

New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2003
Hello everyone.

I am a student of Anthropology and a fellow headbanger as well. A am working on an Etnography on headbangers, specially focused on studying how the sub-genres of metal interact amongst themselves. If you'd like to help, just answer the essay below.

I'll be profoundly grateful if you take your time and give it your best shot. I intent to show those sissies at my class that the Heavy Metal culture is a rich and very interesting one, so help me out here!

Thank you very much!
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
- where do you live? With whom?
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?

thank you for your time!
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
Heavy Metal.. or simply "Metal" as Id say, is one of the best genres you could find :)
It's a way of life, a way of dealing with life and a way to understand yourself and others... if that makes any sense :p
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
I leeched a few Metallica MP3s on a LAN when I was 14, so about 5 years ago :Spin:
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
I listen to Melodic Death Metal (Children of Bodom), Melodic Black Metal (Old Man's Child), Death Metal (Amon Amarth) and Dark Wave (Summoning, VNVNation)
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
Usually friends recommend new stuff and I give it a try :)
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
Music is a way to relax, to calm down.. or let things out. It's like thinking sometimes.. you listen and things seem clearer :)
I dont really care what genre a band is, because that's bullshit normally. I care about good music, that's all. And when someone says like "I listen to Epic Hollywood Power Black Thrash Metal" you know what to do.. nod, smile.. and walk away!
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
I despise Manowar.. because they're gay :p
Naah really, mostly I just dont give a shit, they can pose for all I care, when people like it, fine. They're listening to music for the same things I do... because they like it and because it makes them feel better about certain things. But that doesnt mean I dont mockingly smile when I see one wearing a "Warrior of the World" Shirt ;)
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
Like I said.. I identify myself with Metal in general... but I dont care much about genres
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
No.. Im a Metalhead and when people like to label me that way, fine :)
Only because they label me doesnt mean they know me in the slightest...
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
Be true! Dont be gay! Whoever isnt true is gay! Be grim! Be necro! Be simoultanously grim and necro if at all possible! ;)
No seriously... "true" is when you listen to it because you like it.. not because you want to show off. Wearing black and bandshirts improves your trueness though :p
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
See above
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
I dont like it because mostly it's just simple shit.. and kids go off to it and then tell me Im listening to noise and crap.. yeah as if they knew what's going on. Only because most Nu Metal kids behave like morons doesnt mean I can behave like one too though.. so I just leave them be. It's not my problem that they need to bash on people only to make themselves feel better :)

Part 2 – Personal data
- how old are you?

- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
I passed the german maturity exams.. that means 13 years of school.. dunno what that is in America
- where do you live? With whom?
Germany.. with my parents
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
No I dont believe in God. No justification..
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
Yeah I began letting it grow 2 years ago.. it's a few inches past my shoulders now
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
Maybe Im an atheist because my dad is, too.. but I dont know :p
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
My dad is fine with it.. my neighbours dont like it.. but fuck them anyway :)
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?

I used to play Football, now I play Streethockey. I enjoy reading books and listening to music.. other than that I spend way too much time in front of this computer, playing games (CounterStrike in a clan for example) and watching movies :p
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
Usually.. Im home :p
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
No, I avoid watching TV as much as I can.
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
I dont identify myself with anyone.. but I despise all those "normal" people who are too lazy to use their own mind and go with their, like you put it "preconceived" ideas and think that's ok. People like PISS me off.. unfortunately they seem to be the majority in my area :erk:
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
Bread and cheese.. I dont care much about food, it's for easing hunger and as long as it does the job Im fine with it
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
CDs.. clothes.. all kinds of stuff
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
A piece of land and a house.. that'd be a good start for a good life if you asked me :)
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
I drink occasionally.. and sometimes I smoke, too.. but last time I smoked was horrible so I dont think Im gonna do it again
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?

arrite.. hope this helps lol
Part 1 ? General Knowledge about Heavy Metal
- what does heavy metal mean to you?
-Good music, relaxing, good times.

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
-My friend gave me copy of Metallica's Master of Puppets. I was 12. I had listened to hard rock / rock bands like Guns'n'Roses and Kiss before that + some top10 crap of the time.

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
-Hmm... maybe melodic death/black metal and folk metal. I'm not very genre bound. The Black League is my favorite band at the moment, it's something of a rock-blues-dark/death metal. (??)

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
-Another friend introduced me to melodic death/black metal when I was 16, through Unanimated, Gates of Ishtar and Naglfar.

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
-Fast and aggressive parts to let steam out and have fun and also more somber melodic parts to balance the aggressive parts. It's just good combination. I don't really care about ideology.

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
-I like thrash metal very much, other than melodic versions of death and black not so much, but they're mostly listenable and have some good bands. I dislike most power metal, but there are some exceptions (like Jag Panzer, Iced Earth, Falconer, Manowar). Especially I dislike Sinergy, Stratovarius and Hammerfall. I also find extremely true black metal bands laughable, but if the music's good I don't care about the "trueism". I also hate christian metal, because they just don't mix... although if I'd hear one good christian band, I might change my mind, but that hasn't happened yet.

