Right Guys


Street Team shindiggery.
Dec 16, 2008
Glasvegas, Scotland

This isn't a call for you all to go 'OMG YOU SLAGGED DA EVILEZ, DICK', prove the point to them that they are a website supposedly dedicated to Thrash, who have just slated a Thrash album, whilst stating that no one wants a Thrash revival?

Can no one but me and Dave see the stupidity in this?

My comments are the '-' and Siobhan ones, I believe Dave has also posted a view and my bf is 'omgwtfbbq'. So let them know how you feel about their review and their views on Thrash as a whole.

Looks like he didn't like it. >.>

Seriously, a website thats called Thrash Hits has Enter Shikari ads, and Motley Crue reviews.....HHHHMM........
Tough shit, you'll hear worse in life. Its one guys review, the comments arent going to do anything but seem a bit immature. Check the website out guys, it isnt a thrash website, its just the name of it.

What I posted got deleted, bastards

Maybe saying I did a Kinga on his bottle of Buckfast and stating that I only had one hole between my legs and then let him drink it was, a bit too much I guess

(For those that don't understand the Kinga incident, apparently she stuck a wine bottle up her vagina on Big Brother)
That is true, its a disability i was born with and have to live with which is a shame.

You guys should just leave that thing alone though, you'll only draw attention to it and its not giving a good name for the band when you march in on a bad review. Imagine wars where armies went in there and just complained at each other "but you said that!".

Best thing to do it say fine and pass it off as just another guys opinion. If you want to complain at anything, i am ginger. dave has got the jist of it so please join in.
Matt dude, i did a better review of your album in theopinions thread. Bought it today and ive had it on lots, as its a grower. I needed the whole package and to listen with a few cans and for it to be right. So its a fresh start. Lets spoon... maybe.
aye i read it mate, it's good to read reviews with reasons and explanations and thoughts in them, good work sir! glad it's growing on you though, we always knew it would be a grower for most people, if it's approached as an expected thrash album then your head will go "eh? shit"...

then it sinks in as to what it is you're hearing, after a few listens you notice bits here and there and go "oooohhhhh"

but you can't please everyone and some people, probably quite a few, will think it's the biggest bag of twaz they've ever heard, oh well. apparently because of first day sales we might have made it into the official UK top 100 albums charts..... apparently. score!
Ive had it on again and im deciding to take less notice if that makes sense? Like just doing gener stuff with it on and then im noticing it more before of that, like parts that i like. Im on the road to liking it more. Give it a week. Its a grower, deffo. Lets ALL make out. I am ginger.
aye i read it mate, it's good to read reviews with reasons and explanations and thoughts in them, good work sir! glad it's growing on you though, we always knew it would be a grower for most people, if it's approached as an expected thrash album then your head will go "eh? shit"...

then it sinks in as to what it is you're hearing, after a few listens you notice bits here and there and go "oooohhhhh"

but you can't please everyone and some people, probably quite a few, will think it's the biggest bag of twaz they've ever heard, oh well. apparently because of first day sales we might have made it into the official UK top 100 albums charts..... apparently. score!

do you know what the count is at this point?