Request for a Marshall education

"the DSL is a completely different animal than the TSL!!
the DSL is actually an all-tube amp....
the TSL is infected with diodes all over the place"
frankly, i don't care....what i stated above, about both the DSL as well as the TSL being quality amps, is NOT based on internet rumors, is NOT based on studying schematics and counting the diodes in the signal path, is NOT based on playing those amps for 5 minutes at a store. it is based on my personal experience with those amps in not just one, but MANY live situations, as well as many rehearsals where the TSL had to stand up against quite some quality gear, including an engl blackmore, peavey 5150, and a framus cobra.
even if the TSL was a friggin solid state amp with a 20w power section made in china, it still sounds good. especially for the price. same goes for the DSL.

"i have a dsl and i love it.
Its great for more rocky things.
its not really that great for metal"
use the crunch channel (TSL) / low lead (DSL), and don't go crazy with the gain. also, fuck all those mid scoop or whatever gimmicks. there's plenty of metal in there.

"I'm not saying the TSL is muddy or undefined in general- it says "Marshall" on it; getting it to sound muddy would take some serious work. I was referring to A/Bing the TSL against a 1976 JMP 2204. The JMP had less lower mids and tighter, clearer bass. I've used both of the TSL's gain channels for rhythm tones with good results in the past, but neither has the same "open" voicing as the JMP does. "
while i sure get your point, and agree with what you're trying to say, you could as well go on and bitch about the rectifiers not being as tight as the mark series amps. if the TSL sounded like a 1976 JMP 2204 it would probably be called a 1976 JMP 2204 and not a TSL.

and no, of course you can't change the voicing just by turning a few dials. after all it's not a modeling amp :lol: what i was trying to say is that the tone controls do indeed have a sort of "dramatic" effect if you want to call it like that rather than just being there for merely cosmetic purposes.

dude, I didn't want to make your amp bad ;)
and it's just my opinion, but that's based on more than rumors, studying schematics, counting diodes, testing for 5 mins....
I made (had to make) more than one recording with the TSL and my opinion is that it's way worse than the DSL and definitely not as good as a 2203 or JVM or Vintage Modern or...
basically the only "so called" tubeamp from marshall I like less than the TSL is the 900 Dualreverb...(although that one can be modded to be halfway decent....talking about stock amps tho)

that doesn't mean you must hate it as's just my opinion, you can like whatever you want....tastes are different from person to person....
I like tubeamps :rock:
I disagree with the old valvestate.
It´s not as good as a tube amp , but that doesn´t mean that is a bad amp, i think the amp rock!!
yeah, i guess i kinda went overboard with my last post :) no offense..

and btw, lsd-studio, i don't even own a TSL/DSL :lol: it's just that i'm getting tired of all those dsl/tsl sound like crap for metal comments, because it's just so totally the opposite of my own experience....especially because they DO sound like shit if you use the wrong channel for rhythm or have the gain too high....always sounds to me like an operator error, you know :D
and as i said, i've owned (and still own) some quality gear (framus cobra probably being the most "boutique" one), so it's not like the DSL/TSL were the first and only tube amps i've ever heard, either...

back to topic: no, no vertical input 2205/2210's out there...simply because they only have ONE input instead of two like the single channel version ;) as for the no fx 2205, dude, no idea.
edit: ...especially if you can SEE the fx loop on the back picture. see the four jacks on the far left? that's the footswitch, fx send/return, DI out (in that order). i smell BS
yeah, i guess i kinda went overboard with my last post :) no offense..

and btw, lsd-studio, i don't even own a TSL/DSL :lol: it's just that i'm getting tired of all those dsl/tsl sound like crap for metal comments, because it's just so totally the opposite of my own experience....especially because they DO sound like shit if you use the wrong channel for rhythm or have the gain too high....always sounds to me like an operator error, you know :D
and as i said, i've owned (and still own) some quality gear (framus cobra probably being the most "boutique" one), so it's not like the DSL/TSL were the first and only tube amps i've ever heard, either...

back to topic: no, no vertical input 2205/2210's out there...simply because they only have ONE input instead of two like the single channel version ;) as for the no fx 2205, dude, no idea.

Oh I didn'T wanna say the DSL/TSL sounds like shit!

