
in case you want to know, my real name is Justin.

Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
it's my life, although i still listen to other music (techno, rnb, rap, blues, and almost anything my friends listen to apart from classical)

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
believe it or not, in my pre-teen years i always like michael jackson...but i was always fond of music with a hard edge to it. I bought the two soundtracks for the Mortal Kombat movie when I was about 11. It featured bands such as Fear Factory, Type O Negative and Sepultura. I never got a chance to buy any of their cds at the time, until one day i was introduced to Limp Bizkit, just before they got famous. That also got me into Korn, and then i bought a Sepultura CD, which was the most 'true to metal' cd I had at the time. A friend introduced me to Opeth, which got me into the death and black metal scene.

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
Recently i've been heading towards the more metalcore/hardcore punk side, if that can be classified as metal.

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
Partly from listening to heavy segments on the radio, and also because my sister bought me an Underoath cd, then i downloaded stuff like Atreyu, Hopesfall, Pleymo (French band! ha!) and Converge.
Also i went to a battle of the bands type thing with my girlfriend, and they played the most awesome music i've ever heard in my life.

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
It's just plain fun to listen to, recently i haven't been listening to music with HEAPS of depth (can't think of any examples atm), but not too little depth (some black metal stuff, which can be a bit too much for me sometimes), so metalcore just seems perfect for me, at the moment. It makes me want to start a band and just thrash and scream my heart out.

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise?
power metal - often has some great technical guitar work but i generally don't like the vocals - high pitched opera-like singing...ew...
black metal - can be fun to listen to sometimes but depends what mood i'm in
death metal - when it has a melodic emphasis, it's awesome.
thrash/speed metal - i usually only like it if the guitars are good
doom metal - depends what mood i'm in...
nu metal - well i'll answer that in your other question below
i'm sure i know a few more but i can't think of much at the moment. there's hundreds of others, really.
i don't despise any bands, really. if i like it, i listen to it, if i don't like it, i don't listen to it.
Which one(s) and why?

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
i was into nu metal a lot, but they often get a bit boring to listen to, almost every song seems to be the same riff repeated over and over.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
i don't mind, in fact in some ways i like it.

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
someone who likes basically every genre and sub-genre of metal.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
i reckon a person who listens to ONLY iron maiden and ozzy osbourne style bands is not a true metal person. well basically anyone who just listens to just one style of metal.

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
it can be good, but when i listen to it too much it can become boring, because it can be quite repetitive, as i said.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?

- what is your gender?

- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
currently in high school

- where do you live? With whom?
melbourne, australia
with my family

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
i do, not just because i was raised in a Christian family but also because i believe there has to be someone is watching over is in some form or another.

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
i grew it until it went a bit past my ears. some of my good friends at the time had their hair like that...they weren't really into metal though, they just wanted long hair.
...and i liked to mosh with long hair too.

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
i feel dumb...i don't understand this question...

- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
my parents hate it, and sometimes tell me that i should listen to more 'calmer' stuff. my mum says it's bad for my head. HA!

- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
i guess i prefer long lasting relationships, quick ones tend to be too shallow and it's hard to get to really know the girl in a short amount of time.

- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
just one, my current one, which has lasted for 6 months and counting.

- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
went to my friend's party and asked her out 2 days later :)

- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
I play bass guitar and electric guitar.
i also like graphic design sort of stuff (my fav subby in school is Visual Communication and Design).

- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? my gf's place, or bumming around the city with friends.

Which places do you refrain from visiting?
dark alleys at night time =P
anywhere where there are weirdarses.

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
the simpsons, becker and the Brak Show

- do you listen to the radio regularly?
i more listen to cds, but i do listen to the radio when there's a metal or hardcore punk segment (here in oz there aint that many).

- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
i can't really stereotype myself as a certain type of person. i like anyone who's nice to me. i despise backstabbers.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
i eat the severed heads and drink the blood of virgins i have sacrificed to the Dark Lord, Lucifer. no just kidding.
i like anything Japanese. sushi, mmm, mmm!

