Rhapsody is back!

Beware, Luca Turilli's solo stuff is a bit out there! At least, I think. It's even cheesier than Rhapsody at times. I believe his Dreamquest side project is a lot more electronic sounding, too, but I haven't heard that.
I have to agree with Dom. I got Luca Turilli's' King of the Nordic Twilight' album for xmas and it definitely shouldn't have a 'beware' stigma attached to it. Awesome stuff! :rock:

Good artwork...is that Felipe Machado? Seems his style. Also reminds me of:

http://991.com/newgallery/Yngwie-Malmsteen-Trilogy-262262.jpg :lol:

Solid song, as said - typical Rhapsody :rock:
Very good song. I hope the rest of the album lives up to expectations - if it's like this song, this may be one kickass album. This certainly blows the latest Avantasia sneak peak out of the water.
Wow. Bad miming Fabio! Power metal videos, if you're going to have them in the first place, should never be serious.

Here's how to do it :lol:

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