Rick Perry.

W may have been a bad president, but he wasn't a religious nutjob in the same sense that Perry is. i don't think someone like him would stand a chance against Obama in an election. Romney is probably the best chance the Republicans have of beating Obama because he's more centrist and there's the vague chance hat he could steal some Democratic votes from party members who are disappointed with Obama.

either way, it's giant douche versus turd sandwich as usual
He heads a state that is showing an impressive amount of growth during a recession. Enough fucking said. I'll take that over our deer-in-the-headlights president.
He's created a lot of non-jobs, and you'd have to be a colossal tit to stop Texas making money, even during a recession. If the religious stuff and the way he goes about it doesn't worry you in the slightest, then you're probably retarded too.
I think Rick Perry honestly have a good shot at this. Look at the other candidates right now. The line-up (besides Ron Paul), sucks.

Rick Perry has deep pockets (obviously, being a Texas Governor) and he is a very intelligent man.

Whether you like it or not, expect this man to be doing some damage in the presidential candidacy.
Religion has always influenced politics in some form, whether or not it's completely transparent.

there's a bit of a difference between religion influencing the policy such as "god would not want this blah blah" vs him directly calling on people to pray for a situation, asking god for the answer to something which (i know this is a generalization) could lead to meaning god is involved in literally EVERYTHING which usually politicians aren't stupid enough to make it too apparent as it alienates a lot of people (and fucking rightfully so).

I have no doubts this guy is going to be a huge deal in the race, and that's pretty sad and scary. Money makes everything happen and he really has a lot of it, though to be honest I'd take mitt romney over an insane religious dude because to me that just shows intellectual failures on so many levels (aside from the basic you believe in a jewish zombie born miraculously whose father is the omnipotent creator of the universe that hears all our prayers yet kills us and ruins our earth constantly, but loves us). it's so damn scary to think of someone actually counting on a god to solve problems for us and listen to all these old stories for actual advice on what people should and should not be able to do. we're just so fucked if this guy takes over it's absurd, though it'd be pretty funny in a holy shit we're all going to die way if he took office and instantly began a christian army by drafting all the youth of the country to fight non believers and essentially scorched the earth with a christian world war.
All I'm saying is that politics is full of religious hypocrites, especially in the US. I'm not suggesting everyone involved has anything to do with religion, but there's far too much fear mongering involved with policy making. People want to say that the President of the US is the most powerful person in the world? Wrong, that would be the Pope. Religion is doing it's job.
Election season is the only thing that truly makes me suicidal. I feel like there's nothing I can do. I don't want to vote because fuck every candidate and their facades. But I don't want to waste my voice either. I get confused and just do my best to avoid the whole thing at all costs, but it's all anyone ever talks about. When someone spills out their opinion, I immediately start thinking of the counter points to what they're saying, whether I agree completely or not at all. It always leads me to the fact that there will never ever be any solution to anything that makes all the people happy. Someone will always feel like things can be better and someone else will always want things to stay the same and they'll always end up arguing about it.

This is all human nature, and I don't think it's even possible for our species to exist without this sort of situation. This is why I don't feel guilty about not voting. As long as I've got a place to run away to when shit hits the fan because humans can't figure out a way to get along, then I am content and satisfied with living by the wayside and letting everyone else deal with all the politics of everything.

And if the politics ultimately lead to me not having a place to run away, then I'd rather be dead anyways.

Fuck politics.
so I was watching the news today, and saw a little clip from Rick Perry. he was speaking about his views on global warming and how he feels it DOESN'T EXIST. are you fucking kidding me. I know nothing in this world is for sure and lets say he is right, I don't want some guy with the mentality of "what we do to the earth isn't bad, nothing we do can touch it so don't worry about it, god will help and save us all". I mean you have to be fucking kidding me, his prayer and god loving just gets crazier every single time and now i'm sure his chances are going sky high as the oil companies are going to be fucking smothering this guy trying to get him into office. Praying and asking god for guidance to solve problems, no belief in global warming and essentially just believing we can do whatever we want blah blah blah, we're just beyond fucked if this guy even has a chance no matter how you put it. Seeing us take steps back instead of forward in renewable energy (which is supposedly what he wants) is one of the most ridiculous, disgusting and scary things ever. fucking hell.
Don't mention who you're voting for fool, 99 democrats and 99 republicans will swarm and and tell you why you're wrong and they're right. And probably 99 libertarians after that to call everyone else fools. Not worth letting anyone know your plans anymore since everyone is a troll in politics. And I mean EVERYONE.
I thought the thing on the Daily show on monday about ron paul was pretty hilarious. I mean how much they were ignoring him was flat out ridiculous, and the dude doesn't seem terrible (but has no chance of winning, in my book he's pretty much like Nader: some cool ideas, pretty off the wall, really obscure, and is good for a pity/throwaway vote). I'd take him over any of those other crazy people; now things are heating up and supposedly obama is going all campaigning so better get ready for tons of promises and things that will never happen, woooo.
How fucking shameful and disgusting have these Republican candidate debates been?

It's really just a bunch of twats bouncing ridiculous ideas off the twats in the audience and then the former bunch of twats spewing out nonsense to the latter bunch of twats based on the responses the latter bunch of twats gave to the initial airing of the idea by the initial bunch of twats.

My word, what a bunch of twats.

Some of the things which were being cheered by the audience should embarrass anyone with a mind.
It's hard for me to even muster up much indignation at that sort of nonsense. I don't think anything is going to change the system until it runs its course and eventually collapses, however I recognize the possibility that I am in fact part of the problem.