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
mostly cds or stuff for my gf. if i have heaps of money i'll spend it on something for my bass/guitar.

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
probably Microsoft. then i'd still have an unlimited amount of money (well almost.)

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
i've tried smoking but don't see the point. i drink a bit at parties and stuff, but i don't overload myself, i've never been drunk.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
guitar and bass.

- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
i've played in several bands but never a fixed one. the bands were anything between soft rock and death metal.
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
Its pretty much my life now...always, ALWAYS hungering for new music and its probably changed me as a a good way though. Its just the colour and beauty of my life and gets me through the day. (cheesee) Its opened my eyes and especially my ears to alot of new things.

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
Got into 'heavy' metal back with Soundgarden I suppose...I think they were my first taste of the metal world. Saw an ad for Soundgarden on TV, bought an album, and slowly started getting into heavier music. Was around 15. (listened to crap music before then...hehe)
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
Tough question. I would say black metal but not well enough aquainted with it yet. I'd say melodic death metal.
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
Read metal reviews on a site and it got me interested in Opeth, than I bought Blackwater Park...and that got me into a range of melodic metal such as Dark Tranquillity, In Flames and Edge of Sanity.
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
Musically - its beautiful, awesome and energetic riffs that just make me wanna chillout and have an enjoyable listening experience. It takes raw talent to play some of this stuff and I find it emotional. Its awesome. Heh.
Ideologically - Nothing really...I see things musically.
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
Black Metal - Been getting into it recently, and there's some AMAZING shit in this genre. Some of the bands, like Dissection and Emperor, just play awesome riffs, and have amazing atmospheres. My enjoyment of this genre is growing and may soon eclipse my preference of melodic metal.
Doom Metal - I love some of the atmospheres that some of these bands have. Need to get more of it. I like it.
Death Metal - If this means just straight ahead death metal then I'm not so interested in it. I like my death metal melodic, and some bands like Nile interest me but I guess I just find 'regular' death metal sort of dull. Hehe. Dunno I prefer the more progressive elements of metal, like bands with interesting leads, maybe some acoustic stuff in there and innovative things going on. I like 'death metal', sure, but its not one of my major interests in the metal world.
Avant-garde Metal - by this I mean more 'unique' bands like Ephel Duath, Maudlin of the Well and Arcturus. Bands that use metal as a blueprint to just throw out all the fucking rules and make some really innovative, original music. I love bands that blur the line between extreme metal and genres like Jazz, Folk, Prog and others.
Power Metal - It can be fun, but occasionally the cheese gets a bit much. Still...I appreciate some Dream Theater, Symphony X and Dio era Sabbath. Interesting genre thats good for a kick, but can get annoying.
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
Yeah I was a huge nu-metalhead. I changed because my tastes progressed when I got a bit bored with it all.
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
The only thing I hate is when people assume that because you listen to extreme metal you must be some sort of weirdo. Yes people do it sometimes, and it fucks me off. However, its good not to care about what others think of you, so I usually ignore it. Still bugs me a bit though.
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
Somehow who loves the music. Simply as that.
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
People who think that listening to metal is impressive to other people and try and flaunt how 'open-minded' and 'elite' they are. Snobby posers...
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
Some of it is fucking terrible, not talented at all with lame angtsy lyrics, crappy chugging and mediocre EVERYTHING. However, I still enjoy some of it because there IS talent in nu-metal. System of a Down for example, I still listen to, because they have talent and write some good songs. Deftones have some decent songs too. Its a genre saturated in bullshit, but some quality stuff still sneaks through. Like any genre it has its hits and misses. I can appreciate nu-metal but its definately pretty low down on my preferred genres list.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
I'm currently in my second year of uni (college)
- where do you live? With whom?
At home with my parents. Wellington, New the burbs.
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
Hell no. I don't believe in any god WHATSOEVER and never will. One part of the reason is I was raised in a non-religious family, the other reason is I just think its all bollocks. I didn't believe in god long before I listened to metal though...just so you know. :p
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
Yeah I let it grow a few months ago but caved in and cut it. Its growing out again now and its almost over-long again. I guess I wanted to grow it out to 'look metal' but then decided thats stupid and cut it...I guess I just prefer it short. Will prolly cut it again soon.
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
Not last time I checked.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
My dad tries to ignore all the growling and my mother says 'that music is disgusting'...EXCEPT when I put on some softer metal stuff or some prog, then they like it.
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
I'll get back to you on this.
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
1 non-long lasting relationship. Lasted around 3 months.
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
I love watching movies, using the comp and reading MAD magazine.
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
I can be found at my house most of the time. Other times I'm at my friends apartment, drinking...and other times I'm at drum and bass clubs being bored but nevertheless being social somewhat. Heh.
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
Yeah, lots. I watch the movie channel and some soap operas and the crappy music channel. TV sucks and I always verbally insult it but I watch it anyways. Boring life I guess.
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
No, never. Radio sucks balls.
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
I hang around with a bunch of peoples who like drum and bass. I wanna hang with metalheads but I don't know any. Most of my existing friends are pretty shallow and fuck me off alot, but I still hang around them...ain't got anyone else to hang with.
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
I eat what I want and more often then not that equals crappy junkfood. :p
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
Beer, cigarettes and food.
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
The world.
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
I drink alot of beer. I hate weed cos I find it disgusting and it depresses me. I've tried acid but they were shit tabs so it was a waste of time. I've had E various times and I fucking hate it now, cos it sucks. Yeah...I drink alcohol...thats about it. Even though all my mates are hardout druggies, that shits just not for me really.
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
Drums and guitar, I'm good at drums and shit at guitar.
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
Yeah...we are called Internal least I think we are still called that. We're progressive reggae metal, and now that holidays are here we will be able to play again. This vocalist guy wants to 'rap' for us and I don't know if I'll be able to stand that...but whatever. What I really want to play at this point is fucking doom or melodic metal but I guess I'm gonna have to put up with this band for now. Who knows...we might make some good music.
Thank you:

