Watch the "Final Product" video now!

I got the loading error too, but then I tried with IE and all was well. The page just doesn't seem to like Mozilla.

Great video too. Can't wait for this throttle on my download speed to get lifted so that I can see it in better quality.
This is a GREAT song through and through, but they could have done so much more in the video. It's SOOOO similar to Metallica's Unforgiven Video that it, in and of it's self is almost unforgiveable.
rebirth said:
piece of shit, reminds me of TOOL for some reason....
oh well 6.8/10

yeah since their was so much claymation and stop motion photography. You'rea moron...we all know this. there is no need to post more to further cement this fact into our brains.
SOLO FUCKIN RULES. (first time me hearing anything of 'This Godless Endeavor')
hmm. firefox didn't work for me but int. explorer did.

I liked the video a lot... it reminded me a bit of What Tomorrow Knows. :) (yes, I tend to compare later stuff with the first album :p )