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
-When I was 12-16 I listened mostly to big thrash metal bands like Metallica and Megadeth, but that was mostly because I didn't know anything about other genres or smaller bands. Change happened because I finally found the other genres and they were faster, dirtier and more versatile.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
-I consider myself metalhead, so no.

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
-Listening to metal with passion for it, seeing that it's not just a soundtrack for teenage angst.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
-Same things that identify otherwise false person: doing things not because they want to, but because it has some other benefits (like "evil" image or impressing friends, etc.)

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
-New Metal is ridicilously loose genre... Any nu-metal band with rap in it, isn't for me, because I can't stand rapping. Others depend on what and how they play. Most bands could be good but they are dumbed down to mass audiences with 3-4 minute songs with simple structure and catchy chorus. Some of them are good and have fresh style (like System of a Down).

Part 2 ? Personal data
- how old are you?
-22 years

- what is your gender?

- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
-I'm studying in university right now

- where do you live? With whom?
-By myself in Finland in a small student apartment.

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
-No I don't. I'm anti-religious and believe in scientific view of the world. Why? Don't really know, I was somewhere between agnostic and christian when I started listening to metal. I can't say that metal hasn't changed my view of religion, especially Metallica's sons Leper Messiah and God That Failed had an impact on me at the time. After my confirmation school (I was 15 then) I pretty much lost my faith in any sides of religion (the priest was a total prick and messed up in the head...). I resigned from church when I turned 18.

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven?t, would you like to? Why?
-Yes. Twice. Cut it for army, but grew it back after that. I think it looks good and it's lot more fun to headbang with a long hair. :)

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
-Not really. (btw. thanks for teaching me a new word.)

- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
-My parents didn't like the music, but they tolerated it. Neighbours haven't complained, but I rarely blast the music so loud that they would even have a reason.

(clip - no experiences with relationships what so ever)

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
-Web, movies, computer gaming, role-playing games.

- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
-home, friends' homes, if there's a metal gig in town there's a fair chance I'm there. Drunk at bar during weekends (and sometimes during week)

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
-Very little usually, none at the moment (tv-card's broken). I watch Conan O'Brian, Farscape and some sitcoms irregularly.

- do you listen to the radio regularly?
-0-30 minutes at morning when it wakes me up. And the metal show on sundays if I remember (I rarely do).

- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
-I identify myself with intelligent and relaxed people who won't take everything dead seriously. I despise stupid people and sheep-mentality. I also dislike pseudointellectual people who try to look intelligent by using long fancy words and throwing famous theories into discussion when they are not needed.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you?d like to eat?
-Food. :) Eh... mostly something that's easy to make, but not microwave food. Spicy foods with lots of meat. I haven't eaten most vegetables or fruits since I was two years old. Psychological thing... I can drink orange juice, but I can't get an orange down my throat. I eat what I like in the beginning of each month, when I still have money.

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
-Aside of rent, food and phone bills, I have little to spend. All the extra goes to getting drunk, buying some cd's and going to gigs.

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
-Microsoft. (is that one thing? if it doesn't count then I'm going with luxury apartment)

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
-Drink alcohol, yes. Smoke, yes when drunk, not otherwise. I've tried some pot few times, didn't do anything to me.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?

- are you in a band? What is your band?s style? What?s its name?
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?

One of the greatest if not the greatest forces of expression, passion, and art in music.

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?

8 or 9 years old and it was with Iron Maiden's "Fear of the Dark" and Metallica's "Blackened" songs. Of course, if you consider Def Leppard metal, then Hysteria was my first metal album.

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?

Power metal, progressive metal, technical metal.

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?

Just through various bands, but in the beginning from Gamma Ray (power metal), Queensrÿche (progressive metal), and Extol (technical metal).

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?

I appreciate the level of passion that is presented in a positive and uplifting light within most power metal, as it stands as a great and refreshing contrast to the general public's idea of metal and also sometimes helps me out in bad situations. In technical and progressive metal, I love the different angles of creative expression merged with the musicianship as well as the varied, usually thoughtful lyrical themes.

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?

Black Metal - Good, good genre, but overdone and made cliche by a lot of bands especially in the lyrical department (Satanism, paganism, etc), although of course an elitist BM fan or one who takes it a bit too seriously would argue that BM is meant to be that way. I'm a bit picky about bands in this genre, but the ones I like I REALLY like, such as Lengsel and Immortal.
Death Metal - Same things I said about Black Metal, only a bit different lyrical themes. I'm not big on your "standard" DM band, I like stuff more like Death or Extol, stuff that differs from the norm.
Doom Metal - Not too big on this, tends to be a bit bland for me, but perhaps I have not found the right band yet.
Traditional Metal - Always loved it, still love it. Some lame bands here and there but overall very solid genre, and the backbone for all others.
Speed and Thrash Metal - Same as traditional, but more lame bands. Still a huge love when it's done right though.
Gothic Metal - Well, one of my favorite bands, Darkseed, falls into this category, but in general I don't care for it too much..
Hamster Metal - This doesn't actually exist. I made it up. But I'm sure I would love it, because hamsters own.

