Revalver or Pod Farm platinum?

which amp sim?

  • Revalver

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • Pod Farm Platinum

    Votes: 32 60.4%

  • Total voters
I never heard this "POD Fizz" ever, to be honest, at least not with POD Farm and there are enough POD Tones out there to prove it's no more fizzy than a real amp. I did hear the fizz with the POD 2.0, but that was pretty crappy modeling technology anyway.
POD Farm's/POD X3's short comings are mainly in the lack of dynamics I think, compared to a real amp they feel a bit dead and unresponsive to picking dynamics. The unfortunate side of this means, that when someone monitors their playing through POD Farm, it might sound great even if they are a weak player. Go reamp it through a Mark IV, a Marshall JVM 410 or a Dual Recto or any really unforgiving amp, it can sound like crap.
Between the two it's Revalver for me, maybe not for you though. Both can sound really good, I just am better at crafting tones on Revalver and others might be better on POD Farm.

Overloud TH1 sounds really good too, in fact better, in my experience.

To me :
POD Farm = huge versatility, good effects
Revalver = better tone

And as it's been said, Revalver is ace because you can tweak it to fuck.
I still am so sick of Line 6 tones for distorted guitars, they just all have this telltale characteristic about them, except for the very few who manage to hide it (Black Neon Bob, Fuge, not too many others), and while I don't go crazy over most Revalver tones, IMO the best of them are WAY better than the best Line 6 tones (not necessarily as far as how well they fit in the mix, more in how real and raw they sound, mix-wise I'd say the best of each are about even, to Line 6'd credit, I guess)
For distorted rhytm guitar sound, MKIII sounds waaay better than any POD tone (unless you are Joey, or Fuge...), but there's better and FREE options (TSE X30, 8085...).

You can always use POD Farm for clean, crunch and lead tones, and the free sims for these heavy rhytms guitars.
For distorted rhytm guitar sound, MKIII sounds waaay better than any POD tone (unless you are Joey, or Fuge...), but there's better and FREE options (TSE X30, 8085...).

You can always use POD Farm for clean, crunch and lead tones, and the free sims for these heavy rhytms guitars.

I agree... I tried messing with POD Farm today (after months of it just sitting there in my plug-in bin) and its the same hair pulling scenerio Ive always had with POD tones. Unless what you are going for is lo-fi sounding experimental type of sounds, the POD tones (for rhythm metal guitar) are incredibly hard to get right and/or mix into a song. Way too sterile sounding and yes, plasticy.

There are only 2 or 3 decent amp models (out of dozens!) that you can use for a modern and slick sounding metal production, and even with those models, you'd need to do all kinds of post to get them to sound kind of right. I guess if you try and work hard enough at it, you can get it to sound like Joey does, but there are much better options out there like the free sims mentioned. Revalver sounds better (from what I tested in the demo, havent tried in a mix/production)
im after something versitile for demo tracking and DI tracking.

If that´s what you want, go for POD Farm Platinum without any doubt. My favourite model is the "Bomber Uber" (Bogner).

IMO it´s good enough for demos, but if you need something better you can also get the Recabinet impulses. There are some sweet demos here (with POD Farm and also Revalver MKIII)