thoughts about God and Religion?

Jan 27, 2006
Have you heard about the Testament bandmambers exact thoughts (or belief) about God and Religion?
...and what do you guys believe?
I'm just curious!...

(By the way I'm an Atheist :notworthy ...I think Religion and God are the biggest Lies in history - brainwashing!, millions of innocent people have been killed. But believing in something could lead to something good too...I dont judge people by their religion)
Eric might be catholic. I remember reading an interview on-line from him around The Gathering time, and he seemed to be ok with it. I'll have to search to see if I can find it. I don't know about the others.
Have you heard about the Testament bandmambers exact thoughts (or belief) about God and Religion?
...and what do you guys believe?
I'm just curious!...

(By the way I'm an Atheist :notworthy ...I think Religion and God are the biggest Lies in history - brainwashing!, millions of innocent people have been killed. But believing in something could lead to something good too...I dont judge people by their religion)

That's funny, because atheism has been responsible for more killing than any "religious" conflict to date. To name a few: Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and to some extent, Hitler, who was born and raised Catholic, but later turned to a severe anti-Christian stance. Read up on Stalin's Purges. Millions were murdered just because they didn't want to subscribe to atheism. It's like the atheist version of current Islamo Fascism -- "convert or be killed".

And some notes in general about atheism, is that it takes MORE faith to believe that there is no higher power than to believe that there is. One could even say that Atheism is a religion in of itself. Yes, atheists don't go and meet to reinforce their [non-]beliefs, but atheists tend to try to convert beliefers by using [your] "brainwashing" scare tactic.

The truth is that there is more evidence to support the idea or thought that there is a higher power than there is to support that there isn't one. One simple one...explain Jesus. And no, using examples like Chriss "Mind Freak" Angel ain't gonna fly. ;)

Religion is NOT brainwashing. Religion is just an organized system where people with the same beliefs (or very similar beliefs) worship/practice in a peaceful manner. It's no different than organized sports -- Where all players agree on the same set of rules and abide by them.

Religion teaches a moral standard and a code of ethics. Many of which I believe atheists lack. Yes, many atheists believe they lead an ethical life, but when given examples of some of these ethics, I have to seriously question their verocity.

Many religous wars are started because one side sees an injustice committed by the "other side". It comes from the "right and wrong" syndrome, if you will. For example, the Iraqi War. Many on the secular Left couldn't see a reason for the US to invade, overthrow and replace a brutal dictator, and free the oppressed people, because those on the Left and athiests have a hard time seeing what's wrong with oppressive dictatorships. They think that it's just the way it is in that part of the world and we shouldn't have any say how that world does business. That's the problem with relative moralism. That is, what may be seen as wrong in my locale, may not be wrong in another locale. Well, I'm sorry, but killing people simply because they don't see things your way is WRONG, no matter where you are. And that's what Saddam Hussein did. Forget the WMD arguement...removing Saddam from power should have been a no-brainer for anyone with any sort of moral compass. But if you're an atheist, seeing things that should be so clear come across as so many shades of grey that they can't make up their minds until it's too late. In other words, most things are "black and white". Despite what those on the secular Left say.
Lincoln 6 Echo said:
Religion teaches a moral standard and a code of ethics. Many of which I believe atheists lack. Yes, many atheists believe they lead an ethical life, but when given examples of some of these ethics, I have to seriously question their verocity.

So do those ethics include the molestation of children by religious leaders in the community and the cover ups by even higher ranking religious figures?

Religious people who protest abortion clinics who take things a little to far by planting bombs to blow up the people performing the abortions?

and one more word.... the Crusades.

Please give some examples of how Atheists lead unethical lives. I would like to compare them to the lives of Catholics and other Christian based religions.
So do those ethics include the molestation of children by religious leaders in the community and the cover ups by even higher ranking religious figures?

So you're pointing to a few bad apples and concluding that the whole of religious people do just that? Figures....I always hear that example when this discussion comes up. Try finding a fresh one.

Religious people who protest abortion clinics who take things a little to far by planting bombs to blow up the people performing the abortions?

And the abortion doctors aren't going too far by killing millions of innocent babies just because the mother may have a head-ache that day? Gimme a break...

and one more word.... the Crusades.

Oh yeah....the Crusades, another bogus "child molestation"-esk example. Let's see, if you want the truth of the matter...

The Jewish people had that land WAY before there was even a religion called Islam. And so when the Muslims took over the "Holy Land", would you expect "The Chosen" to just take it lying down and rolling over? But of course, you would...that's called appeasement. You see, that's proving my point to some extent. Knowing what's right and wrong allows one to make decisions of such great importance. Not having a clear sense of right and wrong, like in the sense of Hitler's rise to power and his clandesden take-over of all of Europe, while the Chamberlains of England and France believed that we could have "peace in our time" were made to look like fools, because they couldn't see anything wrong with Hitler and what he was planning on doing.

Please give some examples of how Atheists lead unethical lives. I would like to compare them to the lives of Catholics and other Christian based religions.

How about hating everything somebody else does when it's better than what they themselves can do? In other words, the ultimate cynic.

And as a Catholic myself, I'd be interested to hear what examples you have? Other than the afore-mentioned priest crisis and the Crusades.

And it's amazing that atheists love to attack Christians and all what they do, but they'll give a pass to, or just look the other way when Muslims do much, much worse.

