Reposting in a new thread....Digital Clipping


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I believe I am having the same problem, but I'm not using a very complex I dunno. I still don't grasp the concept of word clocking, but I'm sure I'll pick it up here eventually.

I just did this really quick to give you an idea how it sounds when I record. This is after applying L2 and C4 (Andy's settings, even) to the tracks.

Don't mind the playing/fuckups, since the way I have it setup right now was to where I couldn't hear my playing while listening through I couldn't hear what I was doing. It's just a scratch track anyways...

basic setup is as follows:

Ibanez RG w/ Emg 81 pup--->Triaxis/2:90-->Carvin Legacy cab (v30's)-->SM57--> Sound Tech 16 ch. board-->M-Audio Delta 66--> Sony Vegas (for simultaneous multi tracking). Andy's C4 settings were used on individual track busses (2 tracks each for both sides...100% and 80% panning). L2 & C4 (Multi Opto Mastering preset, just to add some taste) on the master buss to add some punch.

I notice I am having a hell of a lot more buzz on my speakers when I bypass the C4 on the master buss...but it's still buzzy regardless. I can't really tell if it's just my pc speakers...since I'm not equipped with studio monitors yet. For all I know, it sounds blisteringly good...but it sounds like shit on my comp. Doesn't sound as bad through headphones, but you know...

tell me what you all think....don't pull any punches either, if it sucks, just say flat out.
Technicaly, I hear nothing wrong with that clip..... I did hear a few clicks, but they sounded like overloads from having a level set too high somewhere....
I've bounced it off of a couple of my friends, and they keep saying they aren't hearing much of anything in the area of what I am hearing. This makes me think it might be me 'pc-multimedia-surround-sound-5.1-sillyness" that I have going on right now, because to me it sounds really crackly and shitty. I need to invest in some studio monitors, but I can't decide whether I'll do that first or build a new machine.

Ok then...I see people have been checking it out...and I only got one
How does it sound then? Critique my tone! Not that I did anything super special, and I think it still sounds kinda life-less...but it's better than what I used to do. Again, I hope not too many people will dog my clip because I didn't play the intro to Hell Awaits correctly. I did this at 5:30 in the morning after not being able to go back to sleep because I was sick to my stomach, and I couldn't hear what I was playing anyways...just recorded it from listening to the O.G. Slayer version. Tell me how it sounds, please!?