Rick Perry.

So Romney then?

Obama will win. Bet you now. :)

Haha, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I meant that Romney will win the Republican nomination, not the presidency.

Yes, Obama will win again. Absolutely. The redneck idiot neo-cons make a lot of noise but they are the minority. Do any of you have idiot rednecks for politicians like we do? I mean, I know there are conservatives in each government, but are they ridiculous to the extent that ours are? I've yet to see a single Republican nominee that I'd vote for, aside from MAYBE Ron Paul. MAYBE. He's got good ideas but I think he's a little senile and over the hill.
This year's field in the GOP is pretty bad, I agree. Historically, it has to be up there with the worst candidate pools of all time. As I mentioned previously, it's pretty much a circus act. Romney is the only one acting like an adult during the debates. But I love seeing Perry get crushed. I can't stand that fucking redneck. Cain, too. Complete waste of space on that stage.

It really is too bad for Obama. He can't fix anything because the problem(s) are too big to be fixed. Even in 8 years.
It seems more and more that you americans got to decide once again between a mediocre president , Obama, and a candidate, who's an asshole and a disgrace to the rest of the world. Have fun voting... But on the other hand, aren't all democracies like that...
Jimmy Carter worst president ever
Obama, next worst president ever
By the looks of things who ever is next, is the next worst president ever. What a bunch of loons, every one of them.

Why won't socialist health care work here? Because there are already too many deadbeat entitlementists. Personally I've never had an issue with care here when I went to the hospital,insurance or not.

I hate Democrats, I hate Republicans, I hate green peppers, so there.

And I've flushed better things down the toilet than Dick Perry.
It really is too bad for Obama. He can't fix anything because the problem(s) are too big to be fixed. Even in 8 years.

Obama is a fucking moron. This country can't be fixed by writing checks for money that is'nt there on an already crushed economy along with a bunch of empty feel good promises. The last row of PoTUS sold this country off down the road years ago and it is going to take a miracle to bring it back around.
Obama is a fucking moron. This country can't be fixed by writing checks for money that is'nt there on an already crushed economy along with a bunch of empty feel good promises. The last row of PoTUS sold this country off down the road years ago and it is going to take a miracle to bring it back around.

Not true. Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review. This is a post certainly not headed by a 'fucking moron'.

Oh and you're wrong about his stimulus...

'...by any reasonable measure, the $800-billion stimulus package that Congress passed in the winter of 2009 was a clear, if limited, success. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that it reduced unemployment by somewhere between 0.8 and 1.7 per cent in recent months. Economists at various Wall Street houses suggest that it boosted G.D.P. by more than two per cent. And a recent study by Mark Zandi and Alan Blinder, economists from, respectively, Moody’s and Princeton, argues that, in the absence of the stimulus, unemployment would have risen above eleven per cent and that G.D.P. would have been almost half a trillion dollars lower. The weight of the evidence suggests that fiscal policy softened the impact of the recession, boosting demand, creating jobs, and helping the economy start growing again. What’s more, it did so without any of the negative effects that deficit spending can entail: interest rates remain at remarkably low levels, and government borrowing didn’t crowd out private investment'...

All of the above is verified by factcheck.org. Some people actually pay attention while others just listen to right wing radio.

Read more
Try living here in the real world, my business is an excellent barometer for economic health and the stimulus did anything but work out. I'm not putting the blame soley on him by any means. His knee jerk reaction to matters could have been evaluated in a better fashion.

And fuck lawyers.
The country would be in much better condition if the people focused more on knowing where Kenya is instead of worrying about the possibility that the prez may have lived there a couple of hours of his life. Everyone seems to live in this theoretical and hypothetical world instead of reality, where they will eat a shit sandwich just to exercise their right to do so and then go on about how no one else has shit sandwiches and how they are "a freer nation" because they can do so. Meanwhile, everyone else who lives in reality will gladly settle for ham and cheese.

Was Rick Perry high?

You would have to watch it all to see what I am talking about. I never seen him act like that before during a speech.
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I don't have time to watch it right now, but is that the NH speech? He was clearly drunk, if it is the same speech. The guy is a fucking joke of a politician. Good for a few laughs, though.
Rick Perry?

oh man...this clip, for those interested, is going to live forever in the annals of all things political. Watch at your own risk; it's just plain cringe-worthy. This just happened last night at the debate:

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