Regarding the FAQ


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
Don't mean to be a pest or anything but I think the FAQ is a little outdated.
I think we as forum's people should sugguest a few new questions with answers regarding the GR album and some unanswered questions regarding past albums.

I don't know who are the moderators of this forum...I believe it's metalages and moonlapse. correct me if i'm wrong.

so what do you say?
Post your ideas, thoughts and additions/corrections here and we'll add them if it makes sense.

Moonlapse and Myself handle the moddie duties here.... and of course will as time permits.

I have 2 Questions and no Answers:
1. Why is "Closure" cut off at the end on the Damnation album?
2.Is "Atonement" inspired by the Beatles' "Tomorrow never knows" or is it just a coincidence?
This I know
3.Q:Who is the Drummer on the "Grand Conjuration" video?
A:Gene Hoglan from Strapping Young Lad,Death, Testament and more...
It's a bit outdated because it was something I just wanted to get done as quickly as possible, all in one go. Writing up the FAQ wasn't the most pleasurable experience I recall having :)

But post new questions away, prefferably with answers accompanying them, and we'll see what we can do.
Q: Is Ghost Reveries a concept album?
A: Yes it is, but the song Isolation Years has nothing to do with the concept.

Q: Wasn´t Ghost Reveries going to be a black metal album?
A: Nope, Mike never said it was.

Q: What kind of illness does Martin Lopez suffer from?
A: A rare blood disorder, which means sometimes he´s unable to play.
Botfly said:
who's the man jack frober in moonlapse vergo?

I always wanted to know that too

here is a question for
why is there no mentioning about Mikael's participating in Ayreon's "Human equation" on