Reunited Sanctuary Begins Writing New Material

in browsing Sean Blosl's facebook, he said this to someone:

"I don't know much about what they're up to but I think it might be Loomis. He's a great guitar player. He won't having any problem sitting in on the old tunes. It might be fun for him. He won't have to play so much stuff. He can kick back and relax a little bit."

Well, damn.
Should be excellent to complete a 21st century gothic metal cd, listened to the mirror black on the weekend on vinyl it stil hasnt aged at all, just more susie and the banshee's feel i find to it now.

THANKS WD for organisin this for all the fans world wide. hope you throw aroud some cool influences since teh early yrs. cheers
Great stuff, neuroelite.
Also, you have a truly massive collection of sanctuary/nevermore live performance recordings.
When I heard about that reunion I didn't 'shit my pants' like everyone here did...

With all honestly, I'm scared that it would suck. Not that I wish for it to suck, or not that I think it would, but those guys haven't worked together in years, and Warrel hasn't sang like that in years (and yeah I know he's taking vocal lessons now) and frankly, I think some bands need to stay in a ‘legend’ status instead of rehashing old flames. Sanctuary meant a lot to me growing up, and I just really don’t want to be disappointed with their new material. Yes, I never said I wasn’t selfish, but most music fans are.

With that being said, I really really hope it would rule, and that I would not be disapointed and that I will indeed shit my pants when I'll hear it.
I see your point.. I don't think Warrel will suck totally, though, no matter if he pulls the high pitch stuff off or not. He did do an awesome job on his solo tour, so... That being said, I'm worried about the Battle Angels chorus. And I can't say I'm super excited, either, but very hopeful and at least semi-confident in that it will work out pretty good
^ yeah honestly, I am least scared about Warrel's vocal abilities as I am from the music writing and the other guys, and the general 'atmosphere' that I dunno.... makes me feel as though it would lack something.
^ yeah honestly, I am least scared about Warrel's vocal abilities as I am from the music writing and the other guys, and the general 'atmosphere' that I dunno.... makes me feel as though it would lack something.

I hope I'm right about this - I think that WD would pull the plug if he knew it wasn't working out and didn't live up to the lofty standards expected of it. Although a lot of people would be let down, he would easily be able to say that he tried but it didn't work out and he preferred to let the legend stay retired. I'm holding out hope that it will be an incredible return to greatness.....
I'm worried for the same reasons as Karen. I'm sure that Warrel would call it off if he couldn't hit the notes. He's doing the vocal training to get up to snuff, so I'm sure he'd be able to get back into form. The musical aspect of it was a major part as to why it was so badass. Since Blosl isn't going to be doing the project, that leaves Loomis to co-writing the new material with Lenny. That would mean that Jeff needs to forget about the low B and write some kickass old-school power-thrash riffs. I'm sure he'd be able to do it, but it's been quite a while since we've seen that aspect of his abilities.

I'm hoping that they'll have new material in time for the Japanese show(s), and we get some bootlegs to track their progress.
How many bands do you know who had 'comebacks' and kicked fucking ass?

I will pull this only slightly off topic to discuss another comeback that has me just as excited and that is the mighty CORONER !!! When I was in a band in the early 90's, our main influences were Sanctuary and Coroner....both were underappreciated, but Coroner was criminally underrated. Hearing that both of my all-time favorite bands will be coming back has me wondering if I am in a dream!!!!

WorkerPig - I'm guessing you are a Coroner fan based on your avatar.....if you haven't heard the news, here is some info: