Red House Painters


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
Everyone here who is not familiar with the Red House Painters should certainly check them out. Opeth Mike is a huge fan of theirs - and his vocals are enormously influenced by the singer, Mark Kozelek. It's sometimes eerie to hear the similarity in Mikes clean vocals and Kozeleks.

Red House Painters play some brand of indie/rock/folk/acoustic downer drone music. Katatonia is also heavily influenced by them. My favorite releases are from their more older material, but I also like some tracks from the newer ones. I recommend: 'Down Colorful Hill', 'Rollercoaster' (just called 'Red House Painters', but has a rollercoaster pic on the cover), 'Ocean Beach' and a number of songs on 'Songs for a Blue Guitar'. I've not heard enough off of the new one, 'Old Ramon' to give much comment on it - except that it sounds much happier than the older material. Definitely check out the older ones first though. Kozelek's solo project, under his own name, is also great. It's usually AC/DC covers, transformed into beautiful acoustic pieces and made to be completely sad and depressing, if you can believe it - I recommend those as well (those are particularly where his voice is similar to Mikes).

OK - enough on this. You can find samples of all their releases @ so check it out if you want.