Religious Extremists

JColtrane said:
As a Christian, this kinda stuff makes me really mad. A Bible with comics strips in it!! Woohoo! You know, the words of the Bible are just too boring for kids, and the world is all about entertainment, so let's make the Bible into a comic book! Really frustrating. I hope you guys don't think all Christians are like this.

That's a given. Anyone who thinks that secular music is the devil's work would not come here unless it was to "witness" to us.
and there's no such bloody thing as "Christian" and "secular" music except in the fact that it's a made up term by a greedy "Christian" industry looking to make money off of believers and avert people's attention from Christ Himself onto an evil man-made elite little world so they'll go the easy route and hate all of us. Actually that's the aim of a lot of organizations now that I think about it. But I digress. Come on, just because a painter who is a Christian paints a picture of a tomato it doesn't make it a Christian tomato. And I find much, much music made by non-Christians, who are searching and (in their inner being) trying to be Christ-like, to be way way more inspiring and divine sounding than a lot of music made by Christians..sad but true. I mean DragonForce for example makes me think of God's face, and of spiritual warfare, that is straight up what I get from their expression. Because many of them (Christian musicians) get caught up in the industry bull and try to please the little industry is an industry, Christian label or not.

Pay absolutely no mind to legalistic, BS sites such as this, they are not worth the attention.
I showed this site to my brother who was a fairly adept religious follower, and he even thought it was utterly ridiculous... these people do not have many followers
...I sure hope so. Wow, what a giant piece of crap is this?
Anybody seen "Inherit the Wind" with Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly?
Excellent movie about a real case from 1925, when a biology teacher (somwhere in the middle-west I think) was accused of teaching Chuck Darwin's theory of evolution, and a smaal town completely falling into a fundamentalistic war against science.

In my opinion these guys completely misjudge on what the bible (the New Testament) is about, by taking it word by word, even after two thousand years of political and social evolution. Even if their intentions maybe (mind you, maybe) right, the way they pursue them couldn't be more anti-christian.

If World War II has done anything good in the World, it was that the christian church in Germany supported the Nazis and lost its whole credibility when it came out.
So they became a very decent folk afterwards, knowing when its best to shut the **** up and that helping people is more important, than to force them to follow their way.

indoctrination = stagnation = death

It's when i read shit like this that i get really worried about how many idiots there are in this world! I mean i really can't fathom how they believe all that stuff they write and how anyone with any sense at all wolud fall for it. But it sickens me when people like them target's just trying to get the inocent and inesxperienced to follows their messed up ideas. It's like building up a following by more worse than how certain middle east groups encourage children to blow themselves up for religion.
Just wrong, but thank fuck these sort of people are few and far between.
Im wondering how many people took a closer look at this and took a second to reflect on what was said. Im not a Christian, Hell, I sorta pity them for disguising their mother or father complexes as "Religion", nonetheless, they sometimes make valid points. A good friend of mine is a Christian and she took me to a mass once. It's a so called "Free Church", followers of Jesus.. I didnt like it there, but I hafta give it to them, they really cared for each other and they seem to take life a lot more seriously than most people I know do. I didnt go there a second time because their way of getting close to me got me highly uncomfortable.. you know, they thought I wanted to talk with everyone about everything.. I didnt, I hardly knew them and didnt want to talk about much there.. but I hafta give it to them, I felt more.. "human" among them..

A lot of what they say is exagerated Bullshit, but they sometimes make very valid points.. well, my 2 cents.
JColtrane said:
As a Christian, this kinda stuff makes me really mad. A Bible with comics strips in it!! Woohoo! You know, the words of the Bible are just too boring for kids, and the world is all about entertainment, so let's make the Bible into a comic book! Really frustrating. I hope you guys don't think all Christians are like this.
I'll ditto that entire post instead of going off on my own little rant.