I think what's turned the atheist "community" against religion and Christianity specifically, is 9/11. They saw what radical Islamist were capable and willing to do, so therefore atheists think and/or believe that Christians are just as bad, if not worse. Yet, find me a Christian that has strapped a bomb to themselves and blown up innocent people for political gains. And no, the Irish-England conflict doesn't count.

But let me just say this, yes, Christianity went through its "Dark Ages" during the Crusades and Inquisition, but now, the Muslims are going through their's, and who do the atheists blame? The Christians, for fighting back in the attempt to save Western Civilization.
haha I am catholic but I have to say I disagree with the church on some issues and I dislike a lot of other catholics. Especially the ones that think metal music is devil music. I mean I guess I see where they are coming from but I am I kind person and I love the brutality of thrash and shit, you dont have to belive in what they lyrcs say, I could go to a black metal concert and scream " Hail Satan" and still be confident with my spirituallty.
haha I am catholic but I have to say I disagree with the church on some issues and I dislike a lot of other catholics. Especially the ones that think metal music is devil music. I mean I guess I see where they are coming from but I am I kind person and I love the brutality of thrash and shit, you dont have to belive in what they lyrcs say, I could go to a black metal concert and scream " Hail Satan" and still be confident with my spirituallty.

Pretty much the same here. I've been a metal fan for about 20 years now, and my theory is just don't pay too much attention or give much creedance to the lyrics....just dig the music.

That said, I've been into all kinds of bands through the years. One of them being the ultimate in satanic metal, Slayer. So, there ya go...

One thing that I am seriously getting fed up with is the perceived "open season" on those of faith by the so-called non-believers. Like I said in my post above, it seems that because some fanatical religious fuckers from the Middle East decided to kill in the name of God/Allah, the atheists believe that all persons of faith are that fanatical. What this amounts to is that the atheists are trying to convince those persons of faith in the Judism and the Christian followings that they should abandon their beliefs because religion is some sort of brainwashing. Thus making us all become the Godless nation/civilization that the Muslims already think we are. ie. Kill the Infidel/Kill the non-believer! Ironic isn't it? The atheists are wanting us to become even BIGGER targets for the Islamo Fascists.
You seems to know alot about religion "Lincoln" but you are so wrong about judging atheism and call it a Religion! I admit Intelegent design-shit could be called a religion using scientific-terms to trick people into something.
Christians have killed people from all kinds of religious background to convert them...but there are also many more dangerous relgions

"The truth is that there is more evidence to support the idea or thought that there is a higher power than there is to support that there isn't one."
= just bullshit

So many "lies" from all religions have been described later in a scientific way...sure you can't explane everyting on this planet but to make up a story/religion is just so wrong to me!

Actually, Lincoln 6 Echo is correct about atheism being classified a religion. The US Supreme Court was the one who made this official by declaring Secular Humanism (i.e. Atheism) as a religion. Granted, maybe not everyone agrees with it, but L6E isn't wrong in his statement.

Fuck it, I hope this thread doesn't go much further. It was started to find out what beliefs, if any, that the band members have. Can we leave it at that? :lol:
I prefer not to discuss religion over the internet, but I feel I must step in here.

First, just because the leadership is corrupt doesn't mean the followers are. The Catholic church is one of the most corrupt and hypocritical organisations on Earth. Just because the officials in the Catholic church commit child molestation doesn't mean that the followers do.

Also, being a Christian is more than just saying so. One must follow the bible, and live by it. That being said, the vast majority of people that claim to be Christian are not. Ever hear the song "One Foot in Hell" by Forbidden? They talk about this very thing. The Catholic Church isn't an organisation promoting the Christian way so much as it is Rome's last stand at conquering the world. Sorry to any Catholics I have offended, but you know, while you may not be like this, your church is. Martin Luther himself said that he believed the Catholic Church organisation itself was the Anti-Christ.
There are also the fanatical blockheads that claim that things such as heavy metal, comic books and videogames are the product of the devil. While this is something most prevalent in Islam (ever hear the religious leaders in Iran speak?), there are some Christians, or should I say "Christians" that support these fanatical beliefs. These are beliefs contrived by overzealous fools. Nowhere in the Bible does it say the devil's a maker; he's only a taker.

Also, Ghengis Khan, an atheist, killed more people while constructing his empire than the crusades. And also, Islam is the religion where immediately following its foundation, did its followers attack all surrounding territories. Early Christians were persecuted and murdered for their beliefs. And just because the crusaders killed people to try to convert them doesn't make it right. And it doesn't make them Christian. Again, just because someone goes to church and claims to be Christian doesn't mean they are.
well honestly, i do belive in good and i am catholic... and i think metal and religion are 2 things totaly you can hear metal and be religious too...
Heck yeah, Razorhead 95,

..."Worshipped on sunday forgotten all week". Twisted into Form is a masterpiece, I love that album. :notworthy
Im not really a religious person I would call my self more of a spiritual person cause I would rather just worship in the privacy of my home.
just thought i'd pop in here.

I'm a Christian, and not a catholic or what most people think of when they hear that word. When I say I'm a Christian, I mean simply that I believe the Bible and that Jesus is who he said he was, and that I attempt to adhere to the path of life he taught. I'm not one of those psychos you see on TV. Those who are of other faiths or none, they are still my fellow brothers and I have nothing against them. I feel that nobody should tell someone else what to believe, because it's totally pointless. Whatever path one takes is up to their own self discovery, and no one else can force them to believe anything.

As for thoughts on the existence of God, I could go in depth, but I will just say I always thought it was funny how many people believe aliens exist, but don't believe in a deity of some form.

anyway, yes, on with the metal indeed! :rock: