Replacement for M-Audio BX5a monitors


Nov 23, 2007
My M-Audio monitors are broken, and I need replacement. Support didn't help (I've should have bought a "support ticket" - fuck them).

I have literally no budget at the moment, so I need something really cheap.

What would you recommend for about 150 bucks?
My headphones are more expensive than my monitors. No need for new ones :D

I've got a 40€ voucher for Thomann, so i can go up to about 200.- for a pair of new monitors.

My options:

Samson Resolv A5 (I already hat the passive Resolv 65 once - liked them)

ESI nEar05 (They are said to be a bit boomy - can someone confirm that?)

M-Audio BX5 D2 (The successor of my broken pair ... they were good, but I don't trust M-Audio regardng their business behaviour)

Fostex PM04.d (Don't know anything about them ... but the specs sound good so far)

I don't need a lot of bass. Most important for me are nice and present highs. If a monitor has too less of them, I tend to mix against it.
Also important is a neutral mid-range (as far as the price allows it). If a box sounds muddy or boomy, I can't work with it.

I'd like to read your opinions and experiences about the mentioned monitors.
I made a great deal at Thomann: A pair Samson Resolv A5 for 149 €. Addtionally I had this 40.- voucher, so I get them for 109.- :D
i'd say that among those the samson are the best, nevertheless none of them can guarantee a decent translation to the other devices. the ideal would have been to wait until you had more money