Rememberances and Tears


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2002
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Last year my husband and I attended ProgPower III, and it was one of the highlights of my life. Where else in the US would we be able to see so many awesome bands in one great place? The answer......NOWHERE! And not only did we see the bands perform, we got to actually meet most of them, get autographs, and get some great pictures taken with them. The highpoint for me, was actually "running" into DC Cooper (my top pick for best vocalist), talking with him and getting my pic taken with hm. We also met Tobias Sammett, Rob Rock, and Kai Hansen, just to name a few. It was amazing....simply amamzing. Soooooooo, it was no wonder that I was able to talk some friends into going with us this year. I made sure to that I got the tickets bought the day that they went on sale. I was so psyched!

Now, jump ahead 3 months, and I just want to cry!!!!! My "friends" backed out, which sucked, but was still okay cause I was still going, but now........I find out from my doctor that I am not allowed to attend either. I have CML and it appears that my blood counts are too low and I am not allowed to be around a bunch of people. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I have begged my husband to still go, but he says no, cause after the show last year I was sick for two weeks. What a bunch of crap!! I just want to scream! WHY? WHY? WHY?

Ok, enough of that whinning! I just want to say to all of you lucky people out there who get to go...........HAVE A BLAST......and please drink a beer and bang your head in my honor!! I will be sitting here in front of this computer waiting to hear about everything in detail!


p.s. know anybody who needs some tickets?
Sorry PP IV won't work out for you

I think I know someone looking for tickets. Please email me


I tried to e-mail you, but got no response back. My e-mail server has been screwing up. Please e-mail me at if you know anyone who is interested in tickets. I am trying to sell them for $70 each.

