Lamb of God still owns all

As far as my favorite "yeller"

Jens Kidman - Meshuggah. Hands down... but Devin and Mike from Opeth kick major ass, too.
J the TyranT said:
As far as my favorite "yeller"

Jens Kidman - Meshuggah. Hands down...

I love meshuggah but to be honest I don't like Jens vocals. He basically sounds like an angry dad yelling at his kids. There is nothing unique or instrumental about his voice to me.
if i had to pick a favorite screamer it would probably be mikael from opeth..dude can sing like no other too and he makes screaming look effort less
Nothing really great about Sacrament... Nothing special about it. I'm big fan Of Lamb Of God. The new album is not bad in general. But comparing to previous stuff its shit. Yea, new style of Randy's vocals, some new stuff with music. But still... Something is missing.
Adler is pretty good though.
And I agree about the song "Again We Will Rise" being cool.
Neurotica - you know there are two Adlers in the band right? :)

I had to respond to this thread seeing as this topic is very popular between my friends as well , and I have to admit... I can't find anything that I don't like about this album...
Sonically the album sounds amazing , songs are great.
I still can't get enough of this album.
same.....I think it's a masterpiece. I've been sitting at the office with this beast on the mp3 player constantly for the last 2 days.
sdmf195 said:
Neurotica - you know there are two Adlers in the band right? :)

Umm... No, I didn't know. I meant Chris Adler. He's one of my fave drummers ever. Is there any other Adler?
Brooks said:
Anyone notice that there's literally no mention of Machine anywhere on the internet?

Does he have a website?

yeah he has a site...just google machine really has nothing on it though...I wish I could pick this guys brain....I think he does great work...
They make some killer fucking music. This one is flooring me just like the last one did. Problem is, every time I hear these guys, I think I should sell my guitars. Jeeeeeezes. LoG is the only all-Cookie-Monster-vocals band I can listen to. I like to hear real singing along with the skull-crushing riffage.
machines a good producer but I really wish they would of had andy sneap or someone mix it. Machines mixes arent so great. LOG def has their own sound, but the drums/guitar/vox could def use some help.
DeathByDrums said:
machines a good producer but I really wish they would of had andy sneap or someone mix it. Machines mixes arent so great. LOG def has their own sound, but the drums/guitar/vox could def use some help.


I mean, I know this is all personal preference and all, but those drumsounds are amazing. NOTHING touches the clarity on the cymbals Machine gets, and those toms sound huuge!

The guitars are typical LoG - love 'em or hate 'em, but I think they sound great in context.

The vocals I think are perfect for the context, as well. Defined, cutting, well layered; they just fit.
Part of the reason I dig 'em is that they don't sound like anyone else, which is very uncommon in metal these days. This extends to Machine's production. From the get-go Sacrament has a certain "atmosphere" that just sucks me right in. My "motherfuckin' invitation".....if you will.
i totally agree with DSS3 and sparkyness. i find the final product great ( produced wise, mixing wise, feeling , everything) , and the fact that it doesnt sound like anybody else these days is a huge thumb up IMHO.
As the palaces burn will still be their masterpiece, nothing they've done since really contends with it. The production of that album really helps, raw and unpolished, which really helps get the music across in a way thats timeless and classic.
The only two good songs on the new album are Redneck and that other one they had up on their website, the rest of the album is boring as hell. New American Gospel is still by far their best album IMO. Their tone on this album is weak again too, same as Ashes of The Wake. I pretty much don't even care about this band anymore, same with Dream Theater.