
deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
so i was kinda seeing this girl from bowling green college in ohio, and its around 200 miles away, which i have no problem with. we hit it off from the beginning and things were going great
i told her about my band which happened to be called cold hand of christ. she being a total christian thought it was a christian band (i know haha) and wanted to see a show.
reluctantly, i leeked her info about our next show at the odeon, so she went and saw what we actually were and was totally turned off by the metal scene and its people
i dont know if its ever happened to you guys before, but ive never been so hurt in my life. i really loved this girl, but i could never be with someone who didnt like metal.
i couldnt imagine being 60 and listening to john tesh. thats not me. i want someone who when were both 60 will still rock out to cbf or garden of grey. didnt think it was too much to ask

anyways, just wanted to say hey to everyone, i havent died, just getting for xmas at target and its keeping my pretty busy
ill be attending the pittsburgh and cleveland nevermore shows, so i hope to see you all there, and ill be at the kreator show in a couple of weeks \m/

william, hope bozzfest was a sucess. havent really been coming to the site
to check. ill have to come out and watch a 'mind show sometime.
ill have to post more often. and mail me some stuff damnit! hahaha

and up the irons
hey dan! sorry for not sending the stuff out yet. i've been really busy with my band since the BWBK show, and other things going on. i promise i will get everything out to you soon, as well as the BozzFest vid and some other things id be able to throw in the package.

BozzFest was a success, had a nice little turnout. our 2nd BozzFest installment is going to be on Oct 30 (mischief night), and that's gonna be really killer. ill try to have that in the package im sending over to you, as well. take it easy, and try not to worry to much about the female you were speaking of. something i've learned... relationships suck
So why did you hit it off with a christian girl in the first place? If she liked metal you wouldn't be bothered by the fact that she's christian? And LoM, music helps shape your personality, or your personality determines what kind of music you listen to... same thing, the point is you're more likely to share the same interests and be more compatible with someone who listens the same music as you do, yeah. I know I'll never go for a non-metal chick.
Similarly, you hate a person for what they are. So I can hate christian girls, jewish girls, pop queens, and fucking hippie retards like penguin.
Guerrilla said:
Similarly, you hate a person for what they are. So I can hate christian girls, jewish girls, pop queens, and fucking hippie retards like penguin.
You forgot my pals, you fucking non-racist scum piece of mexican shit.
Yeah, you forgot mexicans too.

What are you? Jesus or something?
retarded penguin said:
You forgot my pals, you fucking non-racist scum piece of mexican shit.
Yeah, you forgot mexicans too.

What are you? Jesus or something?

You're kind of a racist, arent ya?
He tries to be, but he does more for shock value, also, some of the younger people here think it is cool to act all big and tough on the internet, real cool shit.
Being racist makes you appear tough?
I hadn't even considered that, well, that's because I'm intelligent.

---What's with all these "Serious Nancy's"?
retarded penguin said:
Being racist makes you appear tough?
I hadn't even considered that, well, that's because I'm intelligent.

---What's with all these "Serious Nancy's"?
I didn't mean that as a slight to you Penguin. Honestly, sometimes I think it is funny, sometimes I don't, depends what kind of mood I am in. But it is getting kind of redundant, no?

I do get sick of the 15,16,17,18 year olds on the internet trying to act all fucking big and bad. sure, I am only 21, but I have had enough shit happen to me for two lifetimes, including being homeless, starving, being disowned by my family, etc. etc. My family was a huge part of my life, now they want nothing to do with me, so it get's to me when when some punk who lives in daddy's home and really knows nothing about actually hardship tries to act like they know everything or alienate you for whatever petty reason they have, when at that age I was trying to find a place to spend the night, or asking a friend's family to take me in for awhile. It seems so...junior high.
Guerrilla said:
So why did you hit it off with a christian girl in the first place? If she liked metal you wouldn't be bothered by the fact that she's christian? And LoM, music helps shape your personality, or your personality determines what kind of music you listen to... same thing, the point is you're more likely to share the same interests and be more compatible with someone who listens the same music as you do, yeah. I know I'll never go for a non-metal chick.

are you kidding me? most of the girls with the loosest morals and the greatest tendencies to blow you hate metal! They fucking hate it!
k few things

1. will, i was just joking man, take your time hahaha, i know youve got a lot going on with the band and school an all that, its just good to hear from you.

2. worthless, gargle draino you bukkake man glaze loving rookie., dont fuck with someone whos been in here longer than 9 posts. i didnt ask you to read my post, and sure as hell didnt ask you to write something as homoerotic as you did.

3. poison, yeah im in cold hand of christ. currently on a hiatus due to jim being a truck driver and things, but i have a lot of solo material im workinhg on with some guys and im callking it a razorblade romance. interesting stuff.

4. i reread what i posted and i think i was misinterpreted. i meant that she is the one ditching me all the time because of my musical tastes. and whether i love a girl or not, ill never give up listeneing to metal to make her happy. screw that.

shes a great girl, but im not going to change for someone.

anyways, worthless, you dropped your nambla membership card -I- \m/
deathstrike from hell said:
3. poison, yeah im in cold hand of christ. currently on a hiatus due to jim being a truck driver and things, but i have a lot of solo material im workinhg on with some guys and im callking it a razorblade romance. interesting stuff.
what kind of metal are you guys exactly? or are you even metal? cause for some reason I remember hearing you were hardcore?
i've never heard your stuff(obviously)...but i'm from cleveland and have heard about you guys. just saw your cd the last time i was in The Exchange actually. might have to pick it up one of these times