- yourdeadgroom
- Anarkissed
- Static

for your responses.

By the way Justin, I won't reveal your real name in the Etnography, we're not allowed to do so. :)
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
If you mean metal then it means alot to me... it takes about 80% of my free time between listening to it, going to concerts or playing the guitar.
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
About 12... started to listen Sepultura and then Panera :)
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
Death Metal... no doubts there... either melodic or technical.
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
Mostly in metal forums or metal channels in IRC.
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
Nothing... it's just music.
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
I know tons of other sub-genres... too much to list here so I'll just name a few. Black metal... has some good bands like Emperor but it's mostly a genre for show only... it's mostly about the hmmm theater that surrounds the music than the music itself... with a few notable exceptions of course. Prog metal... too diverse to talk about... can go from Opeth or Meshuggah to Dream Theater or Symphony X... it goes beyond conventional music and it's less likely to bore you... you either love a prog metal band or hate it. Power Metal... definitely the sub-genre I hate the most... it's too... happy or something. Though there are a few great guitarists out there. Yeah... too many to list lol... Nightwish comes to mind... I hate her vocals and the music in itself... and how everyone thinks they're great.

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
No, I don't identify myself with the music I hear... and I never did. The only concession I make is to wear my Opeth shirt lol... :D
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
I don't really care :)
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
Good musical taste.
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
There's no such thing.
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
Not much musical quality but some bands are ok I guess.
Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
I'm still in the University
- where do you live? With whom?
Lisbon in Portugal. My parents and my sister.
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
Nope... I'm a science person :)
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
Not really... I like mine short :) It's more manly lol
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
Sure I do... cuz if something is classified as belonging to a style that means nothing to me, I probably won't even look it up.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
They don't like it... but I don't like theirs either and we keep out of each other ways.
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
Long lasting... no doubt... I'm not given to fooling around
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
Hmm 2 I guess... average hmmm about 1 year...
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
Girlfriend... actually... met her in an Opeth concert in the recent European Tour in Lisbon :D

- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
Sure, hmm about 18.
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
Guitar and books :D
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
All of those... I don't refrain to visit places... I go anywhere as long as it sounds interesting.
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
Not really... 'cept for the Sopranos
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
none and none
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
Anything as long as it's good. Sure... my mom rocks
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
Gifts for my girl :D and sometimes cds or books.
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
A big house in a quiet place.
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
sometimes I drink a little bit when I go out. Haven't tried drugs and won't :)
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
Yep, guitar and a little bit of bass.
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
Kinda... Death Metal :D and we have no name yet...

PS - I haven't read the other posts so I wouldn't be biased when I answeared this... good luck with your assignement.
- what does heavy metal mean to you?
Its good music to listen to, there's lots of it, so i never get bored, and in occassions its just magical..
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
I remember being about 6, on a bus and i heard some loud crunching sounds coming out of a guys' headphones next to me, i switched seats. hehe then i was 15 years old listening to slipknot, tool and stuff, then came the good stuff...
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
right now i'm listening to lots of death metal, While still keeping Opeth as part of my daily diet.
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
I was heavily into slipknot back in the day [and still spin the s/t every now and then] and on a thread in their message board someone listen a bunch of death metal bands, one of them was cryptopsy, and then i started listening ot them and.. yeah
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
musically? its just tight, fun to listen to and diverse, while there are some bands that sound the same all the time, there are some that spin you around with every listen and that keeps me there... ideology? heh.. i just like the music man
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
i know black metal, doom, noise, hardcore... if those last two even apply... either way i don't despise either, and i certainly don't despise any bands...
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
no, i don't think i ever did...
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
although i've never been labeled, because i don't "look" metal [don't own any band t-shirts, i wear 'preppy' clothes, ew me] people do know that i listen to metal... maybe they only label the ones that look it?
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
i don't really care
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
see above
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
nu-metal is what 'got' me into harder metal, i guess it was the marijuana that got me into crack or something... back then though, it wasn't as bad as this crap we get today

