Guilty Metal Pleasures

Municipal Waste
Old school thrash that isn't even remotely intelligent in terms of lyrics, but I just want to fucking thrash.

I used to really consider this type of stuff a guilty pleasure, but Morg just wants to thrash the fuck out sometimes.
^wow, really? i didn't know that.

Dream Theater and Opeth both suck a giant cock, deal with it. Also, few days back I listened to some LaBrie song youtube clip in some other thread and it was so disgustingly bad and horrible. I wanted to fucking kill myself.

EDIT: It actually hurts when I listen to some shit like this and try to understand why do people brag about it. And I honestly try sometimes.
Thats okay. You're entitled to your opinion and have a right to express it, which you did, and I'm entitled to my opinion and I have a right to express it, which I did.

EDIT: I've never listened to Opeth, as a matter of fact. Just sayin.