Reported a racist cashier today!


Jun 11, 2011
So I was ordering an iced coffee at Starbucks when the barista messed up my order and gave me some weird chai tea. I called him but he didn't look back so I went to the cashier and asked him to rectify the problem. He just looked at me and he was like "it was this guy over there eh?" I said yes, and then he replied "those guys never get it right, he's not from here so his English isn't too good". I was SO offended lol I just took my ice coffee and walked out and immediately called Starbucs to make a formal complaint. They said they'd call me to let me know what's up.
This isn't racism - this is pointing out a language barrier with twinges of xenophobia. If it went down like you said it did then yes he was being insensitive in a "those people" kind of way, but this wasn't really racism.
This isn't racism - this is pointing out a language barrier with twinges of xenophobia. If it went down like you said it did then yes he was being insensitive in a "those people" kind of way, but this wasn't really racism.

Not racist, just an observation.

This ^

I fucking abhor racism, and yeah the guy probably shouldn't have even tried to make an excuse for the mistake, but this is absolutely not racism. The more that term gets thrown around, the less likely it's going to resolve any issues.
What a strange thing to get offended about. I never get offended when people say racist things to another person, which I don't think happened here. Sure I think it's not cool, but offended?
wow you're kind of a dick trying to get a guy fired just because he said something slightly insensitive. It wasn't even racist. He made an observation about the language barrier which may very well have been true.
This thread was also on misc?


5'6", 158 lbs. lol do u even lift brah?

Typical roll bread, in4 stupid copypastas.

lol, aware.
For the record, I don't post on or read bodybuilding - I googled the text of the OP because it seemed like one of those scripted "paste around the internet to get lulz" things spread around 4chan.
For the record, I don't post on or read bodybuilding - I googled the text of the OP because it seemed like one of those scripted "paste around the internet to get lulz" things spread around 4chan.

I won't judge you for your latent homoeroticism dude, we know you go there to learn where best to stick the needle in your butt and find out how to work your posterior deltoids so you can shoulder press the combined weight of JFAC :loco:

In all seriousness tho, I only know enough of it enough to know its a homophobic/racist shitheap and best avoided.
For the record, I don't post on or read bodybuilding - I googled the text of the OP because it seemed like one of those scripted "paste around the internet to get lulz" things spread around 4chan.

I personally don't go to 4chan but it's not too bad. The misc is better for the lolz.

To each his own.