
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you? Everything I need it
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?Well Heavy metal in England is very rare unpopular. i would say i got into metal with bands like maiden as they released a single and i thought it was amazing so it went on from there i think i was 14-15
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?Well i'd say i'm a mellodic metal kid:D as Nightwish are my favourite band but i also do like a lot of black metal and heavy metal. I cant say i'm a fan of doom as i just find it a bit slow and boring.
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)? Internet
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?Well musically i think its a really pure form of music , and its probally the most positive form of music , have you heard powerquest!
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
well pretty much all of them the others guys said
Black - its very good if done correctly
Heavy - Classic head banging stuff love it
Prog - very good as i love keyboards and they feature heavily in prog
Power - my favourite and i love the song structures of power metal and great mellodys
Mellodic - simalar to power in a way great melodys and not just down tuned guitar playing 2 chords
Stoner - really boring not my thing
Gothic - Its good if done correctly like HIM , Setentanced etc
Nu - i guess it got me into metal but i cant really stand it any more , but i respect bands like linkin park as they are pretty honest even if i dont like there music
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change? in a way yeah i into the more gothic scene as i was just really experimenting and because i havnt heard of mellodic metal :D
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why? Well no i'm proud to like what i like
- for you, what identifies a true metal person? Someone who genuinly loves metal its that simple
- for you, what identifies a false metal person? Someone who follows the crowd likes the band because they fancy the lead singer etc
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why. A load of great new bands come out shame none of them from the usa and uk!

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?17
- what is your gender?M
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)still at college
- where do you live? With whom? father , mother , sister
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?No i think religion is evil
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why? yeah i am now because i just think it looks cool
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain. not really no
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences? Hate it , to be honest i'm not fussed they hate the idea of me playing guitar but i also play keyboards so they think i like classical or somthing
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex? Relationship
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?1
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him? just around really
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?Nope
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?Skateboarding (dont mock!) Keyboards , drinking , going out etc
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting? Everywhere really i refuse to go to the beach tho
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV? nope
- do you listen to the radio regularly?nope
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise? good people just genuine people who wont stab you in the back when they fucking found someone else
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat? yeh i eat a lot then i eat nothing so i dont get fat . i like salmon prawns steak stuff like that
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?Cd's and as going out money
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.Cd's!
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs? Drink never touched drugs
- do you play any instruments? Which ones? Keyboards umm barely guitar
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name? Kinda in a comedy rap band just a little bit of fun :D
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
everything, could live without it
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
I saw a metallica live video when I was 11
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
Deathmetal and gothic
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
I know a lot of different styles.. I like most of them except for stoner and nu-metal
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
I was totally into blackmetal, but I got bored with it I think..
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
someone with a linkin park shirt
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
Kill em all! no solo's in their songs and they rap most of there lyrics

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
I'm going to a university next year
- where do you live? With whom?
Mom, Dad
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
I have long hair. looks cooler when you bang your head
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
neighbours hate it, my dad likes it and my mom can live with it
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
long lasting
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
yes, I met her at a concert
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
Playing guitar is 80% of my day
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
I'm usually at home, at bandpratice or at at my g/f place
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
DVDs from bands
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
More guitars and amps: Jackson RR1 and a ESP KH-2
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
Custom Jackson RR1
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
no drugs, I drink beer
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
Guitar, I used to play keyboards
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
yes, Trash/Deathmetal, Shape Shifter
_Zsuzsa_ said:
and in hungarian :rolleyes:

hehe, but anyway, it would be good and appreciated If you'd translate it to english so not only 1 or 2 ppl could read it....

hey Zsuzsa

it may be harder to translate it, and it might take some time, but I can try... today I'm gonna present my progress to my teacher and the class, and from the help I've gotten from you people, it's gonna rock.

I'll even show Emperor's "The Loss and Curse of Reverence" video there, and Cradle's uncut "From the Cradle to Enslave".

damn it's gonna be fun. :lol:
Chokehold said:
BTW: I was 12 when I heard Amorphis...

And that was the time you saw black cluods on the sky and the devil himself appeard to you and said: "Holy child, this is some good shit"


Besides, Its late, Im tired, and want to go to sleep, so researcher, maybe tomorrow Ill fill your questions with my answeres, but for now... Goodnight everybody
- what does heavy metal mean to you?
"For me, metal is life. It's where you do what you want to, do you own thing, and let everyone else do their own thing. If others are doing the same 'thing' as you are, you get togethere and do it together".

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
"It's was UM for me, when I accidentally saw "Gamma Ray". Oh, thanks!! I was 13 then."

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
"Through Gamma Ray, communities and my profound interest."

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
"Powermetal just makes me feel happy. I write and sing about the things I want to, the music is cheerful (lol!! :p) and I can always headbang/drum/sing to it. It's really fulfilling"

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
"I'm mostly a powermetal freak. I do like some progressive, but I'm not aware about it too much. I don't despise anything at all, I just like what I listen to, and let the world like what they to like".

