Retro metal is for idiots.

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Nov 14, 2004
People who listen to new speed, thrash, power, or heavy metal bands are morons. These styles of metal were completely exhausted in 1988, and current bands in this style serve to rehash the most easily digestable and obvious elements of those bands for idiots who are too "cool" for Britney Spears and are congratulating themselves on being "different".
No, no, no, trolls have to infuriate people to no end. They're smart, hitting all the right buttons to piss off a lot of people.

When I read the initial post, all I thought was "Cynical, it sucks that you're predictable. And it's worse when you're absolutely fuckign retarded. Why be both? Huh? Why be predictably retarded?"
Cynical said:
People who listen to new speed, thrash, power, or heavy metal bands are morons. These styles of metal were completely exhausted in 1988, and current bands in this style serve to rehash the most easily digestable and obvious elements of those bands for idiots who are too "cool" for Britney Spears and are congratulating themselves on being "different".

I'm sorry that I like that sound of music but hey is it really my fault, I can't help that I like the sound of that type of music. So are you telling me that I should stop listening to music that I enjoy and listen to other bands that are "better" just to make you happy? No thanks, I think I'll just continue listening to the music that I enjoy wether or not you think I should.

P.S. I am to cool to listen to Britney Spears.
Cynical said:
People who listen to new speed, thrash, power, or heavy metal bands are morons. These styles of metal were completely exhausted in 1988, and current bands in this style serve to rehash the most easily digestable and obvious elements of those bands for idiots who are too "cool" for Britney Spears and are congratulating themselves on being "different".
cool :cool:
Cynical said:
People who listen to new speed, thrash, power, or heavy metal bands are morons. These styles of metal were completely exhausted in 1988, and current bands in this style serve to rehash the most easily digestable and obvious elements of those bands for idiots who are too "cool" for Britney Spears and are congratulating themselves on being "different".


Blow me Kiddo
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