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
still in high school, going onto senior year [no i didn't get left back, i wasn't born in the country, long story]
- where do you live? With whom?
new jersey, with my parents
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
not too sure on the god issue, i was baptized a catholic, take it from there.
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
i did, but it had absolutely NOTHING to do with metal, since at the time i didn't listen to metal, i just thought it looked cool, now i keep it short.
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
this question makes me want to say "i was born through a c-section"
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
everytime i hear them approach the room, i turn it down, i don' know why, i guess that if i think they won't like it, i dont wanna have to deal with it.
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
i haven't had a long lasting relationship, but i want to.
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
longest = 2 months
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
guitar playing, tennis, soccer, tv, and stuff.
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
heh, i guess home? but i do go out also... places i refrain from visiting... turkeysh bath houses :)
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
yes, southpark, Chapelle show, friends, things like that
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
only in my friends' cars
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
i don't 'identify' myself with anyone, i have a lot of friends, they range from popular to unknown, from gangster rap to the deadliest of metal, the only ones i fail to understand are the pop-punk kids [read about it, in my website]
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
i eat umm spanish food that my mom makes, drink lots of water.
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
when i rarely have money, and i'm not saving it, then i spend it with my friends on weekends [not all in one weekend of course] don't really buy cd's, only Opeth ones, and some others i regret getting.
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
hmmm very hard question... computer stuff? guitar gear? i doubt i'd buy cds, i just LOVE mp3s, and shuffling songs and listen to more than one band at a time...this one is hard
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
can't drink, hate smoking, and i've never tried any drugs.
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
guitar, and my cousin's drumkit while its still at my house
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
ummm i would never call Amidst The Winter Sky a band, just a one-man-single-song project, i basically recorded myself bashing my cousin's kit and gave it a name... hell at least i gave it a KEWL name. [if you wanna be kvlt and listen to my song, look for it in my soulseek files, username=chaveta]
hey researcher,
so of all the places to post this questionnaire, why did you chose the Opeth forum? just wondering if that choice doesnt bias your end results perhaps, unless everyone into metal loves Opeth, which is probably true!
anyway, i know the pains of research, just on the verge now of getting my masters.
i will fill out the survey and email it
good luck on the paper.
i already have them!!!! i also have a tape that i got off of ebay for a ridiculous price, but it was before i got high speed and didnt want to wait forever to download.
but u know how they are rehashing all of the 80's stuff now like carebears and teenage mutant ninja turtles and even heman, it would be cool to see a kick ass girl like shera again.
what does heavy metal mean to you?
It is a passion and life of its own
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
I got into when I was 9 with silverchairs Freakshow (If you call that metal) then my my guitar teacher got me into Vai, Satch ect... then I got into DT then millions of other band now.- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
I'm a prog metal freak
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
After i got into DT- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
in music form, it is one of the most complex and diverse type of music.
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
I never really liked Death or black metal (due to the growls) but lately I've become more opened-minded and i am getting more into it. This is death metal. Black metal - i'm not farmilliar enough to talk about. I don't like Power metal that much as it is mainly boring, rehashed, rediculous crap. Bands like Rhapsody, Stratovarius, Sonic Arctica ect... are just hillarious. I really like technical metal aswell. Bands like Spiral Architect, Power of Omens(semi-technical metal), Watchtower ect... and of cource - shred (see name)- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
I've never been labled as a metle-head. I've always been labled as "that really fast guitar player" (shredder)
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
If they like metal...
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
FUCK POSERS!!!!! nah, just joking. Nothing really. If someone likes metal they are a metal person. There is no "TR00" or "F0LSE" metaler
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
It is the lowest form of metal. Unfortunately, this is the most popular type of metal so it gives us a bad reputation

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
still in high school,
- where do you live? With whom?
Australia in the shithole city of the Gold Coast with my parents- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
I'm not religious at all.
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
I used to have long hair when i was 9/10. But I was allways called a girl from the hics at my old school. Then I had to cut my hair as I went to a new school (private school) that doesn't let boys have long hair. - do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
Not really. I'm a normal looking teenager (pimples, voice that is breaking ect...) and people don't really know me as a metal head. (see - "do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?" question)- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
I play long and hard at improving my playing and my parents are pretty proud of my dedication.
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
I've only had one girlfriend in grade 7 that was about 4 hours.
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
longest = 4 hours
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
I'm thinking of asking this girl in my class out. We are friends at the moment so I don't know if she will say yes. It could break our allready good relationship. But she is sooo hot! I don't know what to do.
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
not yet!!! geez i'm only 13!
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
guitar playing takes up most of my recreastion. I don't really like sports. Other than that I like to know more about cars.
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
Home, school, friends places,
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
Yeah, I watch some TV. SOUTH PARK FUCKING RULES!!!- do you listen to the radio regularly?
only in my other peoples cars and the classical music station in my car.
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise? I identify myself as being weird. I’m into different things than most people. I don’t really steriotype myself but I do so in others. I really don’t like the “Popular jocks” in my school.
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
i eat everything. I particularly like spicy, oriental food.

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
I spend ALL my pocket money on CD’s and music

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
CD’s!!! and guitar gear
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
Some of the other kids in my grade smoke, but not me!

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
I’m in a school stage band. If that counts
yourdeadgroom said:
hehehe, I really should get off my arse, shouldn't I :D ;)

*jumps up and down*

Lets jam lets jam lets jam!

We don't have to talk, and I'm not an arrogant guy who talks out his arse! :tickled: *

*well, not too much...
what does heavy metal mean to you?
It means a lot to me. It is a statement, it is a lifestyle, it is an appreciation of a music with a width that few other genres these days possess; like a professor in music said, "Only heavy metal and it's various subgenres can compare to classical music."

