Remixed orchestral metal tune!


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
This is a song i recorded maybe a month ago and have spent all day remixing it to get it more "natural" sounding. It has more punch that previously and has a more solid core.

let me know what you think of the mixing, compositions tone. Any criticizing (good and bad) is welcome

btw I used AD and Revalver MKIII and MOTU Symphonic Orchestra.
Sounds very nice, I like it. Maybe the kick is too soft but everything else seems fine.
Sounds very nice, I like it. Maybe the kick is too soft but everything else seems fine.

+1 in the kick
the snare has too much reverb/room sound for my tastes
id bring down the orchestra a little bit

sounds really good
i really like the song...