Refusing to work with a band

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
hey guys,

I have a band interested that I work with them for a complete album, but I'm unsure if I should do it. They posted a demo they recorded themselves a couple of months ago and it doesn't sound tight AT ALL, the playing on all instruments is off a lot of the times. They say they always practice with a metronome so it's a bit strange...They have show coming up in 2 weeks so I told them I'd confirm if I would record their album the week after the show. I already have a part-time job (about 25h a week), I'm fine with recording an album with a prepared band but not a band that can't play their songs fine. But at the same time it would be the most paying job I've done yet...and I really need money.

They also wanted a fixed price instead of paying by the hour, I agreed but now I think if they're not tight to charge by the hour and tell them to really pratice the song before the recording.

So, do you always go see the band in a show or at their jam session before confirming that you will record them? And have you ever refused to record a band?
If it's well payed and you need money, you should do it. Track everything liiiittle bit by little bit (bar by bar, note by note if necessary ! ) and edit the shit out of it .
You'll have something consistant and tight eventualy, if the band can't pull live it's not your problem.

I really do understand the dilemna though haha . I guess we all have to face it one day....

I always try to go and see the band in practice before but it's not always possible... Usually the demos they put online are a good indicator
Never refused to record a band before but I'd definitely recommend seeing a band live if possible before recording them.

If they're really not tight then make sure to charge accordingly. Chances are you'll be spending alot of time editing so either charge by the hour, or if you're doing a set price thing then set your rates high! Shit bands are generally quite stressful to record and you've got to make it worth your time.
just edit everything perfectly and get the money,you will have a good result and of course money that you need.
They are going to have to pay you a LOT to make it worth your time. I wouldn't do it unless you are aiming to do this full time and need the portfolio work desperately. You are going to fucking hate every second of it I promise.
Editing shit to make it less shit is shit. Tell them exactly what you thought about the demo - "hey guys, I think you need to work on your songs a bit more before hitting the studio."
Sloan said:
Editing shit to make it less shit is shit. Tell them exactly what you thought about the demo - "hey guys, I think you need to work on your songs a bit more before hitting the studio."

This sounds like the best option to me, just say it nicely and add a "I'll gladly work with you when you're fully prepared" and the whole "I only say it for the benefit of the end product" mumbo jumbo.

And yeah I think getting to see them live or going to a rehearsal is always good, not only to check if they're good enough but also to catch their "live feel" and get a good idea of what their "sound" could be
If your not into a band that want's to work with you don't do it. Cause if you do take on the job and are not into the project, you won't put your 100% into it. I would rather work with a band i can get excited about then work with a band solely because i need the cash.
fuck it. do it as long as the songs are even close to good. play all the instruments yourself if you have to. i used to puss out and either deny the bands or just settle for a sub par product.. now i will shamelessly play every single instrument on the project if i have to.
[UEAK]Clowd;9895393 said:
fuck it. do it as long as the songs are even close to good. play all the instruments yourself if you have to. i used to puss out and either deny the bands or just settle for a sub par product.. now i will shamelessly play every single instrument on the project if i have to.

That. :devil:
I have a local band which i've recorded once, which have the same dilemma. They suck soooo freakin bad, singer is the worst of them. Think he is awesome but has such bad timing and sings like shit...

They asked if i would like to record a full length with them :S One thing you could do, is to charge a bit higher then you usually do. That is what im gonna tell them. If they accept then i can be a money whore, throw 4 weeks of my life away, still get awesome result and can buy more stuff :D
Charge how you like, not how they want to. I get this every now and then where bands want to have a fixed rate for their album/e.p. Screw that, you pay an electrician or plumber by their hourly rates, you don't say here's 50 quid, fix the pipes until they're all working and I can call you back out if I'm not happy and get you to re do it without more money.

I've refused a band before because they were the worst band I've ever seen live. Also recorded a band twice that were similar levels of bad. Worst recordings I've done and they were a pain from start to finish.
As an off-side... how can many bands think they're good when they're so obviously shit? Boggles my cock!

Well quite allot of bands actually haha. You have to be retarded in some way to not hear that you are good at what you are doing. Some sort of Narcissism going on there haha

And yes, charge what you like, not what the band like.