Rhapsody is back!


Jack Nippleson
May 13, 2007

So many emoticons could express how I feel, but I think the words "holy shit" suffice. This just made the rest of my year. I can't wait for this album. This with the new Kamelot and Avantasia are going to make early 2010 a wonderful time for power metal...
Italian metal heroes RHAPSODY OF FIRE return with a fantastic new album that will be released on March 5th, 2010 by their new label NUCLEAR BLAST, which is known for acts like Nightwish, Edguy or Blind Guardian.

“We are finally proud to announce to the world that Rhapsody Of Fire are stronger than ever and finally ready for their glorious come-back! We just signed a worldwide-level agreement with the legendary label ‘Nuclear Blast’, at this time the greatest choice we could have ever done. Wonderful people, a great business vision and the best organization possible, for a relationship that can be anything else but successful for the years to come.

In the last months we worked very hard and now all we can say is that a great new album, a real masterpiece of power/speed/symphonic metal, is finally ready!

It’s title is ‘THE FROZEN TEARS OF ANGELS’, it is produced by Luca Turilli and Alex Staropoli and it was mixed and mastered by our valorous friend Sascha Paeth at the Gate Studio in Wolfsburg (Avantasia, Epica and others).

This is not just a new album for us, but pure emotion carved in music.

Lyrically it’s based on the 3rd chapter of ‘THE DARK SECRET SAGA’ and the long journey of five bravehearts to the frozen northern lands at the unexplored borders of the known world in order to find a way to stop the demonknight’s prophecy. This album and its music will underline the feelings, hopes and fear of the main characters in this new epic adventure.

All the drama of this new part of the saga will be as always enchanted by the soundtrack oriented orchestral arrangements and the majesty of opera choirs, real trademark of Rhapsody of Fire’s music, but surely this album will sound more powerful, speed and guitar oriented than in the recent past, in order to underline the dark and romantic rage of the lyrics too.

Every song will have its own character, as you will be able to fly with the angels of the crystal realms through the cold skies of the north on the notes of hit-songs like ‘SEA OF FATE’ (song written for the first time together by Luca Turilli, Alex Staropoli and Fabio Lione), ‘RAGING STARFIRE’ or ‘THE FROZEN TEARS OF ANGELS’, and at the same time you will have a taste of the angels’ holy rage listening to ‘REIGN OF TERROR’, real gem of this new production.

The energy of more extreme metal applied to positive lyrics hymning to the victory of hope, truth and respect over the inner demons lying in the depths of our conscience for a unique contrast never heard before and that made us really excited while composing this song.

This new CD will include a great looking cover artwork, created this time by a new and incredibly talented artist able to turn the drama of our fantasy world into a serious, cinematic and realistic representation, and a complete booklet including all the details of the saga’s new chapter. The album will be released as a special limited deluxe digipak (first edition) including two bonus tracks and an incredible 32-pages booklet, as well as a standard jewelcase and of course on vinyl.

We are looking forward to inviting you to the unexplored snowy and icy majestic landscapes of the north, that mystical dark frozen world where even the tears of our beloved angels can't be anything else but frozen!”


My wish has been fulfilled!!!!! Just after I'd posted saying "Also getting back into some Rhapsody" this news happens!!

And Kiwi Steve's damn right. That contract was an abhorrence to the music industry.

Unbelievably epic year for power metal next year the crowning glory of which will be a new PQ release of course :D But this news is beyond excitement :headbang:
Their english still isn't the best yet though, is it? :p

[...] a relationship that can be anything else but successful for the years to come.

Anything but successful? I bet they meant the opposite :p

Awesome news though :) Looking forward to the album :)
OMG... this is AWESOME:)

If you're a power metal fan, 2010 is going to be your year!!

I remember chatting Fabio about the contract and stuff at the Dudley metalfest and.. well, the less said the better. It really was a crazy and scary situation to be in... but I'm sure they are rejoicing right now by the sounds of things!
2010 certainly is shaping up to be a great year for power/progressive music. Here's what we have so far:

Pagan's Mind
Circus Maximus
Power Quest :headbang:
Blind Guardian
Rhapsody of Fire
Lost Horizon
Iron Maiden

looks like i need another CD rack. I'm fairly new to Rhapsody - what do people recommend as a starting point. i've listened to parts of Triumph or Agony and that's pretty cool. i know they play sort of 'film score metal' so i guess the story begins with album 1
Especially if Guardian continues their 4-year pattern. We're due, Hansi! :lol:

They most prolly will. I asked Hansi what they were up to and when they were going to tour again at the Ayreon 010110etc release party. He answered that it would prolly be 2010, so very much looking forward to that :D
According to their website they're recording, so the long wait begins :) April 2010 is when Hansi said they'll be finished with the final mixing :)
I'm fairly new to Rhapsody - what do people recommend as a starting point. i've listened to parts of Triumph or Agony and that's pretty cool. i know they play sort of 'film score metal' so i guess the story begins with album 1

I highly suggest the albums Symphony of Enchanted Lands, Dawn of Victory, and Power of the Dragonflame. Those are their strongest albums, in my opinion (and to many others). Most of their strongest songs come from those, including Emerald Sword, which is like their trademark song (and one of the most well-known power metal songs out there).
Oh my.. my heart stopped beating for a second there! Really speechless. :)
Though, I'm not sure what the deal was with their previous recorddeal, can someone enlighten me?
Wow.. awesomeness!
I highly suggest the albums Symphony of Enchanted Lands, Dawn of Victory, and Power of the Dragonflame. Those are their strongest albums, in my opinion (and to many others). Most of their strongest songs come from those, including Emerald Sword, which is like their trademark song (and one of the most well-known power metal songs out there).

Those albums are really great, but imho Legendary Tales and Symphony of Enchanted lands are the best by a good measure. Every Rhapsody album is great, including their newest. But the first two were truly inspired works of musical genius - all time classics that stood the test of time in my cd player.

Also check out Luca Turilli "King od the Nordic Twilight" and "Prophet of the last eclipse" :)
I'm fairly new to Rhapsody - what do people recommend as a starting point. i've listened to parts of Triumph or Agony and that's pretty cool. i know they play sort of 'film score metal' so i guess the story begins with album 1

Good grief man have you been living under a rock? :D Quintessential Rhapsody is basically their first three albums. But props to Symphony 2 and I suppose Triumph isn't bad it's just not as good as the others IMO.

Also DEFINITELY check out Luca Turilli's "Prophet of the Last Eclipse". Like right now. NOW GO! :headbang: