Reported a racist cashier today!

So are you lying here or on bodybuilding?

I wish I were that swole. And I wish that 13k rep power.

edit- It's called a copypasta, you find a funny post, and post in another forum. Don't take it bad, it's all fun and games.

PS I believe ArsMemoria got it.
This leans more on the butthurt side of things rather than racism.

He could have said "this faggot over here can't speak English very well" and it still wouldn't be racist. (I'm not calling you a faggot btw, just an example)

Just be offended.
I wish I were that swole. And I wish that 13k rep power.

edit- It's called a copypasta, you find a funny post, and post in another forum. Don't take it bad, it's all fun and games.

PS I believe ArsMemoria got it.

Yeah, as usual, not at all funny or interesting or even mildly amusing. Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
Yeah, as usual, not at all funny or interesting or even mildly amusing. Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.















I won't judge you for your latent homoeroticism dude, we know you go there to learn where best to stick the needle in your butt and find out how to work your posterior deltoids so you can shoulder press the combined weight of JFAC :loco:

In all seriousness tho, I only know enough of it enough to know its a homophobic/racist shitheap and best avoided.

Shall we three pop along somewhere and get lathered up?:Saint:
Oh I'm all Charles Bronsoned up already - got my you butter believe it on for a night on the tiles.

Even got that K-Y on my mixes just to make the haters jelly.
What the fuck? The story's not even funny or anything, completely void of any sort of conclusion, and now I'm reading that it's simply copied off somewhere?

never before have I had an urge this massive to get back the one minute of my life I just wasted reading this fucking shit, instead of doing more useful and fun things like scratching my ass and then smelling my finger, or perhaps even counting my individual body hairs, but instead I ended up losing a minute along with several brain cells. I'll never get those back now and that makes me sad.