Review Thread

oh come on, hook the monster and godeye sound NOTHING alike. Even after only one playthrough.

well that's all i had to say, too lazy to contest the rest of it.
He's offering his opinion, nothing more, I don't agree that the songs are hard to differenciate.
12G is a great mix of melodeath, thrash riffs, blast beats and some cool retro gang vocals in the chorus'.

The Sputnik music site, pretty much sums up my feelings.

Better than expected, easily a 4.5/5 from me.
Expected more, good nevertheless.
It is a great improvement in the solo section but it lacks something to me, not quite sure what it is, but it does.
He's offering his opinion, nothing more, I don't agree that the songs are hard to differenciate.
12G is a great mix of melodeath, thrash riffs, blast beats and some cool retro gang vocals in the chorus'.

The Sputnik music site, pretty much sums up my feelings.

Better than expected, easily a 4.5/5 from me.

Yeah. It's always a risk to post it, but I do it because I figure as fans you want to see it. Plus, nothing brings people together like complaining about a common enemy.. :lol:

Anyway, I really like Kalmah a lot. And I think the record is really good. I just try not to inflate scores and I had my personal complaints. Thanks for reading it, though!
I'd like to see more anger in reviews from an "Angry Metal Guy", haha. I'm not sure that fans didn't like FTR - for me it was a great album, I liked it more than TBW even.
Rock Hard:
12 Gauge
Spikefarm/Soulfood (42:59)
Schon seltsam. Da beschrieb der in Todesblei-Fragen unbedingt
vertrauenswürdige Kollege Albrecht in seiner Rezi zum „12 Gauge"-
Vorgänger „For The Revolution" KALMAHs Stil absolut korrekt als
Mischung aus Children Of Bodom und Megadeth mit erstklassiger
Gitarrenarbeit – und meinte das nicht als Kompliment. Klar kann man im
Sound der Band eine Menge Trademarks insbesondere finnischer Metal-
Kunst entdecken, aber in seiner Kombinatorik ist zumindest „12 Gauge"
makellos: Geboten wird Virtuosität ohne neoklassisches Geschwurbel,
folkige Eingängigkeit ohne karnevalistisches Geschunkel und finstere
Härte ohne Monotonie, jedenfalls abgesehen vom nicht besonders
variabel, dafür überzeugend garstig grunzenden Pekka Kokko. „12 Gauge"
ist erstklassig produziert, überzeugt mit einer Tonne feiner Details
wie kurzen Akustikparts oder rauschenden Keyboard/Gitarrenduellen und
rockt vom ersten bis zum letzten der neun Songs königlich, um nicht zu
sagen sumpfköniglich.
Tobias Blum, 8,5

Rock Hard:
12 Gauge
Spikefarm/Soulfood (42:59)
Schon seltsam. Da beschrieb der in Todesblei-Fragen unbedingt
vertrauenswürdige Kollege Albrecht in seiner Rezi zum „12 Gauge"-
Vorgänger „For The Revolution" KALMAHs Stil absolut korrekt als
Mischung aus Children Of Bodom und Megadeth mit erstklassiger
Gitarrenarbeit – und meinte das nicht als Kompliment. Klar kann man im
Sound der Band eine Menge Trademarks insbesondere finnischer Metal-
Kunst entdecken, aber in seiner Kombinatorik ist zumindest „12 Gauge"
makellos: Geboten wird Virtuosität ohne neoklassisches Geschwurbel,
folkige Eingängigkeit ohne karnevalistisches Geschunkel und finstere
Härte ohne Monotonie, jedenfalls abgesehen vom nicht besonders
variabel, dafür überzeugend garstig grunzenden Pekka Kokko. „12 Gauge"
ist erstklassig produziert, überzeugt mit einer Tonne feiner Details
wie kurzen Akustikparts oder rauschenden Keyboard/Gitarrenduellen und
rockt vom ersten bis zum letzten der neun Songs königlich, um nicht zu
sagen sumpfköniglich.
Tobias Blum, 8,5

lets just say google translator, i would not recommend using on this haha
would love you to enfanterrible!

all I understand is that it's overall positive but can't get the details...

my German is very rusty :p RUST NEVER SLEEPS!
ok i'll get to it this afternoon, i'll just edit this post !

here it is :

first part is about FTR, so I'll pass.
now onto 12 Gauge : He's saying you can clearly recognize finnish influence
the compostion is flawless; there's virtuosity without neoclassical embellishement
a certain folky catchiness without being exaggerated and a dark atmosphere free from monotony. The guy liked Pekkas varying vocals better on FTR, but admits that he has done a good job for 12 Gauge nonetheless !
He seems to very much appreciate the acoustic parts and the keyboard/guitar duels. All in all, the 9 songs are swamptastic !

The guy used some fancy vocabulary so I had to use quite a few dictionaries to get the specific meaning out of it ... my german has gotten rusty too :p

Hope it's comprehnsible
ok i'll get to it this afternoon, i'll just edit this post !

here it is :

first part is about FTR, so I'll pass.
now onto 12 Gauge : He's saying you can clearly recognize finnish influence
the compostion is flawless; there's virtuosity without neoclassical embellishement
a certain folky catchiness without being exaggerated and a dark atmosphere free from monotony. The guy liked Pekkas varying vocals better on FTR, but admits that he has done a good job for 12 Gauge nonetheless !
He seems to very much appreciate the acoustic parts and the keyboard/guitar duels. All in all, the 9 songs are swamptastic !

The guy used some fancy vocabulary so I had to use quite a few dictionaries to get the specific meaning out of it ... my german has gotten rusty too :p

Hope it's comprehnsible

like I said and before me The Swamplord said - Rust Never Sleeps...

Sure it's comprehensible ;) awesome job! thanks a lot! you spared us from using the :p that would be nightmarish...