Reverend Bizarre - Harbinger of Metal

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
Ok, so I downloaded yesterday after listening to the track on the Terrorizer CD from issue 117. I think its pretty freakin' sweet and would like to know of more Doom metal thats similar. I've just downloaded 'In The Rectory of The Bizarre Reverend' as Terrorizer said in their review of 'Harbinger...' that its better so...

Cheers for any feedback :headbang:
Yeah its damn good, Ive had it for over a month now- illegally of course. Hm, maybe you are getting into DOOM now, if so, I could recommend alot of talented bands.
Im sure with your open mind and need to hear new things, you will discover alot of bands you will love. Id find one of the many doom metal rec threads, they have some excellent suggestions. But anyway Id try Acid Bath, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Kyuss, sunn0))), spirit caravan, the first five sabbath albums, my dying bride, early empyrium and cathedral, Crowbar, well those are my faves.
dont forget about Orodruin, While Heaven Wept, Yob, Pod People, Moss, Dolorian, early Katatonia, Earth, Khanate, Burning Witch, Winter, dISEMBOWELMENT, Skepticism, Shape of Despair, Grief, Mer De Grises...etc. id could go on for hours with bands and such

that seems to be a well rounded list ive got going there describing basically the different styles of doom

and Reverend Bizarre rules!
yeah both bloodstained walls and mighty dryn whatever have unbelievably excellent taste in this area- and know of a hell of alot of really hard to find bands i never would have come across if it hadnt been for them.

Oh Oceanic- did you ever get any of those electronica related bands like Coil, Dead Can Dance etc. I am just curious to see how you like them, seeing that we have similar tastes.
speed said:
Oh Oceanic- did you ever get any of those electronica related bands like Coil, Dead Can Dance etc. I am just curious to see how you like them, seeing that we have similar tastes.
No it didn't. I couldn't find much on DC (I only use Metal hubs so its not surprising) and SlSk is absolute rubbish for me.