Reunited Sanctuary Begins Writing New Material

I read a lengthy interview with Tommy of Coroner the other day and I think they are planning on doing an album but don't want to say anything about it right now. They are one of my all-time favorite bands along with Sanctuary, and I enjoy seeing these bands that I grew up on get back together. Even if they do just a few shows like he said in that audio interview, it'll be incredible to see them after all these years.

Some reunions haven't turned out so well, but there's many that I have enjoyed. Artillery, Helstar, Agent Steel (making a new album with Cyriis right now!!!) Onslaught, Celtic name a few. Some people want their favorite old bands to remain they way they remember them and not have them tarnish their reputation (I can respect that) I just think it's great these groups have the balls to get it back together and try it again no matter what happens. Fuck it, you only live once. Who am I to say someone shouldn't make more music. Death Angel have made a few new albums I don't enjoy. I choose to not listen to them, but it doesn't take anything away from those early albums I grew up on and still love to this day. I respect them for trying.

Why would these guys even be attempting a new Sanctuary album if they didn't think it would be fucking killer? I don't worry that it's not going to be up to par with the old stuff, I'm excited to hear what they come up with after all these years. I'm stoked that a band I thought would NEVER come back to life decided to create new music. I can't wait to hear it.
I fthey get loomis as a gunslinger, then stick him on piano(he is slow) but an awesome keyboard player - check out youtube. 10/10
I read a lengthy interview with Tommy of Coroner the other day and I think they are planning on doing an album but don't want to say anything about it right now. They are one of my all-time favorite bands along with Sanctuary, and I enjoy seeing these bands that I grew up on get back together. Even if they do just a few shows like he said in that audio interview, it'll be incredible to see them after all these years.

Some reunions haven't turned out so well, but there's many that I have enjoyed. Artillery, Helstar, Agent Steel (making a new album with Cyriis right now!!!) Onslaught, Celtic name a few. Some people want their favorite old bands to remain they way they remember them and not have them tarnish their reputation (I can respect that) I just think it's great these groups have the balls to get it back together and try it again no matter what happens. Fuck it, you only live once. Who am I to say someone shouldn't make more music. Death Angel have made a few new albums I don't enjoy. I choose to not listen to them, but it doesn't take anything away from those early albums I grew up on and still love to this day. I respect them for trying.

Yeah dude, I'm there with you!

I'm always scared when my legendary old-school bands try to create new albums, because rarely- they ever release anythign worth my time.
Of course I am happy about the general idea that they are back together and working again, and of course, I agree that you 'only live once' so why not? I absolutely see that point and agree with it, but like I said: my feelings are completely 100% selfish. (and with all honesty- all music fans ARE selfish when it comes to their favorite bands)

Why would these guys even be attempting a new Sanctuary album if they didn't think it would be fucking killer? I don't worry that it's not going to be up to par with the old stuff, I'm excited to hear what they come up with after all these years. I'm stoked that a band I thought would NEVER come back to life decided to create new music. I can't wait to hear it.

cha ching ?

...and yeah, deep down I am stoked too.
Just afraid of being disapointed.
the cynic reunion was very awesome, just because it wasn't a band trying to recreate its old sound or copy what made them known, instead, a group of dudes who stayed in touch, progressed and changed as musicians, and came back 15 years later with the original vibe intact, not having to force anything.

traced in air sounds exactly what "the people who wrote focus jamming and writing 15 years later" would sound like, which is what makes it an awesome reunion album.

But as Karen said, most are complete shit and nothing more than a band trying to recapture or recreate something that is no longer there in an effort to make some quick cash on a quick tour and maybe restore interest in their back catalogue.

thrash bands especially
I agree about the new Cynic material. People were yelling "FAG" at them when they toured with Devy. I suppose I was one of the few that enjoyed the new stuff.

I'm holding out hope for the new Atheist material.
I agree about the new Cynic material. People were yelling "FAG" at them when they toured with Devy. I suppose I was one of the few that enjoyed the new stuff.

Oh gosh, Cynic is horrible now... Can't stand their new material...
Saw them on the DT tour, and at some point they told the audience to (get this-) put their arms above their heads like candles and move with the music from side to side slowly and peacfully.

Oh gosh, Cynic is horrible now... Can't stand their new material...
Saw them on the DT tour, and at some point they told the audience to (get this-) put their arms above their heads like candles and move with the music from side to side slowly and peacfully.


Pfft, Traced in Air was brilliant. It was exactly what I hoped to hear when I first heard of the reunion, a "progressive" band that sound like they've actually... Y'know... Progressed.

Saw them with Opeth, amazing show. And no one shouted "fags" because I can only assume that the people at that gig weren't fucking idiots.

Edit: Just realised I kind of implied that you're an idiot, not intended but hey, I love Cynic :p
When I heard about that reunion I didn't 'shit my pants' like everyone here did...

With all honestly, I'm scared that it would suck. Not that I wish for it to suck, or not that I think it would, but those guys haven't worked together in years, and Warrel hasn't sang like that in years (and yeah I know he's taking vocal lessons now) and frankly, I think some bands need to stay in a ‘legend’ status instead of rehashing old flames. Sanctuary meant a lot to me growing up, and I just really don’t want to be disappointed with their new material. Yes, I never said I wasn’t selfish, but most music fans are.

With that being said, I really really hope it would rule, and that I would not be disapointed and that I will indeed shit my pants when I'll hear it.

I can imagine you're afraid that it won't fit your expectations but don't you worry about
' if it will work after so many years. '
I witnessed the reunion of Acrostichon after 15 yrs being apart and they picked up the strings, just where they left them. It was wonderful to see how their machine got started again.
Bit rusty but in no-time, they were picking up the songs they had not played for years and it went like a glove. Even the same shit and same jokes came back within 30 minutes of their first rehearsal. I do not doubt for a second about Sanctuary's reunion. Guys with that many years of band collaborations and stage experience, will pick up the musical pieces where they left them with no problem at all. As for Warrel, he already made sure (Sure? Are you really sure? yes i am absolutely sure) that he can hit the high pitched vocals.
He pulled out a few at the Biebob show last may and i was immediately convinced.

Sweet Karen, you may stop worrying now :popcorn:

Saw them with Opeth, amazing show. And no one shouted "fags" because I can only assume that the people at that gig weren't fucking idiots.

Edit: Just realised I kind of implied that you're an idiot, not intended but hey, I love Cynic :p

I wasn't shouting 'fags' I only wrote it because Will said everyone shouted it and I thought it was funny to end my post with 'FAGS'

But with all honesty though, their show was not all bad when I saw them.
I just really hate their new material, and the 'candles in the wind' crap was not for me, but they played some old stuff that I liked.
No one has touched on this yet, but even though WD says it won't affect Nevermore at all, it still worries me that Nevermore could get sidetracked a bit. It took 5 years to get a follow up to TGE; what is going to be the lag time now that 3/4 of Nevermore will be doing Sanctuary as well? This is in addition to the fear that the new material won't live up to the original 2 albums.

One band who did come back strong after a lengthy layoff was Death Angel. I wasn't sure they would be able to come back with really strong material, especially after how bad the The Organization album was, but both new albums were great and the stuff I've heard for the new disc coming out in September sounds great as well.