Reunion Tour???

I'd like to see this for ol time's sake and shits and giggles. I honestly can't say I dislike any member of Anthrax past or present. Though I do goof on Spitz from time to time, he's never been a dick to me and always gets back to the few emails Ive sent him. But John and Rob are part of Anthrax now. I don't want them to be replaced in any way by a former member.
Perhaps they could do a brief tour with all current and former members. Maybee this will be a one time gig, maybe it's something else. Perhaps I will grow tits and a third nipple, perhaps there are aliens living in Brents ass, perhaps Charlie will use double cow bell on the next album, Maybee Vince Neil really did do alot of sit ups and stop drinking to lose the weight. Vince wouldnt get lipo, Vince is the ultimate hardcore icon, And Tommy is punk he does'nt even know he's punk.
Sentdown said:
something is being planned i can smell it. id go see the show. ive always wanted to see the spitz/belladonna era live.
I saw them many times with this line up!!! All great shows, except the one that ended too early and the one I was thrown out of.

I wonder how many shows this tour would be if does come about? 10, 20?
If this happens, I will be disappointed. Not because I don't lke any of the old members, but because it will make me wonder what happened to Anthrax's integrity. Why would they fire members like Joey and Dan because they weren't taking Anthrax forwards, but the bring them back for some reason????

This reeks of desparation for past glory. WCFYA was the best record they've done in 10 years. BUILD ON THAT!!!!! TGO2E was a nice touch, but don't go completely back to the 80s for Christ's sake.
I agree with everything timmyc said. I like the old era just as much as anybody but I would lose a lot of respect for the boys if they went through with this. The only reunion I want to see is with Frank.

I hope we're being a bunch of overreacting dorks right now.
Hey Mr. Wu, Do it! Don't listen to all the nay-sayers! They would be the first in line for tickets if you get the band back together!
Yeah Mikey, course I'd go see it - it's Anthrax - my number 1 fave band of all time.

All I'm saying is that I wanna see Anthrax 2005, not 1989. I don't want Anthrax to live off past glories - thats all.
I bet my bottom dollar it won't happen. I don't hate any ex-member and still have a soft spot for Joey & Dan (hell Frankie as well for that matter - sounds wierd calling him an ex-member now) ...where was I...

Ok the reasons it won't happen. Last time they tried to do a Belladonna/Bush tour Joey got a wee bit greedy (apparently) so I think that bridge is probably burnt and done kids!
i couldnt imagine a whole tour without any hitches,i think a 1 off show would be great,but i wouldnt complain if they held it together for the promo of tgote record
I'm not going to support a reunion tour if they do it with Joey, unless John is also involved. I have seen Anthrax live 7 times in the past 2 years, more than any other band. They are probably my favorite right now but if that cheeseball Joey comes back I am done. That guy is a peice of shit, more like a PRIMADONNA, not Belladonna. He's horrible as a person, and a singer. John Bush is the nicest guy you could ever meet (I have) and one of the best metal frontmen around. Charlie and Scott, I love you guys, but I hope you aren't getting rid of John, after making one of the best metal records ever (WCFYA). It wouldn't be right. Joey fucked you guys over once before I don't think it's worth trying again, even if it is to get on Ozzfest. If the Osbourne's want the WEAKEST LINK back in Anthrax, it wouldn't be worth it. You guys are strongest with Bush.
I suppose I'd support it but only if you guys clearly stated it was temporary just for a tour, and then you immediatly regrouped with Bush and continued with a new studio album
100% agree with Deege's post. However, if some of the members of the current Anthrax lineup have other obligations, I guess a one-off novelty tour must seem appealing. If they're going to patch things up with an asshole frontman though, I'd rater see an SOD reunion tour.
I know Anthrax has wanted to be on Ozzfest SO BAD, and we all have wanted them to be because it's great exposure. but the bottom line is, having Joey singing would only make a BAD impression on the crowd, not a good one. He was never that great to begin with, and obviously with age, most people's voices get worse and worse. Plus, some of the songs Anthrax have done in the Bush era are their very best material and without them it wouldn't be as good. And I doubt Joey would sing them. If they try the 2 singer thing again it'd be okay. Or even 3, with Turbin.
I don't see the need to bash Joey so much, what's up with that? I know the whole joint singing tour never happend for whatever reason but still. I became a fan back in the day when he was the singer so I happen to like the guy. Johns voice fits Anthrax today and I'd even say it would have been great on the P.O.T. cd as well, but I for one believe that older stuff sounded good with Joey singing. C'mon the 80's was all about the singing with high pitched screams in the songs. I never had the chance to see them with Joey and Dan so I think it would be cool to see. I don't want the current line up to change for good but a one time tour for GO2E would be fine in my opinion. As far as whose a dick and who isn't, I can't say I've only met Rob and that was after the Ft. Wayne show.
And I'm sorry if I seemed like an asshole but everyone I have talked to that met Joey said he seemed like a dick to them...and John's always the nicest guy. I just am totally against this. But I don't mean to sound like an asshole...this is just not a good time for me, I witnessed one of my favorite guitarists ever get murdered, then one of my other favorite band's had a guitarist leave the band (Sevendust) and now rumors of Joey rejoining Anthrax just make me feel like this is the worst month for metal ever.
ian442 said:
Joey's style and John's style are totally different things...i always compared them to fighter craft.

Joey's is fast like a F-15 high powered and blazing with the ability to shoot way high on the octaves and really let it scream.

John is more my favorite like an A-10 warthog, Steady, powerful as hell and just obliterates anything in its path and is a near indestructible force.

Ball of Confusion was cool to hear. could they do something like Sammy and Dave on better terms. Joey im sure is looking for money they just dont have like the old days sadly enough.

Something could be pulled off that would please everyone that would be kind of awesome.
I find Belladonna's vocals pretty annoying right now, particularly in earlier songs where he didn't realize he was overdoing it. He was cool though, as is Bush. Turbin, I really could not care less about at ALL. Spitz has a cool style in my opinion, I would be alright if he was there. Now Dan Lilker, I REALLY want to see. Especially as the damn Nuclear Assault album is not coming out! He's awesome. I would be happy if this worked.