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
I entered the genre via 80s hardrock bands like Bon Jovi and Europe. The music led me to Dio, Iron Maiden and similar fare. At the time I was about 13-14 years old.

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
At the moment I identify most with metal bands which compose songs which have no ordinary verse-chorus-verse structures, bands that bend the genres and come up with exciting music, like Opeth and Arcturus to name two such bands.

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
I got Death's "Leprosy" for my birthday back in '88 or '89, and from that moment I was hooked on death metal. As other extreme genres appeared, I got more involved, and after many years of listening to metal I know seek more challenging forms of metal.

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
To me such music gives hope that there actually exist people who want to give the world something new and fresh, who work hard at composing good music, and who do not need to follow the mainstream. Ideologically, it means I respect individuality.

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
I know most genres, and I do not particularly despise any bands - most of my hate goes out to prefabricated pop groups. I do not like bands who promote nazism however.

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
First I was a hardrocker, then I became a metalhead, before becoming a thrashfan, and then a death metal fan, and to some extent a black metal fan. I'm not sure why the changes did occur, perhaps a constant quest for new and exciting things.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
I like the fact that my friends know me as a superfan of metal. I also like that non-metal fans despise me for it, and avoid me at parties because I always throw on great drinking metal albums.

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
A true metal person is a person who is true to him or herself, and to his or her music. Such a person doesn't necessarily just listen to metal. People who like metal generally seem to be nicer, less violent, than other types.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
People who talk to me as if they know a lot about metal, while I know they really don't like too much of it. People who don different roles depending on the environment they're in.

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
Depends on what you mean. If you mean nu-metal, I have no particular fondness for it, because I think the style is boring, System Of A Down excluded. If you mean new metal, it depends on the band of course. Without new music, things would get a little stale.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?

- what is your gender?

- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
I'm an educated music teacher. Studied at university.

- where do you live? With whom?
At the moment I live alone outside the capital of Norway, Oslo. My girlfriend will move here next fall.

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
I do believe that a lot of the ancient texts found across the Earth refer to God, but in my view, "God" is a word to describe one or more people who visited Earth from other worlds.

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
I had long hair for approximately 10 years. Am currently trying to let it grow again, but it's so damn curly it makes me look like shit. So I'll probably cut it off again soon.

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
I guess I do. Men who like prefabricated pop, for instance. Bleh.

- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
My mother doesn't like it, my dad thinks it's cool and has a general knowledge of the death metal scene and has joined me on some concerts when I was younger. My current neighbours are Christian, and once mentioned that they hope I "do not listen to death metal". They are very nice (and also those who own my apartment which I rent), which makes it a little weird. They do see me in spiked belts and black Morbid Angel shirts though.

- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
I would love a long lasting relationship (well, I have been with someone for 2 1/2 years now), but I know it will end again. I always end them.

- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
Two really longlasting. One included engagement rings. Both relationships approx. 2 1/2 years.

- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
Yes, girlfriend. Met her at university. Incredibly cute.

- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
I guess I've had a lot. I was 16 or 17 the first time.

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
Playing the guitar, listening to music, collecting and watching movies, playing roleplaying games, playing soccer, browsing the web, playing computer games.

- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
Home. I refrain from visiting bad neighborhoods.

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
Not much. Haven't got the time. The occassional movie.

- do you listen to the radio regularly?

- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
People with weird, perverted humor. I dislike people who dropped out of school as twelve years old, then proceeded to become fishermen and earn a lot of money which they throw away on violent parties.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
I eat different things, mostly cheap stuff. I normally don't eat what I'd really like to eat cause I can't be bothered cooking it.

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
I spend it like all hell. Everything flows out of my pocketbook. I buy DVDs, CDs, magazines, and whatever else I can find to use it on.

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
A nice, large house.

