Review (Final Product)

Hey fellas!

Been reading some old posts on my blog (, in portuguese, though) and found this one, regarding the release of Final Product on the web, preceding This Godless Endeavour's street date. It's somewhat like a review, a very partial or unfair one, since I'm a big fan... well, it's interesting, I guess.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 - 12:10 AM
First impressions: the track reminds me of the DNB era, but heavier and more detailed (the 7/8 intro is just awesomely hot). Vocal lines and instrumental parts are varied, some very traditional and others more in the vein of... themselves. This kinda takes me back to the DHiaDW compositions, and there are some "long time-no hear" sanctuary-esque vocal ranges.
Chances are, this is gonna be one of those albums that you have to taste slowly, with repeated listens, which is great!
Recording-wise, it sounds a lot like the remixed EoR, but with a stronger and more defined guitar tone, and clearer vocals. Drums sound very close to that record too (and that's amazing, Sneap's work is killer).

These could be precipitated conclusions, and I want to hear the full package. One of the tracks I'm eager to listen to is Sentient 6, the follow up to The Learning, my favourite out of PoE. Now, let's wait for what Mr. Dane, Mr. Loomis and crew will unveil...

Reading it now, seems kinda stupid, yet fun.
