Rediscovered Music?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Have any of you gone back to music you once listened to, grew out of, but now are beginning to appreciate again?

Back when I was 16 or so (6 years ago- I'm 22 now) I listened to a lot of the fairly popular bands of the time. Korn, Static-X, and that whole bunch. A lot of them still make me cringe to think that I once listened to them, but a few of those bands I've learned to like again.

Namely Godsmack, Powerman 5000, and Rammstein. Tonight The Stars Revolt, Transform, Godsmack, Awake, Sehnsucht, and Mutter are all great albums I've been listening to lately.

Have any of you rediscovered old favorites that you considered throwing in the trash at one point?
No, a lot of music I listened to in the past are stuck in the past, like Nu Metal I listened to when I ws in middle school about 6-7 years back, time flies by.
i'm putting a damper on yours... right... okay. eat shit and die, please. either that or stop fucking being such a prick. if i wish to express my opinion then that's my matter, so piss off
i'm putting a damper on yours... right... okay. eat shit and die, please. either that or stop fucking being such a prick. if i wish to express my opinion then that's my matter, so piss off

Stop whining like a chick, you sound like your 10

edit: haha you ARE female, lol. Anyways I wasn't replying to your post with "not applicable" I was stating that I haven't rediscovered any music myself, if thats what you were whinging about
lol, she is a chick.

I pretty much keep what I used to listen to in the past, because i'm trying to get into new bands atm.
in_absentia is entitled to say that, its a similar situation.
ive done it as well.
Rage, i played one album over and over again, coz it was the only album i could find.
stopped listening to em for a while coz i couldnt find any other stuff.
recently, as in the last few months, i have found other albums, and listened to em all over again.
its not the only band for me that that has happened.
Listening to a lot of Fiona Apple lately. And a lot of hip-hop, for inspiration (I ain't saying what for lol).

But I don't often "grow out" of anything. The only thing I ever properly grew out of was nu-metal, because it's mostly dire.