Respect Towards The Metal Scene...

What kind of job are you lookin' for? Sadly, sometimes you have to play the game, you know CONFORM to dress codes and behaviour patterns deemed appropriate by the people in position to hire you, mostly adults. If you really WANT the job, go out and get it and play their fuckes up game. In the end, you can still listen to metal, dress the way you want, eat whatever, have sex with whoever, you get the point. Don't give these so-called "people in powerful positions" more credit than they deserve. I respect younger people, they are our future. Grab your slice and be a part of it.
yeah all i really wear that is metal is band shirts, and then just some athletic pants cuz those are what im comfortable in and they match rather well actually, but i usually dont get too much crap, not too many people know how much i love metal cuz when people are in my car i usually am playing like lil john and stuff like that... i rarely listen to it though
To quote the mighty S.O.D.:

"It doesn't matter how you wear your hair-- it's what's inside your head"

So very true! I had the long hair. I have the shaved head that gets people thinking I am a nazi bonehead at times. I am 70% tattoo covered. I had a 3.92 cumulative GPA in college. I have been working at Intel since 1995 after finishing college and also serving for our country in the army. I have never been in trouble with the law minus some speeding tickets. I don't drink or do any drugs(although I think hemp should be legal) That said....

I still receive crap due to my joy for metal and my lack of blind faith towards a religion.

People will never understand.