Blackening clipping like crazy?

I would pretty much assume it was Rob's 5150. Though the tone seems a lot less tight and has a lot more mids to my ears on this album. Going OT slightly here, does anyone else think the mix on this album is nowhere near as huge and tight sounding as TTAOE?
Haven't compared the mixes directly, but I really think the blackening sounds awesome, very natural and clear.(doesn't mean TTAOE sounds not as good!!).

(some half-hearted edits are bugging me on the blackening though, like when rhythmguitars trade sides Left-Right-Left-Right you really hear the cuts).

so editing and mastering is not good too very poor, but the mix on this one is great IMO
Maybe it's just my ears, or maybe I subconsciously just don't like the songs as much on this album. When I listen to Clenching The Fists Of Dissent compared to Imperium, I don't get the same buzz and the same feeling of "Fuck me, this sounds awesome!".
I am seriously wondering how a *competent* mastering engineer can miss this ...

"Competent" mastering engineers arent responsible for clipping. Bands and record labels are. Dont ever forget that. Im pretty sure that ted jensen mastered that record and believe me, im sure he would have liked to go quieter.

Loud mastering is ruining alot of great mixes in my opinion. I actually think it makes recordings less tolerable. Its a proven fact that a lack of dynamics will actually cause the brain to stop listening, which means less people are likely to make it all the way through a clipped record. Sucks huh?
"Competent" mastering engineers arent responsible for clipping. Bands and record labels are. Dont ever forget that. Im pretty sure that ted jensen mastered that record and believe me, im sure he would have liked to go quieter.

there are records that are louder with less clipping, I mean this record is really clipping in a not-tolerable way.
I know that you know pretty good what you're talking about, but seriously, have you listened to "The Blackening"?
It clips so bad that in some parts it's like a constant distortion on top of the Cd
, I honestly thought my headphones are broken or something.

Loud mastering is ruining alot of great mixes in my opinion. I actually think it makes recordings less tolerable. Its a proven fact that a lack of dynamics will actually cause the brain to stop listening, which means less people are likely to make it all the way through a clipped record. Sucks huh?

Agreed, I even regret having spent that much money for it
The clipping on the Halo solos is the worst in my opinion. It almost makes me thinks it's not the mastering engineer's fault, as there's only certain tracks clipping at certain points and it seems like rarely is the whole master clipping. But i'd be surprised if colin let this sort of thing happen during recording or mixing. Maybe it is a technical issue on the NA version as someone stated
I fuggin love this album and have been waiting for it...

I thought was going crazy when I first heard it clipping in my car... and I was riding with four other people who were like, "You're crazy, it sounds fine."

I think I heard somewhere (maybe on this forum) that it was just the US version that clips...

If it's just the US version that clips, then it's not Colin's fault. So that pretty much leaves the mastering engineer, and whether there was different masters for different regions?

Because of my ignorance as regards to what happens after a mix leaves the mastering engineer, what is there left? The company that is printing the CD's? Surely nothing they do can cause audible clipping?

This is just all a guess by me, I've heard the first few tracks of this album online, but I don't own a copy, so I can't comment as to whether the UK version clips or not.
If it's just the US version that clips, then it's not Colin's fault. So that pretty much leaves the mastering engineer, and whether there was different masters for different regions?

Because of my ignorance as regards to what happens after a mix leaves the mastering engineer, what is there left? The company that is printing the CD's? Surely nothing they do can cause audible clipping?

This is just all a guess by me, I've heard the first few tracks of this album online, but I don't own a copy, so I can't comment as to whether the UK version clips or not.
sometimes pressing plants like to fuck things up by mastering the master :cry:
Oh, well if the US pressing plant decided to master the master, then that would explain why people are talking about the US version being the only fucked up one.
Oh, well if the US pressing plant decided to master the master, then that would explain why people are talking about the US version being the only fucked up one.
thats not necessarily what happened but it does in fact happen
sometimes pressing plants like to fuck things up by mastering the master :cry:

I think what axeman meant ist that the labels are demanding to "make it louder" and so are responsible for the clipping.
sure he's right on that one, but still this exeeds the normal "clipping cause too loud" threshold and just is "constant distortion cause it's clipping all the time".

it's not only the US-Version I guess since I'm living in Germany.

certainly Colin is not responsible for that, neither for clipping in the US- nor in the european version, he did just mix it.

And certainly the label or whoever urged the mastering-engineer too "make it louder" but there are records that are as loud and louder without clipping that much.
I'd definitely say the Mastering-engineer did something really really strange on that record
I think what axeman meant ist that the labels are demanding to "make it louder" and so are responsible for the clipping.
sure he's right on that one, but still this exeeds the normal "clipping cause too loud" threshold and just is "constant distortion cause it's clipping all the time".

it's not only the US-Version I guess since I'm living in Germany.

certainly Colin is not responsible for that, neither for clipping in the US- nor in the european version, he did just mix it.

And certainly the label or whoever urged the mastering-engineer too "make it louder" but there are records that are as loud and louder without clipping that much.
I'd definitely say the Mastering-engineer did something really really strange on that record
I was only replying to the suggestion that nothing could have caused it after it leaves the mastering engineer
the promo's went out unmastered, and there was a big boost in 3 4k area apparently. I know Robb made Schreyer back it down from what it is now by about 3db. I'm going to check it out, will report back
I completely freaked out when I was listening to this in the car with the volume knob at noon, thought I had blown the speakers before even touching the level they should be able to get to easily - heard the same clipping at home, so no problems. I was able to find a source for the promo but I didn't listen carefully enough for clipping, I'll check that out later.
