Rick Rubin

yep, he is indeed.

According to James, he lives up to his reputation by not being there unless necessary.
Metallica should have dispensed with Rock years ago, long before Stanger. Hopefully Rubin can make them relevant again. That said, it's as much up to them as it is them.

I'm going to take a drink because the Duellist suddenly posted. :)
What annoys me is, so many people seem quick to blame Rock for "ruining Metallica". Umm hello, he doesn't write the songs!

Sure, St Anger was a massive fuck-up on everyone's behalf but Rock's job was to make the albums before that sound good. And from that point of view, he did a fucking brilliant job
It does make sense,

I think the reason Rick Rubin has been the top of the production game for eons is how he goes about it, no matter who he is producing, he leaves the band alone to nut out how they want things to be without interupption, he comes in, sticks his two bob in, twiddles the knobs, always to perfection, fault me there, please, simply because I cannot think of a bad album Rick Rubin has been involved in, and fucks off to another job, to do it all over again
Load is a good rock album from great metal band. I thought St Anger was awful until I wathc there documentry and was amazed that it was finished in the first place, especially when you had the pycho-thearpist trying to become the 5th Member of Metallica.
It'd be nice if Metallica wanted to make a decent thrash metal album. Sounds like Mr Rubin could help them achieve that. It's only been 18 years or so.
I have said it before, St Anger is a good album, with shocking production, if it is even produced, the songs are a bit long sometimes, but it is basically the diary of a bunch of people in rehab. If the sngs weren't so long in some instances, and it was actually produced properly, it would of been a stellar return to form