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
I smoke tobacco. I drink occassionally. Used to drink a lot, but now I'm on anti-depressive medicaments which means I drink maybe once every two months. These medicaments are the direct result of a few years of drug abuse. I do not do drugs now. Five years clean. I tried most of the available stuff.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
I play the guitar, bas, and drums. I also sing.

- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
I'm in several bands. My main band is Arbour but we lost our drummer so we are on a hiatus. I also played in In Vulnus Abire, which did some touring including shows in Oslo, and Disenchant, and currently growl in an extreme black/death band recently started, and still nameless. Arbour is an Opeth-inspired band, IVA and Disenchant both very Edge Of Sanity-inspired with layers of keyboard, and the new band is a cross between Morbid Angel, Immortal, and Slayer.
- what does heavy metal mean to you?
Its not a lifestyle to me. Its just really great music that I enjoy.. a lot.
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
My sister and her husband lent me a tape (Metallica - ...And Justice For All) and I also listened to Alice in Chains - Dirt in the car with my sister about a million times, since that's all she listened to. I was probably 8 or 9 then I guess.
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
Progressive Metal
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
Reading around on the net really. Nobody I know is really into any of it.
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
It means.. I like it
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
Name a genre, I've heard it. I hate punk. I hate rap. I hate r&b. I don't hate bands, I hate (bad) music.
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
I try not to "identify" myself with music. I don't want to try and fit a mold. I don't want an idol. I don't want to be like something. I just want to be me, and hear what I like.
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
I'm not labeled as such. I'd say I'm "normal" by "normal" people standards. I don't wear all black, or band t shirts, or any of that. New people are usually shocked that I listen to "that heavy shit."
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
Someone who listens to metal because they like it.
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
Some who listens to metal to fit in.
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
Some "new metal" is old metal in a sense really. Rush is still around. So is Iron Maiden, and King Crimson, and Joe Satriani. But I think some new bands are good. I love some of the bands in the current prog scene. Dream Theater, Opeth, Tool if you'd call them prog. But for the most part, no, I don't like new music.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
Senior in high school
- where do you live? With whom?
Louisiana, with my parents
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
I believe there is an afterlife, in which some god may be a part of, but no, I don't believe in the Christian "Jesus" god.
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
I thought about it because I was tired of short hair. Once my bangs would grow out past 1.5 inches I'd give up.
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
Me and my parents like a lot of the same music, mostly my mom. I like classic rock a lot. My favorite band is Pink Floyd, and one of my favorites is Led Zeppelin (Floyd and Zep are her 2 fav's) so we get along fine. Everyone in my family steers clear of talking about heavy music as we know it though.. most likely because they don't know about it. My brother in law likes Slayer though :D
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
I've been with my girlfriend for a year and 3 months today. I've never been, or wanted to be with somebody that long, and we have no plans of slowing down.
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
Yes.. school, kind of through friends. You know how it goes.
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
Yes, 16
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
Girlfriend, drumming, music, cd's, friends, sleeping, That 70's Show.
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
Well there's no concerts down here. I'm too young for clubbing. So I guess home and shopping centers are left from your list.. that'll do.
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
That 70's Show is about it ever sense they canceled Seinfeld. I hate all the "reality" bullshit all over the place these days. TV could have never been invented for all I care though.
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
Maybe a little from the classic rock stations, and I'll catch a decent grundge song now in then, but otherwise.. yuck!
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
I like people that like to laugh and make me laugh. I don't like overly serious people, or "gangsters" and drug dealers that live in middle class white neighborhoods. I don't whiny people. I don't like people in general really, unless they're fun.
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
Take the girlfriend out for the weekend. Blow the rest on cd's, wooot.
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
A bunch of stocked up mansions on a few hundred acres, so me and all my friends and family could be set for life.
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
Smoked pot once, not my thing. Smoked cigs a few times, not my thing. Tried painkillers, not my thing. Like beer, hate liquor. Don't mess with anything serious.
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
Just drums. When I get the money I want guitar lessons. I played clarinet in elementary and middle school.
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?