replace pickups


Jun 3, 2005
hi guys
ill buy an epiphone les paul standard and will replace the stock pickups (first the bridge one later the neck one) id like to know which caps should i buy, im intending the gibson ones 498t 496t? dont know... any suggestion of a good cap/pair for an epiphone LP std?

i want this guitar for 4 reasons...
1- i cant buy gibson (a friend of mine got a sg g400 and it's pretty good, he needs replace the stock pickup tho)
2- it's 22fret...short neck (tired of 24)
3- i want a solid guitar for recording local bands, cuz they all got crap guitars :Puke:
4- and i want to be able to play 70's rock/blues up to extreme metal and i want a warmer and fatter sound than my golden "custom" with emg81

thx in advance
Honestly, with those reasons I'd say go with a Schecter - same wood, same 'chunk' from the wood type and size, great pickups included, and about the same price.

i had thought about the jb too but a friend of mine said it doesnt pair good with epiphones...

would gibson ones sound as good as they sound in a gibson? i mean, i dont wanna do an epi sounds like a gibson, of course it wont, never, i know ... i mean about a hotter sound, fatter... dont know... just questioning

Jeff, i would go for a schecter damien 7strings (maybe will someday) but i'm a bit tired of large fret and as i said before i found the sg of my friend very confortable also i wanna a good guitar for tracking local bands and still use it as my main guitar, since i love LP's (i wish a custom but cant afford it atm)

would be a bill lawrence good for an epi?
I have one and it has a JB and a 59, both Duncans.
compared to a cheaper Gibson LP like a studio, it sounds a little muddier and lacking some tightness. Frets on mine are lower than the ones on the gibson, the tuning machines suck, but if you change all the "bad bits" ( which are pickups, the nut, bridge, and some day a refretting), it will be a nice guitar, but calculate the final cost.
I used mine as a backup and it works ok like that, nothing spectacular though.

Edit: make sure you try different ones ( same model), as they're all different.
The only Epiphone you should ever buy is the Elitist series. You should look at the LTD Deluxe EC-1000 if you want a decent Les Paul style guitar. The sunburst model even comes with a Seymour JB/59 combo. The guitar is defenitly more than the Epiphones, but worth it. Only thing is its a 24 fret. But you should just get over that :lol: .
if you want to get close to a custom, put in the gibson 57 classic pickup...
that's what i have in my customs (& now also in my gold top).. it has not the highest output, but warmth & a fine mid-boost, which makes it almost 'creamy' sounding.. ;-)
ConspiracyBass said:
The only Epiphone you should ever buy is the Elitist series. You should look at the LTD Deluxe EC-1000 if you want a decent Les Paul style guitar. The sunburst model even comes with a Seymour JB/59 combo. The guitar is defenitly more than the Epiphones, but worth it. Only thing is its a 24 fret. But you should just get over that :lol: .

man, i love that guitar, but it's quite expensive here and hard to find , thats one more reason to get an epi... cheap and good for the money... (i think)
Massili said:
man, i love that guitar, but it's quite expensive here and hard to find , thats one more reason to get an epi... cheap and good for the money... (i think)

Epiphones are pretty much crap (unless its the Elitest or one of the expensive hollow bodies). I've only known people to buy the Epip. LP Customs and you gotta play more than one to find a decent build. Everyone usually swaps the pickups and gigs with the guitars. Never heard of anyone recording with a (cheap) Epip.
ConspiracyBass said:
Epiphones are pretty much crap (unless its the Elitest or one of the expensive hollow bodies). I've only known people to buy the Epip. LP Customs and you gotta play more than one to find a decent build. Everyone usually swaps the pickups and gigs with the guitars. Never heard of anyone recording with a (cheap) Epip.
Actually, some epiphones are pretty good, but the build quality is very inconsistent. If you play a couple of different ones, you can find one that stands out as really good. One of my best sounding guitars is an Epiphone Les Paul Standard that I bought for $300.
BTW it's the same with gibsons some suck some own although I imagine the standards for picking wood are the same. Also if you buy a gibson aparently the best piece of wood even over a sg supream is the sg 61 reissue. These aparently are never any more than 3 pieces of wood tops and are always strived for the best wood matching.
Massili said:
there is no gibson caps that would be pair good with the epi lp?
The problem lies on the guitar mostly, any pickup would work fine, but choice of pickups is so personal, each one will tell you something different.
Have you tried the SE version of the Prs Singlecut? it's a much better guitar...once you're in the shop, try that aswell if you have the chance ;)
If by caps you mean pickups, you're going to confuse a lot of people - 'caps' is short for capacitors, which are in everything from your amps and stomp boxes to the tone pot of your guitar.

Whether something pairs well or not is not the issue - it's just not that good a deal to begin with. Dean and Schecter make great guitars for that price that already come with good pickups and the build quality one those is as solid, if not more solid than, the build quality that got Gibson its now-no-longer-deserved reputation.

well sry, i thought "cap" would be pickup too!

I'll check some schecters out here...
there's dean in some stores here but a friend of mine bought one and i didnt like the neck feel, i didnt play it thru an amp tho...
thx for helping