Requiem for a Dream

Lux Aeterna

Eternal Light
Jan 12, 2003
Yes, everyone must watch this movie or else suffer a painful death.


Seriously, this is a very good movie with very good acting and a very good soundtrack. You really must watch this movie.

If you've already watched it, tell those who haven't that I'm correct. :p
I liked it the first 3 times,the 4th I was so tired I didn't enjoy it
the last part,with the 'heavy' music always gives me anxiety
Originally posted by manuelgv
I liked it the first 3 times,the 4th I was so tired I didn't enjoy it
the last part,with the 'heavy' music always gives me anxiety

I agree actually. Fantastic movie but I got burned out on it pretty quick.


By the way, the movie really isn't about drug addictions. Although that's what supports most of the story, it's mainly about how easy it is to make dreams and how easy it is for them to come crashing down on you. Every character had a dream in that movie. The black guy and the white guy were going to make money selling drugs, the girl was going to use some of that money to open a clothing store and the mother was going to be on TV.

They never made enough money to retire like they had planned, and they ran out of drugs to sell. End result was the black guy getting sent to jail, white guy losing an arm, chick whoring herself for drugs and the mother going insane from her diet pills. So like I said, the drugs were just to support the story, it's main idea is about how dreams can easily come crashing down on you.
I think it's more about how you can't put all your hopes on a dream and make your life depend on it.Because of bad luck is why the guys ran out of money and the girl couldn't open the shop,the mother had all her hopes and life's expectations on being on TV and how all this came crashing down for everyone,plus their addiction
This movie is fucking excellent. Although my flatmates where expecting me to rent a slightly happier film, and thus have banned me from renting videos now ;)

Someone I know took her mum to see it to cheer her up after her cat died. THought the film title was nice...
The first time I ever smoked up...I watched this movie......word for the wise...don't EVER do that

I've yet to see it sober though (drink wise, I gave up the smoking)...but it is a VERY good movie...the soundtrack is EXCELLENT...and yea...

Another good movie is Pi...its by the same director and its REALLY good....REALLY REALLY....
Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees
Someone I know took her mum to see it to cheer her up after her cat died. THought the film title was nice...

:eek: omg that had to be fuckin HILARIOUS!!!

":waah: OMG!!!"
"OH!!! OH MY!!! Oh mother calm down, come on let's go!"
AMAZING movie. Darren Aranofski still has some things to show us. Can't wait until he helms his next picture..

When I saw Requiem for a Dream on the big screen, a friend of mine who was with me was crying for nearly an hour afterward.. Rarely do movies have this intensity and reality.

I should treat myself to the special edition DVD..yeah