Rick Perry.

I'm not saying he doesn't, just that at a base level, it's difficult to watch anyone make such a retarded fool out of themselves in front such a huge, important audience (aka the entire world).

Have you ever felt embarrassed for something you did in your life? Imagine that times ten million. I bet it was nothing compared what he's feeling now.

What a fucking idiot. It's too bad there are people out there even more stupid than Perry who won't hold this type of flub against him.
I know what you're saying, but you can't be a politician and not have thick skin and accept the fact that you're going to fuck up, and sometimes make a colossal ass out of yourself. It's part of the job. I will say that I was impressed that he seemed so nonchalant about it and was able to laugh it off, as if it were almost trivial. Impressed, that is, with his ability to keep cool under pressure. Not impressed with the fact that he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and yet he's running for prez.

The fact of the matter is that NOT ONE of the Republican candidates is prepared or intellectual enough to become president, save perhaps Ron Paul and maaaaaaaaaaaaybe Romney. Maybe. This seems to be a growing theme within the party, where they get elected solely by sound bytes and not on their merits. It's quite literally similar to being elected Homecoming King and Queen in high school. There's no criteria for such a thing, just the fact that you're more popular with the people who make the most noise which is usually incoherent rambling anyway with a smattering of misguided rants.

This is why I think people should be given exams in order to have the right to vote every election because your heart can be in the right place, but if your brain is tuned in to Jersey Shore you shouldn't have the right to vote. You're literally making it worse for the entire world when you vote idiots into the White House.
"He's a guy who's beaten every opponent he has gone up against, except the letter S." -Seth McFarlen

Mike Tyson thinks he is a comedian now after he was able to roast Charlie Sheen. Oh boy...
There won't be a good Herman Cain impression until somebody gets the lip licking down! Seriously, watch an interview with him, preferably one in which he gets agitated, and count the lip licks. You'll be amazed and grossed out.