request for criticism on a clip...


Nov 12, 2003
southern california
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I can't believe I've been reading the posts on this board for 2 years now!! Really, it's an awesome privilege Andy has provided - thanks Andy!! Hopefully I can buy ya a pint some day!!

Anyways, after all the input, here's a sample of a recording I recently made of a local band in town.

So....I'm interested in what you guys have to say about the quality of everything, and the tones....and I'd be more than happy to share with you any recording details (if anybody is interested...probably not.. :p )

the clip is at:

The sample isn't a song...but a riff played over and over again...

anyways...looking forward to what you guys havta say... :headbang: :headbang:
Thanks for the comment Razorjack...was kinda wondering about the bass and it's level..

anyways, as far as info regarding the goes

Audix d1 - snare
d2's - tom1 & tom2
d4's - tom3 & tom4
d6 - kick
scx - overheads

sm57 - hihat and ride (ride mic's from underneath)

guitars were a combination of a 5150 and a mark series amp (30/70), dual tracked, through a marshall 1960bv cab, and mic'd with an audix i5.

bass is a combination of d.i., sans amp, and bass pod...all direct.

it was mixed in cubase sx2.

I have some comrpession/reverb going on all the drums (other than the kick)...The snare is a mix (60 natural/40 trigger) with a bob clearmountin sample..the kick is 100% triggered, however, the trigger tone is made with a bob clearmountain kick and the natural tone from the d6.

I have an EQ on all the guitars to get rid of the low end rumble and to add some high end (everything i record sounds dull at first..and I imagine it's the pre's....but -'s good enough...), and some compression on the mids.

for the overheads, I rolled off everything under 500hz.

lemme know if you'd like any more info...