old when people come along who can't spend five seconds of their own time looking for something that is easily found...there's a reason for the sticky thread called "Useful Links / FAQ". Basically everyone on this forum is knowledgeable and friendly and will help you out with any legitimate question you may have that pertains to recording, but if you aren't willing to put any effort into trying to find information that has already been discussed and re-discussed multiple times, then no one is going to be willing to pick up your slack.

sorry,but i didn´t start to be unfriendly,i just reacted.i just don´t like it when people in forums treat "others" like they were idiots,and like i said,i misinterpreted the screenshot....peace?!:loco:
I usually compress a bus. That way I can listen to the effect in the mix directly and I save CPU-power. I also lower the deep-mids with an EQ before sending them to the bus - then I raise them again after submix and compression. This way I believe to achieve a clearer mix of the gits.

Have fun!

Actually; I tried this but the result through the bus sounds completely different than putting the C4 on each single track, anybody know what that is?
The panning on the guitar tracks is L/80/R/80.
And the bus is centered.
Use a stereo buss abyssofdreams. Pan it hard L and R (if your using pro tools or a daw that allows for both stereo chanells to be panned individually).

Personally I prefer one on each guitar buss.

Also: I personally think that it is not a bad idea to learn from others setting. So hearing how Andy's C4 settings sound on a guitar track (even if it doesn't fit exactly as it won't) isn't non benificial. I didn't know where to start before comming onto this baord and finding that gem, I didn't own the the C4 but did try a demo in order to hear it. It was good to know what kind of sound you want to shoot for.
sorry,but i didn´t start to be unfriendly,i just reacted.i just don´t like it when people in forums treat "others" like they were idiots,and like i said,i misinterpreted the screenshot....peace?!:loco:

Just a friendly warning... or at least as friendly a warning as I can give...

The FAQs and the Search buttons are your friend. Asking about something in one of the stickied posts, or something that has already been discussed time and time again (compressors, hot settings and samples, this and that effect, whatever) is not going to go over well.

Maybe WaveArts MultiDynamics can be tried first - it is easy because it uses challenge/response system for authorization. And it is very very similar to C4 (use ratio of 2 for accurate recreation), it lacks only autorelease.
Also: I personally think that it is not a bad idea to learn from others setting. So hearing how Andy's C4 settings sound on a guitar track (even if it doesn't fit exactly as it won't) isn't non benificial. I didn't know where to start before comming onto this baord and finding that gem, I didn't own the the C4 but did try a demo in order to hear it. It was good to know what kind of sound you want to shoot for.


Thanks again for all your kind tipps btw ... I love this board :headbang: