a million trillion LITTLE things, like call a bunch of creditors and pay a bunch of bills and fill out and send in the appropriate graduate school forms to accept and umm maybe i should just post my to-do list (i made one for the first time in like 2 years and it makes me feel corporate and lame):
* email advisor
* set a saturday to shoot off guns
* set a friday to have a zaireeka party
* take sweatshirt to tailor for new zipper
* indian/pakistani grocer for fenugreek and mustard powder (done)
* check out information on upcoming Q and not U show
* buy tickets to Flaming Lips
* buy tickets to Dave Chappelle
* buy new earring
* arrange CDs
* get Photoshop on home computer
* bother FuSoYa to give me my Office disks back so i can install it
* get Noam Chomsky tickets (done; failed)
* pay bills, call companies to ask wtf im not getting mailed bills
* call landlord to get gravel for mudway
* find and pay my taxes
* write a letter to someone secret
* secure insurance for my computer and electronics because roommates are careless
* call tom re: six feet under (done)
* mail cards to 2 people
* burn CD of funny movies; mail to above people