I dislike any band who's attitude is too messed up for me to respect them enough to listen to or buy their music....some of these include: KISS, Deicide, Limp Bizkit............

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?

When I first started getting heavily into music I was more of a 90's industrial/alternative rock kind of person (Stabbing Westward, Live) with some metal on the side (Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P., Metallica), but I have always explored music as much as I could so I soon found more and more good bands on the metal side of things rather then the other side and jumped fully over on that fence.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?

I dislike being labeled as anything I'm not. Fortunately though headbanger or metalhead don't fall into that category..

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?

Ha....anyone who truly loves heavy metal.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?

I don't think it can be limited to that at all, that's just worthless jargon, there are more just posers in general.

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.

Well, you said "new" as opposed to "nu" so I must say that I really love a lot of the newer metal coming out. Europe is a fantastic continent. :) As for "nu" metal...I despise the trend and the great majority of the music and attitude.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?


- what is your gender?


- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)

I made it to 8th grade.

- where do you live? With whom?

Jacksonville, FL, with the mother and her embodiment-of-southern-cliche boyfriend.

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?

I absolutely believe in God, in a creator. I am a Christian but I am not "religious", rather spiritual. I was something of an agnostic before I delved into Scripture and other religious writings and beliefs and what have you and everything in every way has led back to the Gospels, and that's not even including their influence and breath of fresh air to me, and so what I believe is simple: I believe that Christ and all his words were and are the truth. As for the rest of the Bible, some parts in many translations have errors, yes, and so on and so forth, and the Gospels are THE most important part to me, the focal point, however many other books are also full of worth to me, including extrabibical text such as Enoch. I suppose you could also call me a conspiracy theorist of sorts...... as I find many disturbing things I won't go into when studying bibical and world history in general, in relation to various social tendancies and events of the present...We'll just say that most of you would think of me as crazier then you do already, but I can still back what I say up. ;) As a side note, it's painful to see a person reject God or spirituality and label those things "religion" based on what man has done, as I can relate, but what can you really do.... hopefully things will get better that way, because mankind in general surely won't and we'll continue to have spiritual homocides and suicides abound.

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?

I haven't cut my hair since 1999 and it's now almost touching my buttocks (Anytime is a good time to say "buttocks"). I like it because: 1. it looks much better on me than short hair 2. it works for my personality better somehow 3. it's much better for headbanging

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.

Yes unfortunately I do......I am generally suspicious and sometimes spiteful toward any "thug" or wannabe thug/gangster, black, white, latino, whatever. I simply cannot stand it. Not only do they walk in all ways of pure ignorance but I have had many bad experiences with them or pertaining to them in some way. I have been too deep into the culture to take it as a joke or stupid silliness like most of the mainstream does. If the culture was a person, I would personally assassinate it so that nobody else would be hurt.

- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?

My mother and I are not close at all and same with neighbors so they wouldn't even know a thing about it if it wasn't playing all the time, and even so nothing is ever said, so I suppose it's irrelevant to them.

- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?

Long lasting, if it ends it hurts more, but it's the only worthwhile thing. Try until you make it..

- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?

2 to 3.....all a bit past a year, then something mysterious happens with them and things get messed up. :erk:

- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?

Yes and I met her on the Iron Maiden romantic ;)

- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?

Unnecessary and inappropriate question IMO..

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?

Music's always first and foremost, but also taking walks/exploring, photography, and video games. :D

- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?

My city sucks, so I'm usually found at home. Can't think of anywhere I explicitly avoid..

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?

I have a T-shirt that says, "Kill Your TV", this sums up my attitude for the most part.

- do you listen to the radio regularly?

Only when I'm not in control of the car I'm in.

- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?

I just identify with anyone I can relate to or can relate to me, that's really how I get close to doesn't much matter what "group" you're in, although you'd think most people I'm close to would be total metalheads - and they are, but they're more just strange, odd thinking people in general. I have no tolerance for the aforementioned thug/gangster thing, or for extremely materialistic, superficial, or manipulative people.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?

Seafood, Chinese food, Italian food, fast food :) and yes I do.

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?

I spend most of my money musically, on gear and CD's for the most part, the rest goes to food or gifts and things for other people.

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.

Impossible question. :)

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?

No, and I don't ever plan to.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?

I am a vocalist/guitarist, and I write on keyboard sometimes.

- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?

Yes, my band's name is Skyliner, we've been together for 3 years and a couple of months and are getting ready to release our debut EP/demo. The basic sound is like traditional/old school heavy metal (old Savatage, old Metallica, old Stryper, etc) with progressive, death metal, and power metal influences thrown in. You can visit us at - be sure to sign the guestbook :)
THANK YOU Voice of God and Orion Crystal Ice for your answers! They are great indeed!

And OCI, I forgot to address something that was critical, thanks for pointing it out:

***attention everyone:

if you don't feel that's necessary to answer a particular question, or if you feel uncomfortable with it, please SKIP IT.

Thanks again buddies. :)