
Riehlthing said:
Probably cause it goes by ip addresses or something. And you're on a network.
Either way, somethings fishy about how there's over 1000 votes for Lone Justice. I've always said, this was a decent song, but #2? C'mon.
Yeah. It's networked. (your signature has my info)
I'll have to go to my friend's and neighbor's computers to vote some more...
~The best way to settle this, add a second disc with 12 more songs. But I agree, Lone Justice is okay but going thru the albums personally I couldn't even put it in my top 30. The verse guitar is really weak, the chorus is good but really doesn't make up for it. Caught in a Mosh,... now that's the fucking tune! Blessed be to those who pushed that up!
TD said:
And Justin, why is it you are the one answering all of the questions about this alleged "conspiracy?" Is their feeling of guilt on your part?
All this "Justin has the voting fixed" talk is quite amusing.
Of course he has it fixed.....he's a mod, and mods can do ~anything~ they want. Just be grateful that he hasn't publically bragged about the private Anthrax concerts he's had in his basement whenever the band passes through Ohio on tour. :p
mrthrax said:
do the math,thanks for ruining what could have been a very cool record!
first of all, SPREADING must suck because lone justice is on it.

secondly, i think releasing this record by itself is kind of a lame idea. JUST MY OPINION... it's something that should be included with the box set. i already have like, 50 different versions of this record. it's called a live bootleg and/or seeing anthrax live. refer to my replies in the "lone justice NO!" thread.

third of all, just because everyone doesn't like lone justice doesn't mean it shouldn't be on there. i personally think keep it in the family is gay, but i'm not gonna bitch because it's pretty much going to be on there. i also think indians is played out... this guy isn't gonna complain though.

4. i imagine the band can override the votes if they want, which i believe they should do in this case because there are a lot of other songs that should be on there instead.

fifth, if people are fudging votes, they should stop right now... and the same goes to the people who are voting for "safe home" 9,879,834,234^3 times in the WZZN poll.

so, go ahead and flame me for having an opinion if you want.
ThraxDude said:
Have all the students vote for One Man Stands, Now It's Dark, In My World, and Blood.

I'll second that!
I had:
Lone Justice
Caught In A Mosh
A Skeleton In The Closet
Now It's Dark
One Man Stands
Belly of the Beast
It's funny to hear all this complaining about how the vote is rigged and how unfair it is, when this is the same group of people that have been rigging the 94.7 top 20 in Chicago for the past eight weeks. Do you think Anthrax would be anywhere near the top of that list if we hadn't been voting 6 times everytime we sign on? I'm not passing any judgement here, I just find humor in the fact that people don't mind cheating when it serves thier purpose, but when it doesn't, it's unfair.

Just be glad we got a new album coming out soon, and it's something we have been asking for for years. No matter what songs they pick, there will be those who are upset because they wanted to hear do Medusa or whatever. If I were Scott and I started getting a bunch of bitchy emails, I would scrap the whole thing and kick myself in the ass for trying to do something cool and remind myself that people in general basically suck and there's no point in even trying....
The Zone voting and voting for the 12 songs on the CD are two ENTIRELY different things... Voting for Safe Home on The Zone is a way to help get the band exposure in the 3rd largest market in the country. 30 seconds out of your day to help your favorite band get some airplay that they otherwise wouldn't be getting is a complete different story than jacking up the votes for one song that the majority of fans don't want to hear on a one of a kind disc.

That being said, I really don't care what songs are the CD... It's a new Anthrax CD that's going to shred more than 90% of the other shit out there...
Fueled said:
I think Lone Justice is among the 10 worst Anthrax songs. I've been jamming on Anthrax for a very very long time.

There's no way that genuine Anthrax fans all voted for the song this much.
I'm not a huge fan of the song either, but thats a bold fucking post for sumone w/ only 6 posts under their belt. Define "genuine". Can ya do that for me? No really, define it in a way that makes sense to everyone and not just you.

My faves arent high on the list - am I putting down other fans b/c of it? That's a negatory.
Whether or not I like this song is not the reason why I started this thread. I didn't start it to point fingers either or talk about conspiracy. That's taking it too serious. I just think it's bullshit that the poll got all jacked up. Anthrax started the poll to get an idea of what their fans want and the results aren't a true representation of that. Cheating the fans, and cheating the band out of that. Of the countless of Anthrax shows that I've been to, I've never heard anyone request LJ.

It's also a funny thing that since I've started this thread, LJ has gone from #1 to #6.
AlexStomp said:
Whether or not I like this song is not the reason why I started this thread. I didn't start it to point fingers either or talk about conspiracy. That's taking it too serious. I just think it's bullshit that the poll got all jacked up. Anthrax started the poll to get an idea of what their fans want and the results aren't a true representation of that. Cheating the fans, and cheating the band out of that. Of the countless of Anthrax shows that I've been to, I've never heard anyone request LJ.

It's also a funny thing that since I've started this thread, LJ has gone from #1 to #6.
All the songs on the top 12 (except Lone Justice) is a basic Anthrax set list, pretty much. As of now, only thing to look forward to, is a new recording of Lone Justice.
jdelpi said:
I got Anthrax fans to vote. So did my friend in Europe.
No guilt at all. My name was mentioned. And I'm close to the situation.
If they were Anthrax fans they would not have voted for Lone Justice. Song flat out sucks and the fact that it is higher than AIR or Gung Ho is a fucking joke. I had sneaking suspicion when this started that Lone Justice would "somehow" find a way into the voting. It did and the fact that it did blows and is bullshit. I'm not a huge fan of Keep It In The Family but when it cracked the top 12 and pushed out AIR I was disappointed but accepted it because it was what a MAJORITY of Anthrax fans wanted. The fact that ONE or TWO Anthrax fans have influenced the voting so much is wrong.

Lone Justice Douche Crew - Proud of yourselves???????

Get it? Yeah I think you do.
christ on a cross. it's a fucking song. i don't know why you all are getting so fucking bent out of shape over this.

enough with the name calling. enough of the crying. when the cd comes out and IF lone justice is on there, skip over it. problem solved.