Right Guys

I posted one which got deleted

Dunno why

Eh, it's just someones own opinion about the album.. You shouldnt get so worked up about it as whatever you think he's right or not he still has a right to have and publish his own opinion about the album. I like the album but I understand that not everybody likes it, even if you listen to thrash. Slatanictrash has been bashing Megadeth and I dont give a fuck. I think Megadeth is best band there is but why would I care if he doesnt like it?
I really like Matt and Ol's attitude towards this kind of thing.

If you're an artist of any kind, at some stage (or possibly every stage) of your career you're going to come across negative reviews/comments. It's the same with anything, I mean food critics can be brutal! ...about the very best food!

Like I said, I really like the guys attitude towards criticism. It's been said many times in this thread already but a review is nothing but one person's opinion. It may be harsh, but by writing, recording and releasing an album you're presenting it to the world - and not everyone's going to love it. Some people will hate it, and I think it's good when bands can accept that.
Eh, it's just someones own opinion about the album.. You shouldnt get so worked up about it as whatever you think he's right or not he still has a right to have and publish his own opinion about the album. I like the album but I understand that not everybody likes it, even if you listen to thrash. Slatanictrash has been bashing Megadeth and I dont give a fuck. I think Megadeth is best band there is but why would I care if he doesnt like it?

I got angry because it seemed like some parts were a personal attack on the guys. So I got angry and replied, but it wasnt a 'OMG YOU DIDNT LIKE THE ALBUM, YOU ARE TEH GAYZ' or anything, I believe it was dignified in giving an opinion.
I believe it was dignified in giving an opinion.

Oh and your opinion that ‘nobody really wants a thrash revival’ and that thrash ‘belongs in a bygone era and should be left exactly there’ is easily challenged, why would bands like Evile, Bonded By Blood, Municipal Waste and Cauldron be gaining popularity in a scene which is clearly heavily coming back into the music industry if there wasn’t an appeal for it? Also, who are you to voice an opinion for the collective music following? Haha.

Didnt seem like that before. None of you calmed down until Matt said it was fine.
Why is this thread still here? :lol:

One bad opinion doesn't detract from the PERFECTION that is Infected Nations. :)