
The problem is not the religion, but the fanaticism, the extremists and how their are totally blind.
I fear our future, the world needs more humanity instead of humans.
Religion wasn't the driving force behind these attacks (apparently), it was retaliation for the air strikes done in Iraq and Syria.

While I am by no means in any way trying to say what happened was justified, I don't understand at all how what they do is considered terrorism, while drone strikes that kill hundreds of civilians as collateral damage when trying to hit just a few high prority targets is not (it is by those getting hit though). It's not like by now those in charge of the strikes don't know there will be excessive casualties.

Now France is pulling a 2001 "War on Terror" campaign and asking for help from the US and Russia as though this is ever going to end. If anything, it's just going to escalate.

Remember though, might makes right, so if you have a superior army, your cause is just...