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
"Sub-genre? For me, metal has, is and will always be powermetal! So, no :p"

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
"No, I love it!"

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
"One who enjoyes metal, and doesn't brag about how 'great' it is compared to other genres. One probably shouldn't see the need to compare with other genres if already into metal. I say, why bother? ;) Just my opinion here.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
"Nothing. Every one into metal is true, and if he's not completely into metal... he's not really a "metal person" now, is he? So my answer would be - "there is no such thing as false metal person, and if there was, I still wouldn't bother"" :p

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
"New metal meaning new metal bands emerging or the mainstream nu-metal. For the former (new bands playing metal), I completely support it - we need people into metal, playing metal as well. As for nu-metal, I dont like it, so I don't bother about it. I hardly know anything about it, so I let it be, as I fly free in my own powermetal world".

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
"Still in high school"
- where do you live? With whom?
"I live in Kathmandu, Nepal... with my entire family."
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
"I believe in selfmade reality, and that anything AT ALL is possible, and that we are capable of so much more - including achieving anything we want."
-do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why? "Yes, in fact, i have. That would be right now. I always had short hair as a child. I wanted to experiment with my hair and so I grew it long - loving it :d"
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain."Huh?"
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences? "All don't like it, but I don't think they have anything against it. My parenst sure don't, don't know about the neighbours. Maybe they dont like my drumming ;) lol"
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex? "Long lasting ofcourse, and relationships where you enjoy the company of another more than just 'doing what you're supposed to'.
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average? "None. None romantically. Call me a geek, but I enjoy the company of my friends (even though they're not metal)."
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him? "Not romantically, no. But I have a few close friends who are girls. :D lol does that count""
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened? "No."
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies? "I like drumming, powermetal, guitars, writing/reading humour and seem to have a craze about email clients. Right now, I love Eudora 6!"
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting? "School... sheesh, not exactly my idea of fun lol. Else, home I'd imagine".
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV? "I like the old Full House series, and other comedy sitcoms. I love cartoons, and watch whenever they're on lol! :D"
- do you listen to the radio regularly? "No, i dont. No metal there"
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise? "What kind of people? Well, cheerful ones, ofcourse"
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat? "lol food, believe me, it's food. did i mention food?"
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy? "Though I like to save, I normally just spend it on CDs or a new gadget - a metronome, an mp3 player etc."
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value. "The universe"
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs? "No, No and NO!"
- do you play any instruments? Which ones? "I play the drums, guitars, bit of bass and my mouth (vocals). lol"
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name? "I have my powermetal soloproject Atlantis. I play melodic powermetal. Visit for more info."

lol wow, this was long... and fun! ;)
art 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?

Loud Guitars, Shredding and FUcking Good Times

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?

13, Pantera - Far Beyond Driven

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?

Melodic Death

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?

Children Of Bodom

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
Loud Guitars, Shredding, Fast Drums

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?

Nu Metal

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?

Yeah, all the time and i didn't change.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?

Doesn't bother me.

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?

Someone who enjoys Metal Music...funnily enough.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?

Who the fuck cares, if they are paying for the CDs.

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.

If its good, i buy it, iif not, not.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?


- what is your gender?


- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)

Highschool (currently)

- where do you live? With whom?

Scotland, Home, Parents

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?

Yeah, he plays Guitar and plays in Children Of Bodom

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?

Yes, i have long hair

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.



- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?

Parents- Encourage it, Neighbours- Old Decrepid, cant hear it

- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?


- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?

2, 2years

- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?


- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?

Yes, 15

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?


- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?

Home. Cause di live in a village/

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?


- do you listen to the radio regularly?


- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?

I Despise Scottish People.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?


- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?

New Guitar

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.

HandMade BC rich Warlock

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?

No, never.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?

Guitar, Bass, Drums, Bit of Keybaord

- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?

Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
It means alot. its an art form, its a way to release aggression. Its a way of life.
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
It started at the age of 9 with metallica's black album and since then it's blossomed into something completely different.
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
i had some extra cash and on a whim i picked up hatebreeder at the local cd shop
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
musically its an amazing thing. its just so full of life and energy. young, have fun, ROCK ON!!
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
i know many other sub-genres of metal and ill try and make this as easy to follow as possible. power-entertaining but often cheesy, black-meh, death-not really, symphonic-sometimes entertaining but really cheesy, thrash-depends on the band, speed-depends, metalcore-sometimes, and the list goes on. I
dont "despise" any music per se, more the people and reasons behind the music. any band who will purposely change their sound and reverse their beliefs to make some cash.
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
nope, cant say i really have.
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
I dont like headbanger, that just has a degrading, and Neanderthalic meaning behind it. Metalhead I'm ok with....i really hate being labeled as a goth.
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
someone whos in it for the music, not the scene, not the beating the shit out of people at shows, etc
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
see above
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
its horrible. talentless, repetitive, unoriginal, moneymaking garbage.
Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
im currently a second semester sophmore in college
- where do you live? With whom?
at the moment, a residence hall at Westfield State College. my home is in Randolph, MA with my parents and siblings
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
nope. I went to a catholic highschool and it turned me away from religion as a whole. Im a realist.
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
The longest i've had it was shoulder length, but im slowly growing it out again. I want long hair because id like to hide the rest of my features behind my hair.
-Do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
they dislike it, but they know that there is no changing it
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
long lasting
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
ive had one relationship which has lasted on and off for 3 years or so
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
you could say that. i met her through mutual friends
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
yes. about 17-18
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
Music, guitar, school, friends, movies, computers,
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
I can be found in my dorm room, sometimes roaming around to where-ever i end up. i try to stay away from the mall, those people scare me
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
when im real bored yeah. i watch cartoon network and comedy central
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
i associate myself with anyone except goths. i dont like the idea of being different but in a group of people that are different in the same way. I dont actually label myself as anything. im just me. im not a metalhead, im not a punk, im not a prep, im not anything. im myself. call me what you will, but i know who i truly am.
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
I eat shit. shit food, but i dont eat often. i just eat shit so im still fat.
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
cds, dvd's, and other stupid shit. i spend way too much of it thats for sure
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
id buy a company of some sort, make some cash off that, and have some fun.
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
i smoke butts too much and drink rarely
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
i attempt at both the clarinet and guitar
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
no....but i wish i was
Part 1:

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
it means everything, it defines who i am
- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
i got a hold of my aunt's Motley Crue Decade of Decadence cd...i was around 14-15 i guess
- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
i cant identify with just one...the human mind is very complex thing with lots of different emotions; i need all styles to satisfy me
- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
ive gotten to know every genre through the internet, forums like this, and listening to new bands
- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them?
i know folk metal, power, black, death, progressive, gothic, pretty much all of them. i love them all. each offers something different; thats what allows me to never get bored with metal.
Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
Limp Bizkit and other nu-metal bands. They just make terrible, simple music. Fred Durst is not an artist. If he spend as much time doing music as he does trashing other artists, maybe the band wouldn't be so bad. As for nu-metal. It's just cheesy radio friendly music bands make to get famous and make some money. If nu-metal bands could just spend some time writing music that isn't all power chords they would have something to work with.
- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
I identify with all genres. I switched about 5 times since starting this survey. It mainly depends on my mood. If im down ill listen to some black or gothic mainly. If im in a great mood ill listen to anything and everything.
- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
i hate being labeled satanic. listen to metal doesn't make me a devil worshiper. im a Christian too, so I get the "why do you listen to metal" deal.
- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
a person that appreciates and respects the various forms of metal. they don't have to like it; but putting it down isn't right considering it's just their opinion.
- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
a person that listens to the music because its the rebelious thing to do. other people take the music seriously and false metal people are an insult to the people who genuinly live for the music.
- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
some it is catchy. but in the end its just simple, radio friendly music made to make a buck.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- what is your gender?
- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
still in college
- where do you live? With whom?
home/parents - moving out in summer.
- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
Yes. People have their beliefs, this is mine.
- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
I haven't. But I would like to do it just to see what I look like with long hair.
- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
they dont like the music, but they dont give me crap about it
- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
two - 11 and 10 months
- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
yes - 18
- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
cars, computers, music
- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
home, concerts, with friends;
- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
yes, comedies, history channel, discovery, rarely some reality
- do you listen to the radio regularly?
only in the car when a cd isnt spinning
- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
people with interests similar to mine. its just easier to be around you have things in common with. i dislike fake people; liars
- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
whatever my mom cooks haha; unless im at work, then i get some subway or something
- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
my mustang. or new computer stuff.
- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
cars! classics and exotics!
- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
i dont smoke. i drink rarely, just when im around it. i have smoked marijuana before. i dont use drugs.
- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
no, but a guitar is in the near future
- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
Part 1 – General Knowledge about Heavy Metal

- what does heavy metal mean to you?
- heavy metal is just music to me. Music is a feeling, but not only heavy metal, because I listen to other genres as well. I listen to hardcore/punk, hard rock, AOR, etc. Music means a lot to me because it's my favourite hobby.

- how did you get to know heavy metal? How old were you then?
- It was 5 years ago, I think (sooo... 17-5=12). Wow!!! I started listening to Maiden and Metallica when I was 12 o_O

- with what sub-genre(s) (power metal, black metal etc) do you identify with the most at the moment?
- I think with Black Metal and Metalcore.

