Rick Perry.

So... Remind me why a raise in taxes and a wonderfully socialist universal healthcare plan wouldn't work in the US?
People want to say that the President of the US is the most powerful person in the world? Wrong, that would be the Pope. Religion is doing it's job.

That's not true, the pope can't nuke a country with a push of a button. And I think there aren't so many christian extremists, than it seems. They are just louder. And the most powerful man is imo Hu Jintao.
Oh and for what it's worth, I don't really like Obama all that much either, but I'd rather have a somewhat moderate democrat president than Rick Perry or his ilk in the White House. Not that I get a vote, anyway.

Point is, don't like the idea of a corporate schmooze in charge but I cannot bear the idea of a person so full of hate and devoid of love for this planet and the good people on it being your head of state.

Sort yourself out, Americans.
Ron Paul isn't conservative. If you don't want health care and get sick while you don't have it you're up to the mercy of whoever will take you in and treat you. The government is not there to take care of your personal needs and pat you on the back. Look at all the 9/11 first responders who STILL do not have any health coverage, yet are diagnosed by a physician to have cancer or emphysema or copd or whatever. I can understand the California hippy peace love attitude but hippies don't contribute anything to society anyway.

In Ron Paul's universe there should be no reason for anyone not to have health coverage there will be jobs here to provide health benefits to their employees and whatever else needs to be covered will be in a highly competitive private sector who can make it affordable for people with medium to low incomes. The average healthcare plan for a family is $700-$800 per month. Why should anyone HAVE to pay that much with such little choices they have? Fuck Obama; Fuck Perry; Fuck that other negroid; Ron Paul/Gary Johnson/Dennis Kucinich for 2012.
I went to the ER today because I thought I may have appendicitis and I have to go back tomorrow for more tests. They put me on two IV drips for the pain, gave me X-rays, an ultrasound, and physical examination on my abdominal area. They then gave me some antibiotics (in a drip!!! straight to the blood, the best kind!) and told me to come immediately back tonight if I start feeling any pain whatsoever, even though I'm supposed to come back in tomorrow anyway.

Do you know how much I'm going to pay for all this stuff? ZERO. That's why I pay 42% taxes here instead of 32% taxes in the US; a 10% difference and I have free medical care, yet people act like they take your first-born to have free medical care. It's_just_not_true.

It felt so nice to know that the pain I was feeling this morning was the factor for me going to the ER, not just chancing it because I didn't have health insurance, so I would've self-medicated were I in the states. Had I been in the states I probably would've gone anyway because I was curled up in a ball of excruciating pain for about 3 hours before I decided to go, but not without considerate deliberation on what I would and would not be able to pay for. No, THE DOCTORS decided what I needed, not some fucking insurance company.

BTW I don't think it's appendicitis, but I always remember Kevin and his warnings about it so I never take any chances. Sharp, excruciating pain on my right side of my abdomen, while having to shit and puke at the same time but nothing moving? Yeah, I'm not playing around with that. However, one can never be sure and it's best to be safe than sorry. I'll know tomorrow if I make it through the night without it feeling like my balls are in a vice.

I walked in feeling a bit better, but the pain slowly got worse. I was put in triage because there were three severe emergencies this morning, but when the pain started to get worse, I told them and they treated me immediately; they threw me on a bed, got me on an immediate drip, and put me in front of everyone else waiting who weren't in a ball of pain. No insurance forms. No payment questions. Nothing. The only things they asked were how much pain I was in, whether I had shat or puked, where it hurts, and if I had taken anything for it. After that they whisked me away and I was off to La-La land.

People who complain about socialized medicine HAVE NEVER HAD IT AND DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE. Also, Italian hospitals aren't exactly known for being the best in the world, and honestly living in the north it's much better than the south...however, I'll take this ANY DAY over ANY American health care system. I've been in both and this beats the pants off of fucking insurance companies. The hospital I was at today was better than about 90% of American hospitals I've been in, and ten times more competent. No nurses standing around bullshitting while people are bleeding on the floor, no making people wait who need health care, clean rooms, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and an open flow of communication that I've never seen before. It was like fucking clockwork.

Yeah. Fuck Republicans and fuck the Tea Party. I'll jump on their plan when they start paying for it.
All I'm saying is that politics is full of religious hypocrites, especially in the US. I'm not suggesting everyone involved has anything to do with religion, but there's far too much fear mongering involved with policy making. People want to say that the President of the US is the most powerful person in the world? Wrong, that would be the Pope. Religion is doing it's job.

You're right. You'd be very surprised how bad it is, actually. The vast majority of politicians say they're believers and they're religious, but they're not. Or they go to church and pray and reference God just to keep the charade up. It's very important to play the card. But the vast, vast majority aren't really religious.
You're right. You'd be very surprised how bad it is, actually. The vast majority of politicians say they're believers and they're religious, but they're not. Or they go to church and pray and reference God just to keep the charade up. It's very important to play the card. But the vast, vast majority aren't really religious.
i wonder if there are any congressmen/governors that are open agnostic/atheist
There are a few politicians that are admitted Unitarian-Universalists, which is essentially an admission of some form of spiritual agnosticism & secular humanism.

But atheist? Never--openly homosexual politicians have a much higher chance of being accepted and elected in America than a godless baby-eater.
I'm writing-in neal for president. America needs a real leader, and one that fulfills his campaign promises. Free Beer 2012!
All of the GOP candidates are despicable. Ron Paul is slightly less despicable, but he's still anti-choice, and still denies evolution (and therefore scientific, logical thought), so I still find it hard to take him seriously.