Releasing Music


Nov 27, 2008
Leicester/Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hello there!

I'm here to ask about releasing music. The story goes that we've (my band) been asked to produce a demo (which we're currently writing) ready for digital release and I don't actually know how to do it! Obviously the music writing and recording bit we've sorted out, it's just the rest of it, I understand that stuff needs to be copyrighted, I have no idea what our manager means when he says it needs to be indexed etc, etc

So, can anyone give any sort of walk through of how this is done exactly, how do I access certain services, how much does it cost etc

I'm based in the UK also.


H-Bomb Tunecore distributes your songs to itunes, amazon and many other digital music stores. Also you will get a upc code for your release and isrc codes for all songs. Physical copies can also be sold over amazon print on demand however I don't have any experience with this. Hope this helps. Tunecore distributes your songs to itunes, amazon and many other digital music stores. Also you will get a upc code for your release and isrc codes for all songs. Physical copies can also be sold over amazon print on demand however I don't have any experience with this. Hope this helps.


I've used them before and it's pretty painless.
It seems like you'd just be paying for somebody else to do something that you could do on your own with a little bit of research.

Now, I wouldn't know how to go about this (never tried), but I'm sure it's not so complicated that you'd have to pay someone else to do it.
Exactly, I'm not really looking for someone else to do this and I think people have misunderstood where I'm coming from. I'm trying to find out about the process and how I would go about doing all that stuff myself.
50$ for a album per year, when i signed up the price for a single track / year was 10$, cant give you a guarantee on that though

This is correct. It's a very fair price for them to do all the work for you. This fee gets you in iTunes stores worldwide, MySpace Music, Zune, Amazon MP3, Rhapsody, Shockhound, Napster and a few more.

You can do all the research and try and figure out the process yourself but the time you spend doing all that is worth the $49.99 in my opinion. Plus, iTunes usually won't let you submit music unless you go through a service like this.
the spotify-usa launch acutally rules, i get a few cents everyday from streams, over the course of a few weeks i earned a... 6pc package of my picks of choice, HEY, better than not having a 6pc package of my picks of choice