I just can't understand that those two amps are so often named in the same sentence...those two amps are totally different from each other IMO and I kinda like the DSL in a way....
but to be honest I'm not the biggest Marshall-Fan anyway.....the only Marshall ever that TOTALLY blew me away was the JMP2203 (now in Gavins posession)....there's never been much love for Marshalls from my side ;)
Wow guys, thank you all so much, this is exactly what I was hoping for! Now to mull over the plethora of data in here...

Oh, and VH100R, I actually had a chance to play your namesake amp at NAMM, and I gotta tell ya, I really hope something was wrong with it, because I had the gain almost maxed out on the distortion channel and it really had no balls at all; I had to beat the shit out of the strings to get any kind of saturation, and I tried a bunch of different guitars (they were all Hohners, unfortunately, cuz Hohner apparently distributes Laneys in the US). Do you think there was indeed something wrong, or is the VH100R just really not a high-gain amp?

Sorry for the late reply.

First the amp could be fucked (which I doubt) or
You may not be aware of how the amp functions.

You have A and B channel (clean and drive)
but each channel has additional gain stages that can be turned on.

I suspect you were using the B channel without the other stages kickin'.
When used with a footswitch it makes more sence...

oh and to mess things up a bit the amp has 2 kinds of control regarding gain.
you have a seperate gain and a drive pot! just like using a tubescreamer.

The amp has all the gain I need. I played death metal with it back in the day so...

The thing that maybe puts people of the laney for metal is playing them with EL34's and at low volumes. Once you set the volume (this ain't no master volume) above 3 its a wall of tone. I love the amp.

I got the fireball has a practice amp really because the engl sounds good at low volumes...
Hey, thanks a lot VH100R, I hope I have another chance to try one out again soon, cuz I know I love what Opeth can do with 'em! And Lasse/Gavin, rockin' sound and videos dudes!
first off, the actual volume difference between the 50 and 100w models is pretty much negligible...there IS however a noticable difference in body and fullness of the tone, with the 100w being the fuller sounding one, since the output section is just...well...bigger :lol: don't know the technical details :)
sure, the 50w is somewhat easier to get into poweramp saturation, but it'll still be damned loud, that's for sure.
what i'm trying to say is, whether you go for the 50 or 100w version, they both will be LOUD, but the 100w might sound a tad heavier.

as for the single vs split channel versions, well, i haven't played a single channel, but i own a 2210, and it's a great sounding head. the clean is actually usable with a nice midrangey twang, but it's not exactly loud, nor is it fender clean...duh. the boost channel rocks, though. while there are no super brootalz heavy tones to be found in there, it has enough gain for pretty much every form of metal short of total death annihilation. i used to play thrash metal going straight in with the gains around 8/10 or so. i haven't used the fx loop, so i can't comment on that. same goes for the DI out. the reverb is ok sounding...nothing out of the ordinary, but not bad either.
and as i said above, it's LOUD. and cuts through like mad. i remember shows where i was running a 212 cab as opposed to the other guitar player running a 412, and i still could hear me all over the stage. and i wasn't even playing *that* loud.
the best part of the 2210 definitely is its lead has a very nice singing quality.

I have to totally disagree about the whole "the 100 watter has more body" -argument. I have a 2204 from 86' and it totally smokes my other band mate's 2203(from 86 too) in sound, but not in volume. He actually has to have it a lot lower thus it sounds scratchier and totally NOT fuller....

2204 fucking rules IMO. never gonna sell my marshall. maybe I'll get more amps but I'll never fucking sell this one. it's golden!
I never really liked the Marshall sound before I heard the JVM410. My fucking god it rocks! I've been thinking about getting one but don't know about the cabs. What cab do you recommend with it?
I have to totally disagree about the whole "the 100 watter has more body" -argument. I have a 2204 from 86' and it totally smokes my other band mate's 2203(from 86 too) in sound, but not in volume. He actually has to have it a lot lower thus it sounds scratchier and totally NOT fuller....

Okay, there's a difference between 'has more body' and 'has more body despite having to be set differently'... crank both of them and compare, or it doesn't count. You can't seriously think that turning the volume down doesn't kill your counterargument...