- how did you get to know this/those sub-genre(s)?
- I got to them by myself. Downloading new songs and, after that, buying them :D

- what does this sub-genre mean to you musically and in terms of ideology?
- I think ideology and music don't have to go together. When music is put into an ideology or a social conflict it loses power. Music has to be done for the sensation, for the elation, for the ecstasy and for the feeling of doing it.

- what other sub-genres do you know? What do you feel towards them? Please list and state your opinions. Is there any band that you despise? Which one(s) and why?
- I do listen to a lot of sub-genres, to all of them, I think, with a few exceptions like Nu Metal (that shouldn't be called Metal) or Rap Metal and shits like that. I love them all, except for the exceptions =)

- did you ever identify yourself more with other sub-genres? If yes, what were them? Why did you change?
- I had an only-thrash-and-hardcore-music era. I guess I was depressed while it lasted. But it doesn't mean I got depressed by the music. I sometimes need some screams to get the depressions out of my head.

- do you dislike being labeled in any form (headbanger, metalhead etc)? Why?
- Yes, I don't like being fit in a label, because I don't feel confortable in any of them.

- for you, what identifies a true metal person?
- There is no true metal person except for myself.

- for you, what identifies a false metal person?
- I know, my trveness tells it to me.

- how do you feel towards new metal? Please explain why.
- I don't like it, I get sick while listening to nu metal crap. It should be erased from earth.

Part 2 – Personal data

- how old are you?
- 17

- what is your gender?
- Male, I guess :D

- how far did you go in schhol? (some college, high school etc)
- High School by far.

- where do you live? With whom?
- In my house, with my mother and my sister.

- do you believe in God? Is an adept of any religion? Why?
- I certainly don't. I think religion is good, but religions are bad. I don't believe in God because I can't believe many things from reality, so... how can I believe in supra-terrenal things?

- do you, or have you at any time, let your hair grow? Why? If you haven’t, would you like to? Why?
- I'm growing it. I have always have it very short, but I am growing it because I like it, but only a bit, I won't grow as much as Matthew Barlow (ex-Iced Earth) for example :p

- do you suffer any kind of preconceiving? If you do, please explain.
- I don't understand.

- how do your parents and neighbours act before your musical preferences?
- My mother doesn't like it, she hardly ever listens to music.

- do you prefer to have quick or long lasting relationships with the opposite sex?
- I have only had one, and it's still alive. I hope it will last until I die.

- how many long lasting relationships have you had? How much time did they last on average?
- I have had none at all, before having this one.

- do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? How did you get to know her/him?
- TO have a relationship I need to have a girlfriend, I guess (just kidding :D ). I do have a girlfriend. I knew her in my school.

- have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when your first experience happened?
- No, I haven't had one yet.

- what are your entertainment habits? Any hobbies?
- Music, reading, writing.

- in what places are you usually found (shopping centers, home, concerts etc)? Which places do you refrain from visiting?
- I'm always at home, in my girlfriends house or in freak places. I never go to anywhere it could look whimp to me.

- do you watch TV? What do you usually watch on TV?
- I only watch the news.

- do you listen to the radio regularly?
- No, I don't. Only Internet Radios (

- with what kind of people do you identify yourself? What kind do you dislike or despise?
- With my girlfriend. I despise almost everybody else.

- what do you eat in general? Do you often eat what you’d like to eat?
- Anything my mom puts in my dish.

- when you have money, how do you spend it? What do you buy?
- I never have money.

- if you had an unlimited ammount of money but could only use it for buying ONE thing, what would you buy? Ignore resell value.
- I would buy a government.

- do you smoke or drink alcoholic substances? Have you ever tried any drugs? Do you use drugs?
- I don't smoke, nor drink, nor take drugs.

- do you play any instruments? Which ones?
- I play acoustic guitar and keyboards.

- are you in a band? What is your band’s style? What’s its name?
- Yeah, I have a cover band called "Burger Kings Of Metal" and I want to build a Black Metal band.

Here it goes, man.

NP: Dropkick Murphys - Caps And Bottles
Dropkick?!?!?! theyve sucked since Al Barr (sp?) joined the band. too bad they were cool shit back in the day. i miss seeing them for like $5 at the local VFW or whatnot......but ill give you credit for it nonetheless :lol:
dilema1362 said:
Dropkick?!?!?! theyve sucked since Al Barr (sp?) joined the band. too bad they were cool shit back in the day. i miss seeing them for like $5 at the local VFW or whatnot......but ill give you credit for it nonetheless :lol:
I like them with Al Barr and without him. Although The Gang's All Here is quite plain CD, Sing Loud Sing Proud is a very good one, I like it a lot, and the live cd is very good shit. I didn't enjoy Blackout, indeed. I like his voice! and I like the folkish thing around their music.

Barroom Hero forever!!! :D

NP: Angel Dust - The Disbeliever